Studieboeken (11)
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The Study of Language / 8th edition
2022 || Paperback || George Yule || Cambridge University Press
This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics and all the key elements of language. This eighth edition has been revised and updated throughout, with major changes in the chapters on Origins, Phonetics, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, First and Second Language Acquisition ...
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Media Today / 8th edition
Mass Communication in a Converging World
2022 || Paperback || Joseph Turow || Taylor & Francis
Consistently examines the business of media through the paradigm of production-distribution-exhibition in a way that no other book does, giving students a more thorough understanding of how media industries work and the vocabulary they need to talk about them. Engagingly written with examples that are familiar to students, helping them better connect to the content and understand their role as media consumers and producers.
Coverage of convergence and its impact is incorporated into every cha...
Research Methods in Language Attitudes
2022 || Paperback || Ruth Kircher e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Attitudes towards spoken, signed, and written language are of significant interest to researchers in sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, communication studies, and social psychology. This is the first interdisciplinary guide to traditional and cutting-edge methods for the investigation of language attitudes. Written by experts in the field, it provides an introduction to attitude theory, helps readers choose an appropriate method, and guides through research planning and design, data colle...
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Handboek taalkunde
2022 || Paperback || Arina Banga e.a. || Coutinho
Hoe zit taal in elkaar en hoe leren en gebruiken mensen taal? Het nieuwe Handboek taalkunde behandelt op een toegankelijke en overzichtelijke manier het fascinerende systeem achter taal. Het boek omvat alle leerdoelen over taalbeschouwing uit de kennisbasis voor toekomstige docenten Nederlands en biedt andere studenten een boeiende inleiding in de taalkunde.
Het Handboek taalkunde is opgebouwd aan de hand van vier categorieën. De eerste hoofdstukken behandelen de systematiek van taal in volg...
Ruslan Russian 2 Course Book / 4th edition
With free audio download
2022 || Paperback || John Langran e.a. || Ruslan Ltd
The Ruslan 2 course book (160 pages in full colour) continues the exciting Ruslan 1 story line with Ivan, Lyudmila, Peter and Vadim. There are 10 lessons with lively dialogues, clear grammar explanations, lots of reading, listening and writing exercises and language games for the classroom or for online training. Ruslan 2 takes you to a very good GCSE level, and is easily equivalent to the Council of Europe A2 standard.
Media & Culture, thirteenth edition
An Introduction to Mass Communication
2022 || Paperback || Richard Campbell e.a. || Macmillan
Get to the heart of fake news and brush up on your media literacy skills as you explore the media landscape of today, and where it all came from, using the current and relevant research found in Media & Culture.
Effective Crisis Communication
Moving From Crisis to Opportunity
2022 || Paperback || Robert R. Ulmer e.a. || SAGE
Creative Writing / 2nd edition
A Workbook with Readings
2022 || Paperback || Jane Yeh e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Creative Writing: A Workbook with Readings provides a complete creative writing course: from ways to jump-start your writing and inspire your creativity, right through to presenting your work to agents and publishers. It covers the genres of fiction, poetry and life writing (including autobiography, biography and travel writing), combining discussions of technique with readings and exercises to guide you step by step towards becoming more adept at creative writing. The second edition has been...
The Associated Press Stylebook: 2022-2024
2022 || Paperback || Associated Press || Basic Books
The style of The Associated Press is the gold standard for news writing. With the AP Stylebook in hand, you can learn how to write and edit with the clarity and professionalism for which their writers and editors are famous. The AP Stylebook will help you master the AP's rules on grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, word and numeral usage, and when to use "more than" instead of "over." To make navigating these specialty chapters even easier, the Stylebook includes a c...
Discourse Analysis
A Resource Book for Students
2022 || Paperback || Rodney H. Jones || Taylor & Francis
Discourse Analysis, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive overview of the major approaches to and methodological tools used in discourse analysis.