
Nederlands (9)
Engels (5)
Paperback (12)
Hardcover (2)
Lannoo Campus (9)

Studieboeken (14)

Leverbaar vanaf 25 juni
met 5% korting 33,24

The Uncertainty Principle

How to leverage the Never Normal

2025 || Hardcover || Peter Hinssen || Lannoo Campus

In our Never Normal world, the pace of change is not just rapid; it's relentless, transforming our reality into a landscape that is perpetually unfamiliar and where the only constant is change itself. This is a book about that state of continuous evolution, about a world where traditional norms and mechanisms have dissolved, and new ones are yet to be universally acknowledged. From strategy, technology, culture, innovation and risk, to courage, and personal growth: Peter's book examines all o...

Leverbaar vanaf 16 april
met 5% korting 33,24

100 Days to Make Your Mark as a CEO

Essentials for First-Time en Seasoned business-leaders

2025 || Paperback || Hans Smellinckx || Lannoo Campus

Stepping into the CEO role for the first time is a formidable challenge.

With high expectations for transformative leadership, how do you create lasting change? This book serves as your essential guide, offering the tools and insights necessary to succeed. The first 100 days are crucial for analyzing your organization and building a robust growth strategy. Even seasoned CEOs will find valuable insights to inspire new avenues for expansion. Why? Written by a CEO, for CEOs Hands-on advice, imm...

Leverbaar vanaf 24 april
met 5% korting 33,24

Van bakvorm naar business

10 inzichten voor startende ondernemers

2025 || Hardcover || Monique Vanhumskercken || Lannoo Campus

In Van bakvorm naar business deelt Monique Vanhumskercken haar persoonlijke verhaal over de oprichting van een ambachtelijke bakkerij die binnen vijf jaar uitgroeide tot een bloeiende onderneming.

Ze biedt een openhartige kijk op de kronkelige weg van het ondernemerschap, met zowel hoogte- als dieptepunten. De lezer krijgt 10 waardevolle inzichten en praktijkgerichte handvatten om valkuilen te vermijden, zelfverzekerder beslissingen te nemen, en het plezier in ondernemen te vergroten. Een ins...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
met 5% korting 19,00

Introduction to Quantum Computing for Business

2025 || Paperback || Koen Groenland || Amsterdam University Press

How will businesses use quantum technology in the future? What problems will a quantum computer solve? How long will it take before these devices become commercially relevant?

With the first generation of quantum computers on the horizon, understanding their impact is more relevant than ever. Luckily, you don’t need a physics degree to understand the functionality of these computers – just like you don’t need to know how a transistor works to excel in conventional it.

This book is the...