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Studieboeken (54)
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java / 2nd Edition
2002 || Hardcover || Robert Lafore || Pearson
Appropriate for all courses in data structures and algorithms, and for many intermediate-to-advanced level courses in Java programming.
Many students view data structures and algorithms as difficult to understand, but this book thoroughly demystifies them. Working in Java, Robert Lafore presents each essential data structure and algorithm, using clear and simple example programs accessible through a Web browser-based “Workshop Applets.” These programs demonstrate graphically exactly what ...
18: Deutschunterricht planen - Buch mit DVD
2002 || Paperback || Peter Bimmel || Klett Sprachen
Dieser Band vermittelt Modelle der Unterrichtsvorbereitung und -durchführung. Dabei werden das Modell Didaktische Analyse und die verschiedenen Unterrichtsphasen dargestellt. Die beiliegende DVD gibt durch Unterrichtsmitschnitte Einblick in die Unterrichtsrealität.
Diese Einführung in die Prinzipien der systematischen Unterrichtsplanung diskutiert die Rolle des Lehrwerks im Unterricht und vermittelt Modelle der Unterrichtsvorbereitung und -durchführung. Dabei wird gleichermaßen auf das M...
Being Good
A Short Introduction to Ethics
2002 || Paperback || Simon Blackburn || Oxford University Press
It is not only in our dark hours that scepticism, relativism, hypocrisy, and nihilism dog ethics. Whether it is a matter of giving to charity, or sticking to duty, or insisting on our rights, we can be confused, or be paralysed by the fear that our principles are groundless. Many are afraid that in a Godless world science has unmasked us as creatures fated by our genes to be selfish and tribalistic, or competitive and aggressive.
Simon Blackburn, author of thebest-selling Think, structures th...
Year of Wonders
2002 || Paperback || Geraldine Brooks || HarperCollins
A young woman's struggle to save her family and her soul during the extraordinary year of 1666, when plague suddenly struck a small Derbyshire village. In 1666, plague swept through London, driving the King and his court to Oxford, and Samuel Pepys to Greenwich, in an attempt to escape contagion. The north of England remained untouched until, in a small community of leadminers and hill farmers, a bolt of cloth arrived from the capital. The tailor who cut the cloth had no way of knowing that t...
Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 2 / 5th Edition
2002 || Paperback || J. F. Richardson e.a. || Elsevier
Chemical Engineering Volume 2 covers the properties of particulate systems, including the character of individual particles and their behaviour in fluids. Sedimentation of particles, both singly and at high concentrations, flow in packed and fluidised beads and filtration are then examined. The latter part of the book deals with separation processes, such as distillation and gas absorption, which illustrate applications of the fundamental principles of mass transfer introduced in Chemical Eng...
One-Dimensional Man
Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
2002 || Paperback || Herbert Marcuse || Taylor & Francis
One of the most important texts of modern times, Herbert Marcuse's analysis and image of a one-dimensional man in a one-dimensional society has shaped many young radicals' way of seeing and experiencing life. Published in 1964, it fast became an ideological bible for the emergent New Left. As Douglas Kellner notes in his introduction, Marcuse's greatest work was a 'damning indictment of contemporary Western societies, capitalist and communist.' Yet it also expressed the hopes of a radical phi...
Stories of Art
2002 || Paperback || James Elkins || Taylor & Francis
Stories of Art is James Elkins's intimate history of art. Concise and original, this engaging book is an antidote to the behemoth art history textbooks from which we were all taught. As he demonstrates so persuasively, there can never be one story of art.
Cultures have their own stories - about themselves, about other cultures - and to hear them all is one way to hear the multiple stories that art tells. But each of us also has our own story of art, a kind of private art history made up of th...
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
2002 || Paperback || Karl Popper || Taylor & Francis
Described by the philosopher A.J. Ayer as a work of 'great originality and power', this book revolutionized contemporary thinking on science and knowledge. Ideas such as the now legendary doctrine of 'falsificationism' electrified the scientific community, influencing even working scientists, as well as post-war philosophy.
This astonishing work ranks alongside The Open Society and Its Enemies as one of Popper's most enduring books and contains insights and arguments that demand to be read to...
The Qualitative Inquiry Reader
2020 || Paperback || Norman K. Denzin e.a. || SAGE
New from award winning editors Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, The Qualitative Inquiry Reader offers the best of the popular SAGE journal, Qualitative Inquiry. These collected works aim to introduce the necessary critical framework that will allow scholars and students scholars to interpret cutting edge work in the field of qualitative inquiry. By providing this framework, readers will then be able to use this work as it applies to critical political and moral discourses. Features: T...
Physical Chemistry of Foods
2002 || Hardcover || Pieter Walstra || Taylor & Francis
Exploring the structure and physical and chemical properties of solutions, dispersions, soft solids, fats, and cellular systems, Physical Chemistry of Foods describes the physiochemical principles of the reactions and conversions that occur during the manufacture, handling, and storage of foods. Coverage progresses from aspects of thermodynamics, bonds and interaction forces, and reaction kinetics, to transport phenomena, polymers, colloidal interactions, nucleation, glass transitions and fre...