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2021 (62)
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Studieboeken (386)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Visual Story / 3rd edition

Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV, and Digital Media

2020 || Paperback || Bruce Block || Taylor & Francis

This updated edition of a best-selling classic shows you how to structure your visuals as carefully as a writer structures a story or composers structure their music. The Visual Story teaches you how to design and control the structure of your production using the basic visual components of space, line, shape, tone, color, movement, and rhythm. You can use these components to effectively convey moods and emotions, create a visual style, and utilize the important relationship between the visua...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Skillful Huntsman

Visual Development of a Grimm tale

2005 || Paperback || Khang Le e.a. || Design Studio Press

A tale from the Brothers Grimm provides inspiration for three gifted students from the world-renowned Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. Khang Le, Mike Yamada, and Felix Yoon were guided by their instructor, Scott Robertson, to create original design solutions for the environments, characters, props, and vehicles found within The Skillful Huntsman . The trio's sketches and full-color renderings thoroughly document the creative process of concept design, revealing a host of ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver

2014 || Hardcover || David Riley e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Through examples and analogies, Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver introduces computational thinking as part of an introductory computing course and shows how computer science concepts are applicable to other fields. It keeps the material accessible and relevant to noncomputer science majors. With numerous color figures, this classroom-tested book focuses on both foundational computer science concepts and engineering topics.

It covers abstraction, algorithms, logic, graph th...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Van bodemvondst tot database

Handboek voor de amateurarcheoloog

2009 || Paperback || P. Alders || Matrijs Uitgeverij

Binnen de archeologie is de laatste jaren veel veranderd door nieuwe wet- en regelgeving. De werelden van de professionele archeologie en de amateurarcheologie zijn in de praktijk steeds meer uit elkaar gegroeid. Maar met de juiste voorbereiding is er voor amateurarcheologen nog steeds een centrale rol weggelegd in de archeologie. Amateurarcheologen beschikken over waardevolle historische en archeologische kennis van de streek. Bovendien hebben zij vaak veel ervaring en deskundigheid. Zij kun...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 28,45

LES 500 Exercices de grammaire A2 livre + corrigés intégrés

2005 || Paperback || Anne Akyuz || Hachette Editions et Diff.

LES exercices de grammaire niveau A2 propose :- une démarche d'observation et de découverte de la règle, associée à un entraînement intensif- plus de 500 exercices avec des contenus conformes au référentiel du niveau A1 du Cadre européen commun de référence.Pour chaque chapitre : - des corpus accompagnés d'activités simples pour faire deviner la règle,- des illustrations pour faciliterla compréhension,- des exercices variés, progressifs et contextualisés,- un vocabulaire adap...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Organizational Behaviour / 4th edition

2022 || Paperback || Daniel King e.a. || Oxford University Press

Have you ever wondered: * what motivates some people to work for free?* what the future of work will look like in a post-pandemic world? * why organizational values and culture are so critical to success?The authors explore the answers to these questions and more in this bestselling introduction to organizational behaviour. Featuring the flagship Junction Hotel running case study, this text is the most practical, critical, and complete guide to the subject. The authors have extensively revise...