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Studieboeken (846)

Levertijd onbekend

Quality Function Deployment

Integrating Customer Requirements into Product Design

1990 || Hardcover || Yōji Akao || Productivity Press

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a method for satisfying customers by translating their demands into design targets and quality assurance points. For a thorough "how-to" on the implementation of QFD, we went directly to the source -- Yoji Akao, the creator of QFD and one of the foremost leaders of the Japanese Total Quality Control movement.

In this unprecedented book he explains the concepts and methods of this remarkable systems engineering approach. Filled with case studies, detailed c...

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Crisis Management and Recovery for Events / 1st edition

Impacts and Strategies

2021 || Hardcover || Vassilios Ziakas e.a. || Goodfellow Publishers Limited

The first text to fully explore the issue of ownership and governance of international events. Split onto two distinct parts of 'Theory' and 'Cases', it presents cases from sports as well as non-sports events, in addition to general principles regarding ownership and governance based on historical, legal and managerial considerations. Ownership and Governance of International Events explores these events as global common goods owned by communities of participants, be they athletes, spectators...

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Change by Design / Revised, Updated Edition

How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

2019 || Hardcover || Tim Brown || HarperCollins || ook als eBook

The subject of "design thinking" is the rage at business schools, throughout corporations, and increasingly in the popular press--due in large part to work of IDEO, a leading design firm, and its celebrated CEO, Tim Brown, who uses this book to show how the techniques and strategies of design belong at every level of business.

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Security in Computing

2020 || Hardcover || Charles Pfleeger e.a. || Pearson

The New State of the Art in Information Security: Now Covers Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and Cyberwarfare Students and IT and security professionals have long relied on Security in Computing as the definitive guide to computer security attacks and countermeasures. Now, the authors have thoroughly updated this classic to reflect today's newest technologies, attacks, standards, and trends. Security in Computing, Fifth Edition, offers complete, timely coverage of all aspects of comp...

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Is Free Speech Under Threat?

One big question. Two great answers.

2024 || Hardcover || Charlotte Lydia Riley e.a. || Bodley Head

One big question. Two great answers. In Is Free Speech Under Threat? two leading thinkers tackle the issue at the very heart of the culture wars.

Suzanne Nossel (CEO of PEN America) puts the case that even though there is an important rebalancing of power taking place in society today, rightly giving minority voices the space and prominence they have long been owed, even so the uncompromising intolerance of a left-leaning minority crosses the threshold of an important principle on which free ...

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Applying UML and Patterns / Druk 3

2004 || Hardcover || Craig Larman || Pearson

"This edition contains Larman's usual accurate and thoughtful writing. It is a very good book made even better."-Alistair Cockburn, author, Writing Effective Use Cases and Surviving OO Projects"Too few people have a knack for explaining things. Fewer still have a handle on software analysis and design.

Craig Larman has both."-John Vlissides, author, Design Patterns and Pattern Hatching"People often ask me which is the best book to introduce them to the world of OO design. Ever since I came ac...

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The Advertising Concept Book / 3rd Edition

Think Now, Design Later

2022 || Hardcover || Pete Barry || Thames & Hudson Ltd

This is the third edition of the highly successful Advertising Concept Book. As well as substantially expanded chapters on interactive advertising and integrated advertising, an entirely new chapter on branded social media has been added. This new edition contains fifty specially drawn new illustrations of key campaigns.

It covers every aspect of the business, from how to write copy and learn the creative process to how agencies work and the different strategies used for all types of media. P...

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Principles of Sustainable Finance

2018 || Hardcover || Dirk Schoenmaker e.a. || Oxford University Press

Combining theory, empirical data, and policy this book provides a fresh analysis of sustainable finance. It explains the sustainability challenges for corporate investment and shows how finance can steer funding to certain companies and projects without sacrificing return, speeding up the transistion to a sustainable economy.

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Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle Testing / 10th edition

Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing

2018 || Hardcover || Marybeth Brown e.a. || Elsevier || ook als eBook

A practical handbook on evaluating muscular strength and function, Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing, 10th Edition helps you to understand and master procedures in manual muscle testing and performance testing. Clear, illustrated instructions provide a guide to patient positioning, direction of motion, and direction of resistance. In addition to muscle testing of normal individuals and others with weakness or paralysis, this edi...

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Dare to Lead

2018 || Hardcover || Brene Brown || Random House Publishing Group

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Brené Brown has taught us what it means to dare greatly, rise strong, and brave the wilderness. Now, based on new research conducted with leaders, change makers, and culture shifters, she's showing us how to put those ideas into practice so we can step up and lead.

Don't miss the hourlong Netflix special Brené Brown: The Call to Courage!


Leadership is not about titles, status, ...