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Studieboeken (85)
morgen verzonden
Dermatologie voor huidtherapeuten / Druk 2
2020 || Hardcover || Anton de Groot e.a. || Boom
De dermatologie, de wetenschap die zich bezighoudt met onderzoek en behandeling van huidziekten, is een belangrijk onderdeel van de opleiding tot huidtherapeut. Huidtherapeuten behandelen immers patiënten met een zieke of beschadigde huid, met als doel om stoornissen of beperkingen als gevolg van een huidaandoening op te heffen, te verminderen of te voorkomen. Naast de belangrijke aandachtsgebieden van littekens, (brand-)wonden, acne, overbeharing, pigmentstoornissen, vaatafwijkingen en oede...
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Informatiemanagement met MyLab / Druk 4
2020 || Paperback || Rolf Bruins e.a. || Pearson Benelux B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Informatiemanagement biedt de student een introductie van alle aspecten van het dynamische vakgebied informatiemanagement, dat zich bevindt op het kruispunt van informatiekunde, organisatiekunde, management en marketing.
In dit boek beschrijven de auteurs hoe (informatie)technologie de werkomgeving, bedrijven en sectoren beïnvloedt. Deze beïnvloeding heeft consequenties voor de rol en inbedding van informatiemanagement in organisaties, zoals de dynamische eisen die tegenwoordig worden geste...
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The Invincible Company / 1st edition
How to Constantly Reinvent Your Organization with Inspiration From the World's Best Business Models
2020 || Paperback || Alexander Osterwalder e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The long-awaited follow-up to the international bestsellers, Business Model Generation and Value Proposition Design
Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneurs' Business Model Canvas changed the way the world creates and plans new business models. It has been used by corporations and startups and consultants around the world and is taught in hundreds of universities. After years of researching how the world's best companies develop, test, and scale new business models, the authors have produced their ...
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European Union Politics / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || John McCormick || Bloomsbury Publishing
Cutting through the jargon of EU politics, the third edition of this engaging and informative textbook examines the history, institutions, processes and politics of the European Union with unprecedented clarity. The EU is a fascinating political experiment in regional integration and it has changed our understanding of Europe, how Europeans relate to one another, the role Europe plays in global politics and has even shifted our understanding of politics itself. Helping to make sense of it all...
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Computer-Controlled Systems
Theory and Design
2020 || Paperback || Karl J Astrom e.a. || Dover Publications Inc.
Practically all modern control systems are based upon microprocessors and complex microcontrollers that yield high performance and functionality. This volume focuses on the design of computer-controlled systems, featuring computational tools that can be applied directly and are explained with simple paper-and-pencil calculations. The use of computational tools is balanced by a strong emphasis on control system principles and ideas. Extensive pedagogical aids include worked examples, MATLAB ma...
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The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
30th Anniversary Edition
2020 || Paperback || Stephen R. Covey e.a. || Simon & Schuster
New York Times bestseller - over 25 million copies soldThe No. 1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century "[Thirty] years after it first appeared, the wisdom of The 7 Habits is more relevant than ever. On an individual level people are burning out, and on a collective level we are burning up the planet.
So Dr. Covey's emphasis on self-renewal and his understanding that leadership and creativity require us to tap into our own physical, mental, and spiritual resources are exactly...
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Taal & Didactiek. Spelling / Druk 6
2020 || Paperback || Henk Huizenga || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Toegankelijk en actueel boek over spellingonderwijs op de basisschool;
- behandelt systematisch alle aspecten van het spellingonderwijs m.b.v. voorbeelden uit diverse methoden;
- voorzien van vele nuttige praktijkcasussen en (online) oefeningen.
Taal & Didactiek: Spelling behandelt systematisch alle aspecten van het spellingonderwijs op de basisschool en maakt vanuit de theorie een duidelijke koppeling naar de praktijk. Het boek is gebaseerd op de nieuwste inzichten met betrekking tot spellin...
morgen verzonden
Accounting Information Systems / 15th Global Edition
2020 || Paperback || Romney Marshall e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For one-semester undergraduate or graduate courses in accounting information systems. Accounting Information Systems delivers the most unprecedented coverage of each major approach to teaching AIS, giving instructors the opportunity to reorder chapters and focus the material to suit their individual course needs. The 15th Edition, Global Edition covers all of the most recent updates in AIS, including how developments in IT affect business processes and controls, the effect of recent regulator...
ISE Introduction to Operations Research / 11th edition
2020 || Paperback || Frederick Hillier e.a. || McGraw-Hill
For over four decades, Introduction to Operations Research has been the classic text on operations research. While building on the classic strengths of the text, the author continues to find new ways to make the text current and relevant to students. One way is by incorporating a wealth of state-of-the art, user-friendly software and more coverage of business applications than ever before.
When the first co-author received the prestigious Expository Writing Award from INFORMS for a recent edi...
Intercultural Communication - International Student Edition
A Contextual Approach
2020 || Paperback || James W. Neuliep || SAGE
This resource looks at every aspect of intercultural communication from extensive number of insightful angles, including of contexts such as cultural or ethnic, geographic and situational, covering both verbal and non-verbal interaction, alongside a range of theories and perceptions. The 8th edition continues to be a proven resource for media, culture and communications students.