
Engels (159)
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Studieboeken (164)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers / 3rd edition

A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English

2013 || Paperback || Martin Hewings || Cambridge University Press

Grammar in Use is the world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers, authored by Martin Hewings, is the first choice for advanced (C1-C2) learners of English. It is a self-study book with clear explanations and practice exercises, and has helped millions of learners improve their English communication skills.

It is also trusted by teachers and can be used as a supplementary text in classrooms, or to support preparation for Cambridge Advanced...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

A Student's Introduction to English Grammar / 2nd edition

2021 || Paperback || Rodney Huddleston e.a. || Cambridge University Press

A new edition of the ground-breaking undergraduate textbook on modern Standard English grammar, now reorganised to align fully with the award-winning reference work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. This edition has been rewritten in an easy-to-read conversational style with a minimum of technical and theoretical terminology.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Programming in Haskell / 2nd edition

2016 || Paperback || Graham Hutton || Cambridge University Press

Haskell is a purely functional language that allows programmers to rapidly develop clear, concise, and correct software. The language has grown in popularity in recent years, both in teaching and in industry. This book is based on the author's experience of teaching Haskell for more than twenty years.

All concepts are explained from first principles and no programming experience is required, making this book accessible to a broad spectrum of readers. While Part I focuses on basic concepts, Pa...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy

2003 || Paperback || A. S. McGrade || Cambridge University Press

The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy, first published in 2003, takes its readers into one of the most exciting periods in the history of philosophy. It spans a millennium of thought extending from Augustine to Thomas Aquinas and beyond. It includes not only the thinkers of the Latin West but also the profound contributions of Islamic and Jewish thinkers such as Avicenna and Maimonides.

Leading specialists examine what it was like to do philosophy in the cultures and institutions of ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Common Mistakes at Proficiency...and How to Avoid Them

2005 || Paperback || Julie Moore || Cambridge University Press

This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to use the language accurately.

Regular tests offer students a further opportunity to check and consolidate what they have learnt. * Highlights common mistakes that learners really make * Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts * Short, s...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

English Idioms in Use Intermediate Book with Answers

Vocabulary Reference and Practice

2021 || Paperback || Michael McCarthy e.a. || Cambridge University Press

Improve your understanding of idioms in English. Explanations and practice of English idioms, written for intermediate-level (B1 to B2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities.

Learn idioms in context, with lots of different topics, including 'Clothes', 'Music and theatre' and 'Work'. Be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how English is really spoken and written, and get better at studying by yourself, with study tips, fo...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

English Collocations in Use Advanced Book with Answers

How Words Work Together for Fluent and Natural English

2021 || Paperback || Felicity O'Dell e.a. || Cambridge University Press

Improve your fluency and sound more natural in English. Collocations are combinations of words which frequently appear together. This book contains explanations and practice of English collocations for advanced-level (C1 to C2) learners of English.

Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Learn collocations in context, with lots of different topics, including 'Writing essays, assignments and reports'. Be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Economics of Developing and Emerging Markets

2022 || Paperback || Charles van Marrewijk e.a. || Cambridge University Press

This textbook presents an innovative new perspective on the economics of development, including insights from a broad range of disciplines. It starts with the current state of affairs, a discussion of data availability, reliability, and analysis, and an historic overview of the deep influence of fundamental factors on human prosperity. Next, it focuses on the role of human interaction in terms of trade, capital, and knowledge flows, as well as the associated implications for institutions, con...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

International Humanitarian Law

2020 || Paperback || Emily Crawford e.a. || Cambridge University Press

The law that regulates armed conflicts is one of the oldest branches of international law, and yet continues to be one of the most dynamic areas of law today. This book provides an accessible, scholarly, and up-to-date examination of international humanitarian law, offering a comprehensive and logical discussion and analysis of the law. The book contains detailed examples, extracts from relevant cases, useful discussion questions, and a recommended reading list for every chapter.

Emerging tre...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

International Law / 3rd edition

2020 || Paperback || Jan Klabbers || Cambridge University Press

Written by one of the world's leading international lawyers, this is the new and updated edition of Jan Klabbers' landmark textbook. International law can be defined as 'the rules governing the legal relationship between nations and states', but in reality it is much more complex, with political, diplomatic and socio-economic factors shaping the law and its application. This refreshingly clear, concise textbook encourages students to view international law as a dynamic system of organising th...