Studieboeken (38)
10% Braver
Inspiring Women to Lead Education
2021 || Paperback || Vivienne Porritt e.a. || SAGE
The must-have guide for women in education, written by leading members of the grassroots #WomenEd movement, offering guidance on how to attain and succeed in leaderships positions, alongside nuanced analysis and debate of topics including: the gender pay gap, gender stereotyping in schools and beyond, the realities experienced by BME leaders and how flexible working cultures can redress inequities.
Why The Brain Matters
A Teacher Explores Neuroscience
2021 || Paperback || Jon Tibke || SAGE
In this book, teacher, education consultant and researcher Jon Tibke fact-checks prevailing 'neuromyths' by shining a light on what scientific research is truly relevant for the classroom and exploring the current limits of our understanding.
Mastery in primary science
2019 || Paperback || Deborah Wilkinson e.a. || SAGE
This new texts supports trainee and beginning teachers to teach for, assess and evidence mastery through the use of high quality 'rich' lesson activities that allow for mastery level learning in primary science.
Collaborating for English Learners
A Foundational Guide to Integrated Practices
2020 || Paperback || Andrea Honigsfeld e.a. || SAGE
Provides a step-by-step guide to co-teaching and collaboration between EL specialists and mainstream classroom teachers to better serve the needs of ELs.
Diversity and Inclusion on Campus / 2nd edition
Supporting Students of Color in Higher Education
2019 || Paperback || Rachelle Winkle-Wagner e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This new and updated second edition of Diversity and Inclusion on Campus: Supporting Students of Color in Higher Education provides an exploration of the range of college experiences, from gaining access to higher education to successfully persisting through degree programs. By bridging research, theory, and practice related to the ways that peers, faculty, administrators, staff, and institutions can and do influence racially and ethnically diverse students experiences, Winkle-Wagner and Lock...
Clear English Pronunciation
A Practical Guide
2019 || Paperback || Dick Smakman || Taylor & Francis
A concise and accessible introduction to key issues in pronunciation for students studying English pronunciation Incorporates a range of pedagogical features such as articulatory explanations and sample sentences as well as a companion website with recordings so students can practice their pronunciation which makes it an ideal textbook for students coming to this topic for the first time. The only book to not follow a pronunciation model and instead focuses on working with the accent of learn...
Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience / 2nd edition
The Learning Brain
2019 || Paperback || Usha Goswami || Taylor & Francis
Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience: The Learning Brain is a thoroughly revised edition of the bestselling Cognitive Development. The new edition of this full-colour textbook has been updated with the latest research in cognitive neuroscience, going beyond Piaget and traditional theories to demonstrate how emerging data from the brain sciences require a new theoretical framework for teaching cognitive development, based on learning. Building on the framework for teaching cognitiv...
Designing Effective Feedback Processes in Higher Education
A Learning-Focused Approach
2019 || Paperback || Naomi Winstone e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on student achievement, yet it is difficult to implement productively within the constraints of a mass higher education system. Designing Effective Feedback Processes in Higher Education: A Learning-Focused Approach addresses the challenges of developing effective feedback processes in higher education, combining theory and practice to equip and empower educators. It places less emphasis on what teachers do in terms of providing commentary, and ...