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Studieboeken (258)
The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Neuropsychological Disorders
2023 || Hardcover || Gregory J. Boyle e.a. || SAGE
This handbook provides an in-depth overview of Clinical Neuropsychology, focusing on the classifications involved and the specific neuropsychological disorders that affect people around the world.
The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment and Diagnosis
2023 || Hardcover || Gregory J. Boyle e.a. || SAGE
This handbook provides an in-depth overview of Clinical Neuropsychology, focusing on the assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of cognitive disorders.
The Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design
2023 || Hardcover || Cheryl N. Poth || SAGE
The SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design provides a comprehensive overview of the existing typologies and future potential applications of this fast evolving field. With a unique focus on design, this handbook prepares researchers for the changing conditions in which they will conduct their studies.
Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy Vol. 2 / 17th edition
Internal Organs
2023 || Hardcover || Friedrich Paulsen e.a. || Elsevier
MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gaining an overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeing the best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation. Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive.
Every tiny stru...
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct / 7th Edition
2023 || Hardcover || James Bonta e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct, Seventh Edition, provides a psychological and evidence-informed perspective of criminal behavior that sets it apart from many criminological and mental health explanations of criminal behavior.
The Factory
2023 || Hardcover || Hiroko Oyamada || Veltman Distributie Import Books
From the author of Weasels in the Attic, here is a modern fable about the all-consuming world of work.
Duden – Deutsches Universalwörterbuch / 10te Auflage
2023 || Hardcover || Duden
Die Nr. 1 der Bedeutungswörterbücher zeigt die deutsche Gegenwartssprache in einem Band. Die 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage wurde mit rund 1 000 aktuellen Wörtern unserer Zeit ergänzt. Das „Deutsche Universalwörterbuch" umfasst mehr als 500 000 Stichwörter, Redewendungen und Anwendungsbeispiele. Rund 250 000 zusätzliche Angaben zu Bedeutungen, Rechtschreibung, Aussprache, Herkunft, Grammatik und Stil vervollständigen das Werk. Eine tabellarische Kurzgrammatik zum Lernen ...
EU youth justice
The personal scope of EU criminal law and the diversity of youth justice systems
2023 || Hardcover || Jantien Leenknecht || Eleven international publishing
Minors can be involved in judicial proceedings of a different Member State when they have – allegedly – committed an offence within the EU. Whereas the EU has developed instruments to facilitate cooperation between Member States in criminal matters, no specific instruments exist to deal with cross-border youth justice cases. This book assesses to what extent it is possible and feasible to develop EU cooperation in youth justice matters.
In EU youth justice: The personal scope of EU crimin...
The Sage Handbook of Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience
Cognitive Systems, Development and Applications
2023 || Hardcover || Gregory J. Boyle e.a. || SAGE
This Handbook examines complex cognitive systems through the lens of neuroscience, as well as providing an overview of development and applications within cognitive and systems neuroscience research and beyond.
Legality and Other Requirements for Sentencing / Légalité et autres exigences en matière de condamnation
2023 || Hardcover || Piet Hein van Kempen e.a. || Eleven international publishing
All over the world, governments impose punishments on their citizens for transgressions of the criminal law. Consensus exists that this sanctioning should be in accordance with the principle of legality and the rule of law. However, governments around the world struggle with providing foreseeability and non-arbitrariness in their sentencing systems. This continuous struggle raises the question how - and to what extent - foreseeability and non-arbitrariness must be guaranteed. Not only in rela...