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Studieboeken (31)
vandaag verzonden
Teaching English Literature 16-19
An essential guide
2013 || Paperback || Carol Atherton e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Teaching English Literature 16 - 19 is an essential new resource that is suitable for use both as an introductory guide for those new to teaching literature and also as an aid to reflection and renewal for more experienced teachers. Using the central philosophy that students will learn best when actively engaged in discussion and encouraged to apply what they have learnt independently, this highly practical new text contains: discussion of the principles behind the teaching of literature at t...
vandaag verzonden
A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach / 2nd Edition
Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia: A clinician's guide
2013 || Hardcover || Anne Whitworth e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This is a second edition of the highly popular volume used by clinicians and students in the assessment and intervention of aphasia. It provides both a theoretical and practical reference to cognitive neuropsychological approaches for speech-language pathologists and therapists working with people with aphasia. Having evolved from the activity of a group of clinicians working with aphasia, it interprets the theoretical literature as it relates to aphasia, identifying available assessments and...
vandaag verzonden
Thinking Through Communication / 9th International Student Edition
An Introduction to the Study of Human Communication
2021 || Paperback || Sarah Trenholm || Taylor & Francis
The 9th edition of this textbook for hybrid introductory communication courses provides a balanced introduction to the fundamental theories and principles of communication. The book explores communication in a variety of contexts-including interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass media-and provides students the theoretical knowledge and the research and critical thinking skills they'll need to succeed in advanced communication courses and communication professions. The first section exp...
vandaag verzonden
A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication / 8th edition
2022 || Paperback || USA.) Fred (North Carolina Wesleyan University Sanborn || Taylor & Francis
Provides students with an introduction to the study of the effects of media on human emotion and behavior. Suited for media/mass communication psychology and media effects courses offered in both communication studies and psychology departments. New edition reflects the most current research and includes more coverage of the effects of technology and social media on our twenty-first century lives.
In-text pedagogy such as chapter questions is complimented by instructor and student online reso...
vandaag verzonden
Understanding Real Analysis / 2nd Edition
2017 || Hardcover || Paul Zorn || Taylor & Francis
This book is a one-semester text for an introduction to real analysis. The author's primary aims are to develop ideas already familiar from elementary calculus in a rigorous manner and to help students deeply understand some basic but crucial mathematical ideas. Meets and aligns with various student backgrounds Pays explicit attention to basic formalities and technical language Contains varied problems and exercises Drives the narrative through questions
vandaag verzonden
Teaching Literature to Adolescents / 4th edition
2020 || Paperback || USA) Richard (University of Minnesota Beach e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Now in its fourth edition, this popular textbook introduces prospective and practicing English teachers to current methods of teaching literature in middle and high school classrooms. This new edition broadens its focus to cover important topics such as critical race theory; perspectives on teaching fiction, nonfiction, and drama; the integration of digital literacy; and teacher research for ongoing learning and professional development. It underscores the value of providing students with a r...
vandaag verzonden
Adaptation and Appropriation / 2nd Edition
2015 || Paperback || Julie Sanders || Taylor & Francis
From the apparently simple adaptation of a text into film, theatre or a new literary work, to the more complex appropriation of style or meaning, it is arguable that all texts are somehow connected to a network of existing texts and art forms. In this new edition Adaptation and Appropriation explores: multiple definitions and practices of adaptation and appropriationthe cultural and aesthetic politics behind the impulse to adaptthe global and local dimensions of adaptationthe impact of new di...
vandaag verzonden
Drama as Therapy Volume 1 / 2nd edition
Theory, Practice and Research
2007 || Paperback || Phil Jones || Taylor & Francis
Presents a review of the practice and theory of Dramatherapy. Featuring practical guidance, clinical examples and research vignettes, this book considers developments in the field and researches the impact of the 'core processes' on clinical practice. It shows how Dramatherapy is used with a wide range of clients and applied to individual needs.
vandaag verzonden
Events Management / 4th edition
2023 || Paperback || Glenn A. J. Bowdin e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Coverage offers unrivalled coverage, where no other book offers such breath of topics covered placing events within the wider business/management discourse. It therefore offers an excellent, complete and full general introductory Events Management textbook that can be used throughout the degree, known to students as the events management bible. Thoroughly revised and updated with one new chapter on events and social sciences and new content on: technology (esports, virtual events, Ai, VR, AR,...
vandaag verzonden
Ethics for People Who Work in Tech
2022 || Paperback || Marc Steen || Taylor & Francis
This book is for people who work in the tech industry-computer and data scientists, software developers and engineers, designers, and people in business, marketing or management roles. It is also for people who are involved in the procurement and deployment of advanced applications, algorithms, and AI systems, and in policy making. Together, they create the digital products, services, and systems that shape our societies and daily lives.
The book's aim is to empower people to take responsibil...