Studieboeken (54)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 22,75

Techniek BVE Tabellen en formules / Druk 5

2002 || Paperback || VBVE || Noordhoff

Sinds de uitgave van het VMTS-tabellenboekje in 1985 heeft dit boekje een vaste plaats verworven in het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs. Zowel bij het onderwijs in de eerste jaren als bij de examens wis- en natuurkunde voor de sector techniek in de laatste jaren.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 64,60

Imagineering / Druk 1

het creeren van belevingswerelden

2011 || Paperback || D. Nijs e.a. || Boom

Verschillende auteurs constateren dat er een fundamentele veranderingen plaatsvinden in onze economie. We evolueren naar een beleveniseconomie. In een wereld van overvloed zijn mensen meer op zoek naar psychische behoeftebevrediging: behoefte aan inspiratie, aan het bij een betekenisvolle gemeenschap horen en aan zingeving in het algemeen. Dit boek is geschreven in het licht van dit besef.

In Imagineering wordt de stelling geponeerd dat het Amerikaanse antwoord op de nieuwe vragen die deze eco...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 17,81

Inleiding in de iconografie / Druk 5

enige theoretische en praktische kennis

2002 || Paperback || R. van Straten || Coutinho

De iconografie is die richting in de kunstgeschiedenis die zich bezighoudt met de onderwerpen in de beeldende kunst en hun betekenis. Vooral bij kunstwerken uit vroeger tijden treffen we vaak voorstellingen aan waarvan de inhoud de moderne beschouwer niet zo één-twee-drie duidelijk is. Wanneer een zeventiende-eeuwse schilder bijvoorbeeld een vrouw met een leeg weegschaaltje afbeeldt, is de kans groot dat hij daarmee niet zomaar een aardig tafereeltje uit het dagelijks leven wilde weergeven.


Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

Kant: A Biography

A Biography

2002 || Paperback || Manfred Kuehn || Cambridge University Press

This is the first full-length biography in more than fifty years of Immanuel Kant, one of the giants amongst the pantheon of Western philosophers as well as the one with the most powerful and broad influence on contemporary philosophy. It is well known that Kant spent his entire life in an isolated part of Prussia living the life of a typical university professor. This has given rise to the view that Kant was a pure thinker with no life of his own, or at least none worth considering seriously.

In this biography, Manfred Kuehn debunks that myth once and for all. Taking account of the most recent scholarship Professor Kuehn allows the reader (whether interested in philosophy, history, politics, German culture, or religion) to follow the same journey that Kant himself took in emerging as a central figure in modern philosophy...

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

The World and the West

The European Challenge and the Overseas Response in the Age of Empire

2002 || Paperback || Philip D. Curtin || Cambridge University Press

This book is a study of the interaction of the Western societies of Europe and America with others around the world in the past two centuries - the age of European empire. It deals with the European threat and the non-Western response, but the focus is on the ways in which people in Asia, Africa, and Indian America have tried to adapt their ways of life to the overwhelming European power that existed in this period. The challenge and the response are presented through a series of selected and...

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

Warrior Nation

2002 || Paperback || Michael Paris || Reaktion Books

War has always been close to the centre of British culture, but never more so than in the period since 1850. "Warrior Nation" explores the way in which images of battle, both literary and visual, have been constructed in British fiction and popular culture since this time. The rise of war reporting has helped to shape a society fascinated by conflict, and the development of mass communications has aided in the creation of mass-produced martial heroes and the relation of epic adventures for po...

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Psychological Management of Individual Performance

2010 || Hardcover || Sabine Sonnentag || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Psychological Management of Individual Performance is a unique combination of contributions from an academic and a practitioner for each topic. Leading international authors come together in this integrative and comprehensive handbook, to combine academic research findings and to provide detailed practice-relevant information, on subjects such as performance concepts, work design, cognitive ability and personality as predictors of performance, performance appraisal and potential analysis, goa...

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

The Palestinian Refugees:

Old Problems--New Solutions

2002 || Hardcover || Edward J. Perkins || University of Oklahoma Press

As violence escalates in the Middle East, a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine seems more elusive than ever. Yet one thing remains clear: without constructive dialogue such an agreement cannot occur. This timely volume presents just such a dialogue.

It brings together opinions, perspectives, and research focused on one of the region's most complex and volatile problems: the Palestinian refugee situation.Based on a 1999 conference at the University of Oklahoma International Program C...

Levertijd onbekend

How to Teach Vocabulary

2002 || Paperback || Scott Thornbury || Pearson

Looks in detail at the theory of words and at how students learn new vocabulary Offers practical advice on how to help students build vocabulary in new and effective ways and how to test students’ word knowledge Major developments, such as language corpora and lexical approaches, are clearly explained and related to your needs as a teacher The Task File develops a teacher's skill in identifying parts of speech including lexical fields, word families, etc. to build more confidence in ...

Levertijd onbekend

Digital Signal Processing

A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists

2002 || Paperback || Steven Smith || Elsevier

In addition to its thorough coverage of DSP design and programming techniques, Smith also covers the operation and usage of DSP chips. He uses Analog Devices' popular DSP chip family as design examples.