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Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Doing Philosophy Comparatively / 1st edition

2015 || Paperback || Tim Connolly || Bloomsbury Publishing

Critics have argued that comparative philosophy is inherently flawed or even impossible. What standards can we use to describe and evaluate different cultures' philosophies? How do we avoid projecting our own ways of thinking onto others? Can we overcome the vast divergences in history, language, and ways of organizing reality that we find in China, India, Africa, and the West? Doing Philosophy Comparatively is the first comprehensive introduction to the foundations, problems, and methods of ...

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire

2015 || Paperback || Jean Jacques Rousseau || Livre de poche

Lorsqu'il commence à écrire les Rêveries à l'automne 1776, Rousseau est un vieil homme proche de la mort, presque pauvre, célèbre dans toute l'Europe et pourtant assuré que l'espèce humaine le rejette. Il continue cependant d'écrire et les Rêveries sont à ses yeux la suite des Confessions. Mais il ne s'agit plus désormais de raconter sa vie ni de s'expliquer aux autres pour dévoiler sa vraie nature. Dans une solitude propice à l'introspection, si des souvenirs épars remontent m...

Levertijd: 16 werkdagen

The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage / 5th edition

2015 || Paperback || Allan M. Siegal e.a.

The premier source for journalists, now revised and updated for 2015.

Does the White House tweet?

Or does the White House post on Twitter?

Can "text" be a verb and also a noun?

When should you link?

For anyone who writes--short stories or business plans, book reports or news articles--knotty choices of spelling, grammar, punctuation and meaning lurk in every line: Lay or lie? Who or whom? That or which? Is Band-Aid still a trademark? It's enough to send you in search of a Martini. (Or is that...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Computer Networks and Internets / 6th edition

Global Edition

2015 || Paperback || Douglas Comer || Pearson

Appropriate for all introductory-to-intermediate courses in computer networking, the Internet, or Internet applications; students need no background in networking, operating systems, or advanced mathematics. Leading networking authority Douglas Comer presents a wide-ranging, self-contained tour of the concepts, principles, and technologies that enable today's Internet to support applications ranging from web browsing to telephony and multimedia. Comer begins by illuminating the applications a...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

How to See the World

2015 || Paperback || Nicholas Mirzoeff || Penguin

In recent decades, we have witnessed an explosion in the number of visual images we encounter, as our lives have become increasingly saturated with screens. Drawing on art history, theory and everyday experience, this book provides an overview of how visual materials shape and define our lives.

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Little, Brown Handbook / 13th Global edition

2015 || Paperback || H. Fowler e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in English Composition. The gold standard of handbooks - unmatched in accuracy, currency, and reliability The Little, Brown Handbook is an essential reference tool and classroom resource designed to help students find the answers they need quickly and easily. While keeping pace with rapid changes in writing and its teaching, it offers the most comprehensive research and documentation available-with grammar coverage that is second to none. With detailed discussions of critical read...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Black Eyed Blonde

A Philip Marlowe Novel

2015 || Paperback || Benjamin Black || Macmillan

'Maybe it was time I forgot about Nico Peterson, and his sister, and the Cahuilla Club, and Clare Cavendish. Clare? The rest would be easy to put out of my mind, but not the black-eyed blonde . . .'It is the early 1950s. In Los Angeles, Private Detective Philip Marlowe is as restless and lonely as ever, and business is a little slow. Then a new client arrives: young, beautiful, and expensively dressed, Clare Cavendish wants Marlowe to find her former lover, a man named Nico Peterson.Soon Marl...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well

C# for Beginners With Hands-On Project

2015 || Paperback || Jamie Chan || Createspace

"New Book by Best-Selling Author Jamie Chan. Learn C# Programming Fast with a unique Hands-On Project. Book 3 of the Learn Coding Fast Series.

Have you always wanted to learn computer programming but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in learning the C# language fast?

This book is for you. You no longer have to waste your time and money learning C# from boring books that are 600 pages long, expensive online courses or ...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Statistics for the Life Sciences / 5th Global Edition

2015 || Paperback || Myra Samuels e.a. || Pearson

Statistics for the Life Sciences presents the key concepts of statistics as applied to the life sciences, while incorporating tools and themes of modern data analysis. The book emphasizes interpretation of results using real data, which facilitates an understanding of statistics and data through the use of graphical data and analysis. The Third Edition has added many new sections to cover probability rules, random variables, the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, and two-way ANOVA and ANOVA for rando...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Go Programming Language

2015 || Paperback || Alan A. A. Donovan || Addison Wesley

The Go Programming Language is the authoritative resource for any programmer who wants to learn Go. It shows how to write clear and idiomatic Go to solve real-world problems. The book does not assume prior knowledge of Go nor experience with any specific language, so you'll find it accessible whether you're most comfortable with JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, or C++.

The first chapter is a tutorial on the basic concepts of Go, introduced through programs for file I/O and text processing, sim...