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Studieboeken (237)
Technical English Level 4 Coursebook
2011 || Paperback || David Bonamy || Pearson
Technical English is a multi level English course which is ideal for students in vocational education or training at work. Its syllabus covers the core language that students need to be successful in all fields of technical and industrial work.
Market Leader Upper Intermediate Coursebook (with DVD-ROM incl. Class Audio)
2011 || David Cotton
The 3rd edition Course Book includes: * All new reading texts from the Financial Times * All new case studies with opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business * All new listening texts reflecting the global nature of business * New 'Business Across Cultures' spreads * New Vocabulary Trainer www.marketleader.vocabtrainer.net
Marine Renewable Energy Handbook
2011 || Hardcover || Bernard Multon || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Marine renewable energy is a significant resource for generating electricity, and if some conversion technologies have already reached a certain level of maturity, others are emerging. The originality of this multidisciplinary book is to offer a broad spectrum of knowledge from academic and industry experts of various origins. It deals with general aspects such as the specificities and constraints of the marine environment, the concepts of hydrodynamics and ocean engineering, as well as the i...
Cuaderno de gramática y ejercicios B1 + CD
2016 || Paperback || Pilar Seijas Chao || Difusion Centro de Publicacion || met inkijkexemplaar
Het Cuaderno de gramática española heeft als doel de ontwikkeling van het taalkundig vermogen van studenten op niveau B1 van het ERK.
Dit boek kenmerkt zich door:
de mogelijkheid om zelfstandig mee te werken, maar ook bruikbaar in de les met een docent,
het kan op zichzelf gebruikt worden, of het kan als ondersteuning dienen bij een andere methode,
aangepast aan de verschillende niveaus van het ERK en het Plan Curricular van het Instituto Cervantes,
ontwikkeling van goede leerstrategieën....
Biological Psychology / 3rd Edition
2023 || Paperback || Fred Toates || Pearson
Assuming no prior knowledge of biology and building upon previous editions, Biological Psychology third edition uses everyday experiences to explain complex concepts in an interesting and highly accessible way. This is complemented by a range of inventive pedagogical features and extensive full-colour illustrations to stimulate interest and help students to develop and test their understanding. Online resources accompanying the text can be found at www.pearsoned.co.uk/toates These include vid...
Algorithms / 4th Edition
2011 || Hardcover || Robert Sedgewick e.a. || Pearson
The leading introduction to computer algorithms in use today, including fifty algorithms every programmer should know Princeton Computer Science professors, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, survey the most important computer algorithms in use and of interest to anyone working in science, mathematics, and engineering, and those who use computation in the liberal arts. They provide a full treatment of data structures and algorithms for key areas that enable you to confidently implement, debug,...
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself
with bonus article "How Will You Measure Your Life?" by Clayton M. Christensen
2011 || Paperback || Harvard Business Review e.a. || Harvard Business Review Press
The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles (plus the bonus article "How Will You Measure Your Life?" by Clayton M. Christensen).
We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles to select the most important ones to help you maximize yourself. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself will inspire you to: Stay engaged throughout your 50+-year work life Tap into your deepe...
A Very Short Introduction
2011 || Paperback || Mary Jo Hatch || Oxford University Press
Organization happens in the act of working with others to accomplish a desired future state. It can happen through intentionally designed activity, spontaneous improvisation, or some combination of the two, but it always requires coordinated effort. This Very Short Introduction provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the topic.
Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories
2011 || Paperback || Washington Irving || Penguin Random House Children's UK
The legendary enchantment of Rip Van Winkle in the Kaatskill Mountains; the gruesome end of Ichabod Crane, who met the headless horseman of Sleepy Hollow; the spectre bridegroom who turned out to be happily substantial; the pride of an English village and the come-uppance of the over-zealous Mountjoy - these witty, perceptive and captivating tales range from fantasy to romance.
Van Dale Taalhandboek Engels
gebruiksaanwijzing van de Engelse taal
2011 || Hardcover || Mariska Albers || VBK Media || met inkijkexemplaar
Zeer uitgebreid: antwoord op de meest uiteenlopende taalvragen
* Eenvoudig zoeken en snel vinden
* De zekerheid van kwaliteit door Van Dale
* Toegankelijk: luchtig geschreven en fris vormgegeven
* Geschreven vanuit het perspectief van de Nederlandstalige gebruiker
* De verdiepingsslag op de grote woordenboeken
* Passend bij de reeks grote woordenboeken: voor een complete taalvraagbaak in je boekenkast
Taal is leuk, maar soms ook moeilijk. Gelukkig zijn er de vertrouwde Van Dale-woordenb...