Studieboeken (26)
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Research Methods for Business Students / 9th edition
2023 || Paperback || Mark Saunders e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Ranked as the most highly cited text in Business, Marketing, Accounting & Economics according to the Financial Times! The market-leading textbook that offers clear, robust and pragmatic guidance on your dissertation or research project. With over 500,000 copies sold, Research Methods for Business Students by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill is the definitive textbook for Business, Marketing, and Management students conducting a research-led project or dissertation. This fully revised 9th editio...
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Business Model Shifts
Six Ways to Create New Value For Customers
2023 || Paperback || P Van Der Pijl || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Shift your business model and transform your organization in the face of disruption Business Model Shifts is co-authored by Patrick van Der Pijl, producer of the global bestseller Business Model Generation, and offers a groundbreaking look at the challenging times in which we live, and the real-world solutions needed to conquer the obstacles organizations must now face. Business Model Shifts is a visually stunning guide that examines six fundamental disruptions happening now and spotlights th...
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Objectif Express 1 - nouvelle édition A1/A2 cahier d'activités
2021 || Paperback || Beatrice Tauzin e.a. || Hachette
Allez à l'essentiel avec cette méthode intensive de français pour débutants en contexte professionnel ou en préparation à la vie active.
Structure :
Le cahier d'activités d'Objectif Express 1 Nouvelle édition propose un entraînement diversifié, reprenant tous les points de langue étudiés dans les livre, en les approfondissant grâce à une progression en spirale.
C'est un complément efficace à la méthode pour s'exercer en classe ou en autonomie.
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Meta profesional 2 Libro de ejercicios
Intertaal augmented (eentalig)
2016 || Paperback || Diaz Gutiérez || Intertaal
Met het libro de ejercicios kunnen de cursisten het geleerde zelfstandig thuis of in de les oefenen. Ook wordt er in elke unidad aandacht besteed aan de uitspraak van het Spaans.
Het libro de ejercicios van deel 2 bevat vier Etapas. Etapa 4 is een voorbeeld van een examen op niveau B1.
Achter in het libro de ejercicios staan de transcripties van de luisterteksten, de oplossingen bij de oefeningen en een Tabla de recursos met idioom voor zakelijke gesprekken.
Over deze serie
Doelgroep Jongeren...
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Objectif Express 2 - nouvelle édition Cahier d'activités
2016 || Paperback || Dubois || Hachette
Le cahier d'activités d'Objectif Express 2 Nouvelle édition propose un entraînement diversifié, reprenant tous les points de langue étudiés dans les livre, en les approfondissant grâce à une progression en spirale.
C'est un complément efficace à la méthode pour s'exercer en classe ou en autonomie. Il permet de renforcer et de valider les connaissances acquises, à travers une grande variété d'activités, en compréhension comme en production.
Pour chaque unité, on trouve le...
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DaF im Unternehmen B1/B2 Kursbuch mit Audios und Filmen online
2018 || Paperback || Ilse Sander || Intertaal
Eentalige methode zakelijk Duits om te leren communiceren in het bedrijfsleven. Praktijkgericht en dynamisch, met transparante leerdoelen.
Het Kursbuch bestaat uit twintig lessen. In de inhoudsopgave staan de onderdelen vermeld waaruit elke les is samengesteld: opbouw, thema, taalhandelingen, woordenschat en grammatica en uitspraak. De lessen zijn helder gestructureerd met een ruim aanbod aan oefeningen en culturele informatie. Verder zijn er opdrachten ter voorbereiding op o.a. de BULATS-exa...
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Business Model Generation
A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
2010 || Paperback || Alexander Osterwalder e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd || ook als eBook
Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation.Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powe...
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The Reflective Journal / 3rd Edition
2022 || Paperback || Barbara Bassot || Bloomsbury Publishing
This is the third edition of Barbara Bassot's hugely popular book, a uniquely inspiring introduction to critically reflective practice. Using bite-sized theory combined with plentiful guidance and supporting activities, this book gives the reader a place to reflect on their learning and use writing as a tool for developing their thinking. Critical reflection is an essential skill for anyone undertaking qualifying professional programmes such as social work, nursing, health, teaching, childhoo...
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The Pyramid Principle / 3rd edition
Logic in Writing and Thinking
2022 || Paperback || Barbara Minto || Pearson
GET THE MAXIMUM IMPACT WITH THE MINIMUM EFFORT. The Pyramid Principle is the international best-seller on how to think creatively, reason lucidly and produce crisp, clear, compelling business writing. Join the tens of thousands of people worldwide who have benefited from Barbara Minto's technique, to present your thinking so clearly that the ideas jump off the page and into the mind of the reader. Can your writing do without it?
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Testing Business Ideas / 1st edition
A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation
2019 || Paperback || David J. Bland e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A practical guide to effective business model testing 7 out of 10 new products fail to deliver on expectations. Testing Business Ideas aims to reverse that statistic. In the tradition of Alex Osterwalder's global bestseller Business Model Generation, this practical guide contains a library of hands-on techniques for rapidly testing new business ideas.
Testing Business Ideas explains how systematically testing business ideas dramatically reduces the risk and increases the likelihood of success...