Studieboeken (40)

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Engineering Software Products / 1st edition

An Introduction to Modern Software Engineering

2000 || Paperback || Ian Sommerville || Pearson

Introduces software engineering techniques for developing software products and apps

With Engineering Software Products, author Ian Sommerville takes a unique approach to teaching software engineering and focuses on the type of software products and apps that are familiar to students, rather than focusing on project-based techniques. Written in an informal style, this book focuses on software engineering techniques that are relevant for software product engineering. Topics covered include per...

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Romeo and Juliet

2000 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || Wordsworth Editions Ltd

Romeo and Juliet is the world's most famous drama of tragic young love. Defying the feud which divides their families, Romeo and Juliet enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfilment; but a combination of old animosities and new coincidences brings them to suicidal deaths.

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The Best American Short Stories of the Century

2000 || Paperback || John Updike e.a. || Houghton Mifflin

Since the series' inception in 1915, the annual volumes of The Best American Short Stories have launched literary careers, showcased the most compelling stories of each year, and confirmed for all time the significance of the short story in our national literature. Now THE BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES OF THE CENTURY brings together the best of the best - fifty-five extraordinary stories that represent a century's worth of unsurpassed accomplishments in this quintessentially American literary g...

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La peste

2000 || Paperback || Albert Camus || Folio

Naturellement, vous savez ce que c'est, Rieux ? - J'attends le résultat des analyses. - Moi, je le sais. Et je n'ai pas besoin d'analyses. J'ai fait une partie de ma carrière en Chine, et j'ai vu quelques cas à Paris, il y a une vingtaine d'années. Seulement, on n'a pas osé leur donner un nom, sur le moment... Et puis, comme disait un confrère : " C'est impossible, tout le monde sait qu'elle a disparu de l'Occident. " Oui, tout le monde le savait, sauf les morts. Allons, Rieux, vous sav...

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The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

2022 || Paperback || Muriel Spark || Penguin

One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World''A sublimely funny book ... it is a book to be read by all ... unforgettable and universal' Candia McWilliamRomantic, heroic, comic and tragic, unconventional schoolmistress Jean Brodie has become an iconic figure in post-war fiction.

Her glamour, unconventional ideas and manipulative charm hold dangerous sway over her girls at the Marcia Blaine Academy - 'the creme de la creme' - who become the Brodie 'set', introduced to a privileged world ...

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2000 || Paperback || Bernard Mac Laverty || Penguin

Cal has very few choices in life. He can continue working at the abattoir that sickens him, or join the ranks of the unemployed. He can brood on his past or try to plan a future with Marcella.

Cal is a haunting love story set against the fear and violence of Ulster, where tenderness and innocence must struggle to survive.

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Media, Communication, Culture / 2nd edition

A Global Approach

2000 || Paperback || James Lull || Polity Press

Media, Communication, Culture offers a bold and comprehensive analysis of developments in the field amidst the effects of postmodernism and globalization. James Lull, one of the leading scholars in the discipline, draws from a wide range of social and cultural theory, including the work of John B. Thompson, Thomas Sowell, Nestor Garcia Canclini, Anthony Giddens and Samuel P.

Huntington, to formulate a well balanced and highly original account of key contemporary developments worldwide. The fi...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

L'ombre d'Imana

Voyage jusqu'au bout du Rwanda

2000 || Paperback || Véronique Tadjo || Actes Sud

Invitée en 1998 dans le cadre d'une résidence d'écrivains, Véronique Tadjo se rend au Rwanda. Pour cette Ivoirienne le pays est d'emblée familier. Tout lui semble proche, mais c'est en se heurtant pour la première fois aux conséquences d'un génocide qu'elle a tenté de comprendre comment une telle inhumanité peut exister. Ecrire redevenant alors incontestablement utile, Véronique Tadjo témoigne puis donne la parole à ceux qu'elle a croisés. Les prisonniers, les victimes, les femm...

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

The Art of Listening

2000 || Paperback || Erich Fromm || Bloomsbury Publishing

This collection of talks and seminars given by Erich Fromm between 1964 and 1980 deal with the issues between analyst and analysand, which go to the heart of the psychoanalytic process. For Fromm, the analyst is his or her own next patient, as the patient becomes his or her analyst.

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met 5% korting 29,40

Intervisie bij werkproblemen / Druk 9

procesmatig en taakgericht problemen oplossen

2000 || Paperback || Jeroen Hendriksen || Boom

Intervisie is laagdrempelig, want het vraagt niet om deskundige begeleiders. Intervisie doet juist een beroep op ieders deskundigheid als deelnemer, beroepsbeoefenaar en adviseur. Samen de klus klaren, mits je bereid bent naar elkaar te luisteren, op elkaar in te gaan en het leiderschap wisselend op je te nemen. De intervisiegroep is in hoge mate zelfsturend en zelflerend. Als hulpmiddel bij intervisie introduceert de auteur, samen met enkele co-auteurs, een aantal voor intervisie bewerkte me...