Studieboeken (53)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

EndStation C2 - Kurs- & Arbeitsbuch

2013 || Hardcover || Spiros Koukidis e.a. || Praxis Verlag

EndStation C2: Lernspaß auf höchstem Niveau

Das Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch bietet in einem Band alles, was man auf C2-Niveau für die Vertiefung seiner Kenntnisse und/oder die Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung für das Zertifikat C2 braucht. Durch die Kombination von Aufgaben- und Prüfungsteil zu einer gemeinsamen Text-Basis steht den Lernern neben zehn prüfungsadäquaten Modelltests eine Fülle von abwechslungsreichen Wortschatz- und Grammatikaufgaben zur Verfügung. Die Lehrerhandreichungen ent...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience / 2nd edition

2013 || Hardcover || Dale Purves e.a. || Oxford University Press

Written by seven leading authors, the text covers the growing subject of cognitive neuroscience and makes clear the many challenges that remain to be solved. Now, in this second edition, the text has been streamlined to 15 chapters for ease of reference. The condensation makes the topics covered easier to assimilate, and better suited to presentation in a single-semester course.

Each chapter has been updated to address the latest developments in the field, including expanded coverage of genet...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain / 4th edition

A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence

2013 || Hardcover || Betty Edwards || Profile Books Ltd

OVER 3 MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE'You will quickly amaze and delight yourself. Hands down the best and most life-enhancing thing I've done in lockdown' India Knight, Sunday TimesDrawing on the Right Side of the Brain is the world's most widely used drawing instruction book. Whether you are a professional, a student, or enjoy art as a hobby, Betty Edwards' practical step-by-step guide will give you greater confidence in your ability, deepen your artistic perception and provide a new way to ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Design and Analysis of Composite Structures / 2nd edition

2013 || Hardcover || Christos Kassapoglou || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

New edition updated with additional exercises and two new chapters. Design and Analysis of Composite Structures: With Applications to Aerospace Structures, 2nd Edition builds on the first edition and includes two new chapters on composite fittings and the design of a composite panel, as well additional exercises. The book enables graduate students and engineers to generate meaningful and robust designs of complex composite structures.

A compilation of analysis and design methods for structura...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Drawing Ideas

A Hand-Drawn Approach for Better Design

2013 || Hardcover || M Baskinger || Watson-Guptill Publications

Focuses on the three key types of drawing, explanatory sketches, notational sketches and visual narratives that help designers think through and communicate their ideas. Through these three fundamentals, this title provides a course in creating clear graphic layouts and diagrams, including expressive human forms, and thumbnailing a process.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Caries Management - Science and Clinical Practice

Science and Clinical Practice

2013 || Hardcover || Hendrik Meyer-Luckel e.a. || Thieme Publishing Group

A comprehensive approach to modern caries managementThis systematic approach to modern caries management combines new, evidence-based treatment techniques with the scientific underpinnings of caries formation, providing an in-depth review for both clinicians in daily practice and students advancing in the field. Beginning with patho-anatomic changes in the dental hard tissues, Dental Caries: Science and Clinical Practice goes on to cover non-invasive, minimally invasive, and more aggressive i...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 25,00

Het ABC van de persoonlijkheid

2013 || Hardcover || Lothar J. Seiwert - Friedbert || Optimalist

Uzelf en anderen beter begrijpen met het persolog Persoonlijkheids Model

Het populaire boek ‘Het abc van de persoonlijkheid’ is geschreven voor een breed publiek en bevat een schat aan informatie. Het is rijk geïllustreerd met cartoons en geeft op een humoristische en trefzekere manier uitleg over de vier gedragsdimensies van D-I-S-C. Daarnaast komen veel toepassingen van DISC in de praktijk aan bod, waaronder:

verkopenleidinggeventime managementwerken in teamverband

“Het abc van de pe...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Disciplined Entrepreneurship / 1st edition

2013 || Hardcover || Bill Aulet || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

24 Steps to Success! Disciplined Entrepreneurship will change the way you think about starting a company. Many believe that entrepreneurship cannot be taught, but great entrepreneurs aren t born with something special they simply make great products. This book will show you how to create a successful startup through developing an innovative product.

It breaks down the necessary processes into an integrated, comprehensive, and proven 24-step framework that any industrious person can learn and ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Management of International Trade

2013 || Hardcover || Eun Sup Lee || Springer

Under the current multilateral trading system, most business entities have turned their attention away from focusing exclusively on their domestic market to the management of international business transactions on the global market. Around the world, this trend has increased the demand for education and training on the principles of international trade and, more practically, the administration of international business transactions. This book aims to give upper-level undergraduates and gradua...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Great Escape

Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality

2013 || Hardcover || Angus Deaton || Princeton University Press

The world is a better place than it used to be. People are healthier, wealthier, and live longer. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many has left gaping inequalities between people and nations.

In The Great Escape, Angus Deaton--one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty--tells the remarkable story of how, beginning 250 years ago, some parts of the world experienced sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's disproportionately unequal wo...