Studieboeken (115)

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

Introduction to Optics / 3th edition

2017 || Hardcover || Frank L. Pedrotti e.a. || Cambridge University Press

A re-issued edition of this well-known optics textbook. Designed for intermediate and upper level undergraduates in physics and engineering, the third edition covers the traditional areas of optics whilst including modern applications.

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

Representing and Intervening

Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science

1983 || Paperback || Ian Hacking || Cambridge University Press

This 1983 book is a lively and clearly written introduction to the philosophy of natural science, organized around the central theme of scientific realism. It has two parts. 'Representing' deals with the different philosophical accounts of scientific objectivity and the reality of scientific entities.

The views of Kuhn, Feyerabend, Lakatos, Putnam, van Fraassen, and others, are all considered. 'Intervening' presents the first sustained treatment of experimental science for many years and uses...

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Mathematical Proofs / 3rd edition

2013 || Paperback || Gary Chartrand || Pearson || ook als eBook

Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, Third Edition, prepares students for the more abstract mathematics courses that follow calculus. Appropriate for self-study or for use in the classroom, this text introduces students to proof techniques, analyzing proofs, and writing proofs of their own. Written in a clear, conversational style, this book provides a solid introduction to such topics as relations, functions, and cardinalities of sets, as well as the theoretical aspects...

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met 5% korting 28,41

Alledaagse moleculen

Bouwstenen van onze wereld

2024 || Hardcover || Ben Feringa e.a. || Uitgeverij Noordboek || met inkijkexemplaar

Moleculen vind je letterlijk overal. Ze vormen alles om ons heen en zelf bestaan we ook uit deze superkleine bouwstenen. In dit boek bespreken Nobelprijswinnaar Ben Feringa en collegachemicus Anouk Lubbe de belangrijkste moleculen uit onze directe omgeving. Zo lezen we over moleculen in onze kleding, over stoffen in frisdranken, over aminozuren in ons lichaam, over de wonderbaarlijke kwaliteiten van grafeen, over moleculen waar we dronken, vrolijk of juist ziek van worden, over het synthetisc...

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met 5% korting 16,63

Wat iedereen zou moeten weten over klimaatverandering

2020 || Paperback || Bart Verheggen || Prometheus || met inkijkexemplaar

Over klimaatverandering doen de meest uiteenlopende verhalen de ronde. De ene krantenkop vraagt zich af: ‘Hoezo opwarming?’ terwijl elders valt te lezen: ‘De mensheid stevent af op een klimaatcatastrofe’. Geen wonder dat veel mensen in verwarring zijn en niet weten hoe de vork in de steel zit.

In het publieke debat lopen de meningen over klimaatverandering sterk uiteen, ook over feitelijke aspecten die wetenschappelijk gezien heel helder zijn. Zo weten we al sinds de negentiende eeuw ...

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Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, Global Edition

2022 || Paperback || Alan Agresti e.a. || Pearson

Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning From Data, 5th Edition helps you understand what statistics is all about and learn the right questions to ask when analyzing data, instead of just memorizing procedures. It makes accessible the ideas that have turned statistics into a central science of modern life, without compromising essential material. Students often find this book enjoyable to read and stay engaged with the wide variety of real-world data in the examples and exercises.

Based on...

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Calculus, Early Transcendentals / 7th edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Henry Edwards e.a. || Pearson

This text is rigorous, fairly traditional and is appropriate for engineering and science calculus tracks. Hallmarks are accuracy, strong engineering and science applications, deep problem sets (in quantity, depth, and range), and spectacular visuals.

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Linear Algebra / 3rd edition

Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || John B. Fraleigh e.a. || Pearson

Fraleigh and Beauregard's text is known for its clear presentation and writing style, mathematical appropriateness, and overall student usability. Its inclusion of calculus-related examples, true/false problems, section summaries, integrated applications, and coverage of Cn make it a superb text for the sophomore or junior-level linear algebra course. This Third Edition retains the features that have made it successful over the years, while addressing recent developments of how linear algebra...

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Discovering Statistics Using R

2012 || Paperback || Andy Field e.a. || SAGE

Keeping the uniquely humorous and self-deprecating style that has made students across the world fall in love with Andy Field's books, Discovering Statistics Using R takes students on a journey of statistical discovery using R, a free, flexible and dynamically changing software tool for data analysis that is becoming increasingly popular across the social and behavioural sciences throughout the world. The journey begins by explaining basic statistical and research concepts before a guided tou...

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Het exacte verhaal

wetenschapscommunicatie voor beta's

2014 || Paperback || Ionica Smeets || Nieuwezijds b.v. || met inkijkexemplaar

Als bètawetenschapper is het niet eenvoudig om je werk onder de aandacht te brengen bij een groot publiek. Niet omdat exacte wetenschappen per se moeilijk zijn, maar omdat voor veel mensen Higgs-deeltjes en priemgetallen abstracter lijken dan oorlog en liefde.

Hoe breng je de kern van je onderzoek over? Waar let je op bij de keuze van een onderwerp? Hoe schrijf je een aansprekend persbericht of een toegankelijk artikel voor de krant? Gebruik je metaforen en formules, of juist niet? Hoe berei...