Studieboeken (87)

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The Handmaid's Tale

The iconic Sunday Times bestseller that inspired the hit TV series

2018 || Paperback || Margaret Atwood || Random House

The Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire - neither Offred's nor that of the two men on which her future hangs.

Brilliantly conceived and executed, this powerful evocation of twenty-first century America gives full rein to Margaret Atwood's devastating irony, wit and astute perception.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Les Femmes Savantes

1973 || Paperback || Moliere || Editions Larousse

Pour épingler certains défauts de la préciosité, Molière choisit d’écrire une grande comédie en vers où les « femmes savantes » — Philaminte, sa fille Armande et la tante Bélise — semblent dominer et imposer leurs valeurs raffinées à tous leurs visiteurs et admirateurs. Mais c’est un univers d’apparences et de mondanités dans lequel l’esprit et le beau langage l’emportent sur le corps et le bon sens. Les sentiments authentiques finiront-ils par triompher ?

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Being and Time

2008 || Paperback || Martin Heidegger || HarperCollins

The fundamental philosophy of the existentialist movement is revealed in Heidegger's discussion of human existence, nonhuman presence, personal consciousness, and angst

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

My Years With General Motors

2011 || Paperback || Jr. Alfred P. Sloan || Random House

My Years with General Motors became an instant bestseller when it was first published in 1963. It has since been used as a manual for managers, offering personal glimpses into the practice of the "discipline of management" by the man who perfected it. This is the story no other businessman could tell—a distillation of half a century of intimate leadership experience with a giant industry and an inside look at dramatic events and creative business management.

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen


Why Things Bounce Back

2013 || Paperback || Andrew Zolli e.a. || Simon & Schuster

Discover a powerful new lens for viewing the world with fascinating implications for our companies, economies, societies, and planet as a whole.

What causes one system to break down and another to rebound? Are we merely subject to the whim of forces beyond our control? Or, in the face of constant disruption, can we build better shock absorbersfor ourselves, our communities, our economies, and for the planet as a whole?

Reporting firsthand from the coral reefs of Palau to the back streets of P...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

The Myth of Sisyphus

2005 || Paperback || Albert Camus || Penguin

Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution.

They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.

Inspired by the myth of a man condemned to ceaselessly push a ro...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Marketing Communications / 7th revised edition

Integrating Online and Offline, Customer Engagement and Digital Technologies

2019 || Paperback || P. R. Smith e.a. || Kogan Page Ltd

"The authors have the uncommon knack of taking the complex and explaining it in a clear, compelling way. I recommend it if you want to learn the principles of strategic communications and get structured suggestions to create better campaigns." Dave Chaffey, Co-founder and Content Director, Smart InsightsThis book has the strongest focus of online and offline integration of any marketing communications textbook. A blended approach to marketing is in its DNA.

Compared to the competition that to...

Levertijd: 10 werkdagen

Touchstone Anthology of Contemporary Creative Nonfiction

Work from 1970 to the Present

2018 || Paperback || Lex Williford || Simon & Schuster

From memoir to journalism, personal essays to cultural criticism, this indispensable anthology brings together works from all genres of creative nonfiction, with pieces by fifty contemporary writers including Cheryl Strayed, David Sedaris, Barbara Kingsolver, and more. Selected by five hundred writers, English professors, and creative writing teachers from across the country, this collection includes only the most highly regarded nonfiction work published since 1970. Contributers include: Jo ...

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

Suite française

2006 || Paperback || Irene Nemirovsky || Gallimard

Ecrit dans le feu de l'Histoire, Suite française dépeint presque en direct l'exode de juin 1940, qui brassa dans un désordre tragique des familles françaises de toute sorte, des plus huppées aux plus modestes. Avec bonheur, Irène Némirovsky traque les innombrables petites lâchetés et les fragiles élans de solidarité d'une population en déroute. Cocottes larguées par leur amant, grands bourgeois dégoûtés par la populace, blessés abandonnés dans des fermes engorgent les routes...

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

The Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction

50 North American Short Stories Since 1970

2018 || Paperback || Michael Martone || Simon & Schuster

Fifty remarkable short stories from a range of contemporary fiction authors including Junot Diaz, Amy Tan, Jamaica Kincaid, Jhumpa Lahiri, and more, selected from a survey of more than five hundred English professors, short story writers, and novelists.

Contributors include Russell Banks, Donald Barthelme, Rick Bass, Richard Bausch, Charles Baxter, Amy Bloom, T.C. Boyle, Kevin Brockmeier, Robert Olen Butler, Sandra Cisneros, Peter Ho Davies, Janet Desaulniers, Junot Diaz, Anthony Doerr, Stuar...