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vandaag verzonden
Musculoskeletal Physical Examination / 2nd edition
An Evidence-Based Approach
2016 || Hardcover || Gerard A. Malanga e.a. || Elsevier
From an interdisciplinary author team now including orthopedic surgeons, PM&R specialists, and primary care and sports medicine experts, the second edition of Musculoskeletal Physical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach educates physicians on how to give the most thorough physical examinations by understanding the "why" behind each type of exam. In-depth coverage of today's newest tests and techniques keeps you current in practice, and a new section titled "Author's Preferred Approach" gu...
vandaag verzonden
Contact Lens Complications / 4th Edition
2018 || Hardcover || Nathan Efron || Elsevier
In this thoroughly updated fourth edition, award-winning contact lens author, lecturer, and researcher, Professor Nathan Efron, presents an easily accessible, systematic account of how to identify, understand, and manage contact lens complications. Professor Efron is renowned for his ability to distil often-complex principles of ocular physiology and pathology into a clinically-friendly format. The subject matter is arranged logically by tissue structure - which is the way practitioners natur...
vandaag verzonden
Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine
2017 || Hardcover || Ramachandran S. Vasan e.a. || Elsevier
Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine, Four Volume Set offers researchers over 200 articles covering every aspect of cardiovascular research and medicine, including fully annotated figures, abundant color illustrations and links to supplementary datasets and references. With contributions from top experts in the field, this book is the most reputable and easily searchable resource of cardiovascular-focused basic and translational content for students, researchers, clinicians an...
vandaag verzonden
Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies / 6th Edition
2021 || Hardcover || Bruce J.W. Evans || Elsevier
Now in a fully up-to-date 6th Edition, Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies provides a practical introduction to binocular vision, offering comprehensive theory, how-to clinical guidance, and a summary of current research in a single, consolidated volume. Ideally suited for both students and clinicians, this bestselling text serves as an accessible, evidence-based reference when faced with binocular vision or pediatric challenges. Covers routine examinations and testing protocols, including ...
vandaag verzonden
Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant / 2nd edition
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)
2022 || Hardcover || Martha PT PhD Piper e.a. || Elsevier
Motor Assessment of the Developing Infant, 2nd Edition presents theories of infant motor development and discusses the unique challenges involved in assessing the motor skills of developing infants as compared to that of adults. It provides step-by-step instructions for using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) - a scale that measures infant gross motor skills. It also features a review of two current theories of motor development, line drawings and photographs of 58 gross motor skills, and...
vandaag verzonden
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System / 4th Edition
2021 || Hardcover || Lee Ann Remington e.a. || Elsevier
Providing the ocular anatomy and physiology content needed for a thorough comprehension of this complex field, Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System, 4th Edition, offers a solid foundation for recognizing and understanding specific clinical situations and how they relate to anatomic structure. This concise, well-referenced resource covers the clinical anatomy of the eye, its adnexa and visual pathways, and histologic information-the information you need for success in coursewor...
vandaag verzonden
Atlas der Anatomie / 7th Edition
Deutsche UEbersetzung von Christian M. Hammer - Mit StudentConsult-Zugang
2020 || Hardcover || Frank H. Netter || Elsevier
Netters Atlas der Anatomie beweist seit Jahren, dass Anatomielernen auch locker sein kann. Die preisgekroenten Abbildungen im typischen Netter-Stil fuhren Sie idealdidaktisch vom Leichten zum Schweren, von vereinfachten Darstellungen zu komplexen Strukturen. Detailreich beschriftet und von bestechender Klarheit und Prazision - so wird Anatomie greifbar! Praktisch: Die gesamte Anatomie in einem Band - ideal zum Mitnehmen in den Prapkurs Typisch Netter: Die Abbildungen treffen genau die Mischun...
vandaag verzonden
Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology / 10th Edition
A Systematic Approach
2024 || Hardcover || John F. Salmon || Elsevier
Filled with stunning images and in-depth information on both common and rare ophthalmic diseases and disorders, Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach, 10th Edition, is both a foundational knowledge source for trainees and a valuable reference for experienced practitioners. Dr. John Salmon, from the University of Oxford, has meticulously revised this classic text, retaining Dr. Kanski’s highly effective format of succinct text and visually dynamic presentation. Extremely wel...
vandaag verzonden
Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology
2011 || Hardcover || John M. Butler || Elsevier
Intended as a companion to the Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing volume published in 2009, Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology contains 18 chapters with 4 appendices providing up-to-date coverage of essential topics in this important field and citation to more than 2800 articles and internet resources. The book builds upon the previous two editions of John Butler's internationally acclaimed Forensic DNA Typing textbook with forensic DNA analysts as its primary audience. This...
Simulation / 5th edition
2012 || Hardcover || Sheldon M. Ross || Elsevier
Introduces aspiring and practicing actuaries, engineers, computer scientists and others to the practical aspects of constructing computerized simulation studies to analyze and interpret real phenomena. This title presents the statistics needed to analyze simulated data as well as that needed for validating the simulation model.