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Studieboeken (548)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Vehicle Dynamics

2015 || Hardcover || Martin Meywerk || John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Comprehensively covers the fundamentals of vehicle dynamics with application to automotive mechatronics. Presents a number of different design, analysis and implementation considerations related to automobiles, including power requirements, converters, performance, fuel consumption and vehicle dynamic models.Covers the dynamics, modeling and control of not only the entire vehicle system, but also of key elements of the vehicle such as transmissions, and hybrid systems integration. Includes ex...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 34,20

Praktijkdiploma boekhouden (PDB) Financiering, niveau 4

voor het praktijkdiploma boekhouden

2015 || Paperback || Ad Bakker || Brinkman Uitgeverij

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Dental Caries / 3th edition

The Disease and its Clinical Management

2015 || Hardcover || Ole Fejerskov e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

First published in 2003, Dental Caries: The Disease and Its Clinical Management has become the leading resource on cariology. In this highly anticipated new edition, the editors maintain the same focus on high-level coverage of the disease etiology and process, clinical management best-practice, and wider public health issues connected with dental caries management, including an enhanced focus on the 'caries control concept'. The aim is to link theory with clinical performance, making prevent...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Essentials of Environmental Science

2015 || Paperback || Andrew Friedland e.a. || Macmillan

At just 15 chapters, Essentials of Environmental Science is ideal for a one-semester course. It takes the same non-biased approach as its parent text, teaching students to think critically about data presented. In addition to being briefer, Essentials is even more accessible placing less emphasize on math calculations. The coverage of ecology, agriculture, energy, and water has also been streamlined to provide a more focused treatment of the science concepts.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Spare Parts Inventory Control under System Availability Constraints

2015 || Hardcover || Geert-Jan Van Houtum e.a. || Springer-Verlag

This book focuses on the tactical planning level for spare parts management. It describes a series of multi-item inventory models and presents exact and heuristic optimization methods, including greedy heuristics that work well for real, life-sized problems. The intended audience consists of graduate students, starting scholars in the field of spare parts inventory control, and spare parts planning specialists in the industry.

In individual chapters the authors consider topics includ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Deutsche Geschichte von 1848 bis zur Gegenwart / Zweite Auflage

Macht in der Mitte Europas

2021 || Hardcover || Peter Zolling || Hanser

Zehn Jahre ist es her, dass Peter Zollings große Geschichtserzählung von Deutschlands Weg zu Einheit und Freiheit erstmals erschien. Inzwischen ist vieles geschehen und nachzutragen: Eine weltweite Finanzkrise warf mit neuer Wucht die Frage nach einer gerechten Wirtschaftsordnung auf. Die Ukraine-Krise zeigt, dass der Weltfriede gefährdeter ist, als man nach dem Ende der Sowjetunion glaubte. Und der Terror radikaler Islamisten verstärkt noch den Eindruck, dass die Welt aus den Fugen gerat...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 52,25

Basislessen bewegingsonderwijs in de speelzaal / Druk 4

2015 || Hardcover || Wim van Gelder e.a. || Van Gelder in beweging

Basislessen waarvan 2 bewegen op muziek, standaard in 4 groepen en met aanvullingen voor 3 en 5 groepen, elke les heeft een plattegrond en een overzichtsfoto voor een standaard zaal, kleine zaal, kleine smalle zaal, vierkante zaal, grote zaal. Elke les (een andere) bobbelbaan! Ideeën voor grote groepen in kleine zalen. Activiteiten voor in de kleine ruimte. Nieuwe spelen. Vele differentiatiemogelijkheden. Elk kind actief!

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Frame Innovation

Create New Thinking by Design

2015 || Hardcover || Sydney) Kees (University of Technology Dorst || MIT Press Ltd

How organizations can use practices developed by expert designers to solve today's open, complex, dynamic, and networked problems. When organizations apply old methods of problem-solving to new kinds of problems, they may accomplish only temporary fixes or some ineffectual tinkering around the edges. Today's problems are a new breed-open, complex, dynamic, and networked-and require a radically different response. In this book, Kees Dorst describes a new, innovation-centered approach to proble...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Global Edition

2015 || Paperback || James Shackelford || Pearson

For a first course in Materials Sciences and Engineering taught in the departments of materials science, mechanical, civil and general engineering Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers provides balanced, current treatment of the full spectrum of engineering materials, covering all the physical properties, applications and relevant properties associated with engineering materials. It explores all of the major categories of materials while also offering detailed examinations of a wide...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers

Get Your Movie Made, Get Your Movie Seen

2015 || Paperback || Adam Leipzig || Macmillan

Leipzig, past president of National Geographic Films and a former senior executive at Disney, reveals insider secrets, step-by-step instructions, and timesaving shortcutsNeverything one needs to approach financiers, actors, agents, and distributors like a savvy professional.