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Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Myers' Psychology for the AP (R) Course

2024 || Hardcover || David G. Myers e.a. || Macmillan

Myers’ Psychology is your safe harbor in the storm

The best AP® psychology textbook is back and better than ever! Perfectly aligned to the new course framework, Myers’ Psychology for the AP® Course, fourth edition delivers the wit and poignant personal stories that you love as well as the new AP® skills development that you need. Also new to this edition, new co-author Elizabeth Yost Hammer brings a deep knowledge and understanding of the AP® psych course based on years of attending t...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences / 3rd edition

2002 || Hardcover || Jacob Cohen e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This classic text on multiple regression is noted for its nonmathematical, applied, and data-analytic approach. Readers profit from its verbal-conceptual exposition and frequent use of examples. The applied emphasis provides clear illustrations of the principles and provides worked examples of the types of applications that are possible.

Researchers learn how to specify regression models that directly address their research questions. An overview of the fundamental ideas of multiple regressio...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

It's About Time

The Competitive Advantage of Quick Response Manufacturing

2010 || Hardcover || Rajan Suri || Taylor & Francis

Presenting the developments in QRM since the publication of Rajan Suri's landmark text, Quick Response Manufacturing, this book illustrates how QRM can not only reduce lead times but also improve quality, reduce operating costs, and enable companies to gain a substantial market share. It explains how factories in advanced nations can us

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Life Cycle Costing for Engineers

2009 || Hardcover || B.S.Dhillon || Taylor & Francis

Cradle-to-grave analyses are becoming the norm, as an increasing amount of corporations and government agencies are basing their procurement decisions not only on initial costs but also on life cycle costs. And while life cycle costing has been covered in journals and conference proceedings, few, if any, books have gathered this information into an easily accessible resource. Eliminating the need to consult many different sources, Life Cycle Costing for Engineers brings together up-to-date li...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Sage Handbook of Survey Development and Application

2023 || Hardcover || Lucy R. Ford e.a. || SAGE

This handbook is a one stop resource for all social scientists involved in survey research. With over 120 tables and figures, checklists and tutorial guides, this timely handbook makes this area more applicable and accessible than ever before.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology

2024 || Hardcover || Gurminder Bhambra e.a. || SAGE

The SAGE Handbook of Global Sociology provides essential insights on pressing global issues, from postcolonial governmentalities to climate change. With contributions from leading scholars, it′s a must-have resource for students, researchers, and scholars interested in sociology, global issues, and social justice.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Sage Handbook of Decision Making, Assessment and Risk in Social Work

2023 || Hardcover || Brian J. Taylor e.a. || SAGE

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Heavenbreaker (Deluxe Limited Edition)

2024 || Hardcover || Sara Wolf || Entangled Publishing

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Introduction to Probability / 2nd edition

2008 || Hardcover || Dimitri P. Bertsekas e.a. || Athena Scientific

An intuitive, yet precise introduction to probability theory, stochastic processes, statistical inference, and probabilistic models used in science, engineering, economics, and related fields. This is the currently used textbook for "Probabilistic Systems Analysis," an introductory probability course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, attended by a large number of undergraduate and graduate students.

The book covers the fundamentals of probability theory (probabilistic models, disc...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Modeling Life

The Mathematics of Biological Systems

2017 || Hardcover || Alan Garfinkel e.a. || Springer International Publishing AG

This book develops the mathematical tools essential for students in the life sciences to describe interacting systems and predict their behavior. From predator-prey populations in an ecosystem, to hormone regulation within the body, the natural world abounds in dynamical systems that affect us profoundly. Complex feedback relations and counter-intuitive responses are common in nature; this book develops the quantitative skills needed to explore these interactions.

Differential equations are t...