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› Hogeschool Rotterdam (9)
› Haagse Hogeschool (HHS... (8)
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› Marketing (4)
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Studieboeken (40)
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PASS Cambridge BEC Higher (student's book) / 2nd Edition
2023 || Paperback || Anne Williams e.a. || Cengage Learning
This popular BEC series has been completely revised. PASS Cambridge BEC is a practical course for students who wish to gain a recognised business English qualification. Focusing on relevant international business situations, the course has been structured to provide students with a thorough preparation for the Business English Certificates (BEC).
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English Grammar in Use with Answers / 5th edition
A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English
2019 || Paperback || Raymond Murphy || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book with answers has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.
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Marketing (met MyLab) / Druk 15
De essentie
2023 || Paperback || Philip Kotler e.a. || Pearson Benelux B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Topmarketeers hebben allemaal dezelfde missie: duurzame relaties opbouwen met de klant. Hedendaagse marketing draait om het creƫren van klantwaarde en betrokkenheid in een snel veranderende wereld. Marketing begint bij het begrijpen van behoeften en wensen, het bepalen welke doelmarkten de organisatie het beste kan bedienen en het ontwikkelen van overtuigende waardeproposities om consumenten aan te trekken en aan zich te binden.
Naast beproefde traditionele marketingmethoden hebben marketee...
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Zakelijke communicatie voor professionals / Druk 6
2012 || Paperback || Daniel Janssen e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Zakelijke communicatie voor professionals integreert en presenteert deze kennis en inzichten in een relevante context voor elke professional zoals adviseren, presenteren, samenwerken, overtuigen, verkopen en communiceren bij een crisis. Op deze manier werken studenten (en andere gebruikers) gericht aan essentiƫle competenties. Niet langer staan teksten en gesprekken centraal, maar concrete taken in hun context.
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Crisis Management and Recovery for Events / 1st edition
Impacts and Strategies
2023 || Paperback || Vassilios Ziakas e.a. || Goodfellow Publishers Limited
The first text to fully explore the issue of ownership and governance of international events. Split onto two distinct parts of 'Theory' and 'Cases', it presents cases from sports as well as non-sports events, in addition to general principles regarding ownership and governance based on historical, legal and managerial considerations. Ownership and Governance of International Events explores these events as global common goods owned by communities of participants, be they athletes, spectators...
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Special Event Production: The Resources / 2nd edition
The resources
2015 || Paperback || Doug Matthews || Taylor & Francis
This must-have guide to special event production resources looks deep behind the scenes of an event and dissects what it is that creates success. It analyses the resources and is an extensive reference guide to the technical details of a big event. It provides a thorough grounding on the specifications and performance of lighting and audio systems, visual presentation technology, special effects and temporary outdoor venues.
This new edition includes:New content on: new audio -visual technolo...
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Wat is onderzoek? / Druk 7
2022 || Paperback || Nel Verhoeven || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Het is belangrijk dat studenten leren om een betrouwbaar antwoord te vinden op (onderzoeks)-vragen. Uiteraard begint dat bij oefenen met onderzoek doen. Wat is onderzoek? biedt een complete en heldere inleiding op kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve onderzoeksmethoden. Wat is onderzoek bevat de theorie en praktijkvoorbeelden waarmee uw studenten hun onderzoek kunnen starten. Het neemt de student aan de hand om stap voor stap de onderzoeksvaardigheden te leren.
Wat is onderzoek? maakt het ingewikkel...
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50 Success Classics / 2nd edition
Your shortcut to the most important ideas on motivation, achievement, and prosperity
2017 || Paperback || Tom Butler-Bowdon || John Murray Press
'The best of success literature ever written' Brian Tracy, author of Maximum Achievement'A smorgasbord of some of the best thinking on what success really means' Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute ManagerWhat makes a person successful? What makes them motivated, prosperous, a great leader? Inside this brand new, updated edition of 50 Success Classics, discover the all-time classic books that have helped millions of people achieve success in their work, their mission, and their persona...
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Success with Business B2 Vantage - Student's book / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || Rolf Cook e.a. || Cengage Learning
Cambridge Business qualifications are internationally recognised business qualifications which demonstrate an ability to use English in professional contexts. As a Cambridge English examination, it is used as a suitable entry requirement by academic institutions and for recruitment by international companies. Cambridge English Qualifications are designed so that each exam builds on the skills developed at the previous level.
Now in a new edition, Success with Business (formerly Success with B...
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Vlekkeloos Nederlands Spelling en grammatica / Druk 3
Taalniveau 3F en 4F
2006 || Paperback || D. Pak || Pak, Uitgeverij