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Studieboeken (136)
morgen verzonden
De hoogste ambtenaar
De secretaris-generaal van Algemene Zaken 1945-2023: sfinx of spin?
2023 || Paperback || Roel Bekker || Boom
Iedereen kent de minister-president. Hij is de regeringsleider, voert het woord bij belangrijke debatten en vertegenwoordigt de regering in het buitenland. Veel minder bekend is zijn ambtelijke ondersteuning. Daarvoor is in 1947 het ministerie van Algemene Zaken (AZ) opgericht. Dat staat onder leiding van een secretaris-generaal (SG). Over die laatste gaat dit boek. De SG is de hoogste ambtenaar achter de regeringsleider. Maar wie hij is, wat hij doet, hoe hij werkt en wat zijn invloed is, da...
morgen verzonden
Bestuurskundig onderzoek / Druk 4
Een methodologische inleiding
2021 || Paperback || Sandra van Thiel || Coutinho || ook als eBook
Bestuurskundig onderzoek is een praktische inleiding in de onderzoeksmethodologie die aansluit bij bestuurskundige thema’s. Er wordt rekening gehouden met de specifieke eigenschappen van de bestuurskunde als onderzoeksgebied, bijvoorbeeld met het interdisciplinaire karakter ervan. Daardoor krijgt het vak meteen betekenis.
De uitgave beschrijft alle onderzoeksstappen en geeft tal van praktische tips. Met behulp van de oefeningen kan de stof direct worden toegepast. Op de website bij het boek...
morgen verzonden
De anatomie van democratie
het Grote werken aan Democratieboek
2023 || Paperback || Otto de Loor || SWP || met inkijkexemplaar
'De anatomie van democratie' is een ode aan de democratie. De kernprincipes van democratie en de verschillende componenten die bijdragen aan de effectieve werking ervan komen in dit boek aan de orde. Democratie wordt als het ware ontleed.
In 47 korte hoofdstukken, negen teksten over ‘ondermijning democratie’ en heel veel praktijkvoorbeelden, beschrijft Otto de Loor vier grote thema’s: de democratie als rechtsstaat, de wijze waarop we ons als burgers verhouden tot die rechtsstaat, onze m...
morgen verzonden
Working for the EU: How to Get In 2024 edition
2024 || Paperback || Johannes de Berlaymont || John Harper Publishing Ltd
This highly practical book is essential reading for anyone wanting to know about the many ways to get a job and build a career in the EU public administration.
This 2024 edition has been fully updated to take account of major developments such as the new format of EPSO competitions, the increased availability of internal competitions, and important trends in the types of jobs and career pathways available.
Working for the EU: How to Get In 2024 explains:
• The wide range of positions in th...
The Government and Politics of the European Union / 8th edition
2017 || Paperback || Neill Nugent || Bloomsbury Publishing
The definitive textbook on EU politics and governance, now in its 8th edition, has been thoroughly updated to take into account the ongoing developments and evolution of the EU. Major changes, recent developments, and the crises that have befallen the union in recent times are analysed within this context. This includes eurozone crisis, the migration crisis, and the UK's decision to leave the EU.
Acclaimed author and academic Neill Nugent has written a comprehensive text, enabling students wi...
Getting Agencies to Work Together
The Practice and Theory of Managerial Craftsmanship
1998 || Paperback || Eugene Bardach || Rowman & Littlefield
Collaboration between government agencies, an old joke goes, is an unnatural act committed by nonconsenting adults. Eugene Bardach argues that today's opinion climate favoring more results-oriented government makes collaboration a lot more natural--though it is still far from easy. In this book, Bardach diagnoses the difficulties, explains how they are sometimes overcome, and offers practical ideas for public managers, advocates, and others interested in developing interagency collaborative n...
Comparing Media Systems
Three Models of Media and Politics
2004 || Paperback || Daniel C. Hallin e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Building on a survey of media institutions in eighteen West European and North American democracies, Hallin and Mancini identify the principal dimensions of variation in media systems and the political variables which have shaped their evolution. They go on to identify three major models of media system development (the Polarized Pluralist, Democratic Corporatist and Liberal models) to explain why the media have played a different role in politics in each of these systems, and to explore the ...
The Everything American Government Book
From the Constitution to Present-Day Elections, All You Need to Understand Our Democratic System
2021 || Paperback || Nick Ragone || Adams Media Corporation
Competitive Authoritarianism / 1st edition
Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War
2010 || Paperback || Steven Levitsky e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Based on a detailed study of 35 cases in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and post-communist Eurasia, this book explores the fate of competitive authoritarian regimes between 1990 and 2008. It finds that where social, economic, and technocratic ties to the West were extensive, as in Eastern Europe and the Americas, the external cost of abuse led incumbents to cede power rather than crack down, which led to democratization. Where ties to the West were limited, external democratizing pressure was w...
Radicalized Conservatism in Israel
The One-State Ideology and Democratic Decay
2025 || Paperback || Mateo I. Cohen || Leiden University Press
The year 2023 will be known as the most consequential year in Israel in generations. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict intensified into levels of violence that shocked the world. The bloody episode overshadowed a constitutional overhaul introduced by Israel’s Likud-led government, widely criticized as an attempted executive coup. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's most impactful leader in decades and indicted for multiple corruption charges, has entered his third term as Prime Minister following f...