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Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques / 8th edition

2018 || Hardcover || S Kim Suvarna e.a. || Elsevier

For 40 years, Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques has established itself as the standard reference for histotechnologists and laboratory scientists, as well as histopathologists. With coverage of the full range of histological techniques used in medical laboratories and pathology departments, it provides a strong foundation in all aspects of histological technology - from basic methods of section preparation and staining, to advanced diagnostic techniques such as immunoc...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Commonism A New Aesthetics of the Real

A New Aesthetics of the Real

2018 || Paperback || Nico Dockx e.a. || Valiz

After half a century of neoliberalism, a new radical, practice-based ideology is making its way from the margins: commonism, with an o in the middle. It is based on the values of sharing, common (intellectual) ownership and new social cooperations. Commoners assert that social relationships can replace money (contract) relationships. They advocate solidarity and they trust in peer-to-peer relationships to develop new ways of production.

Commonism maps those new ideological thoughts. How do t...

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

Understanding Motivation and Emotion / 7th edition

2018 || Paperback || Johnmarschall Reeve || John Wiley & Sons Inc

The past ten years have seen an explosion of useful research surrounding human motivation and emotion; new insights allow researchers to answer the perennial questions, including "What do people want?" and "Why do they want what they want?" By delving into the roots of motivation, the emotional processes at work, and the impacts on learning, performance, and well-being, the seventh edition of Understanding Motivation and Emotion provides a toolbox of practical interventions and approaches for...

Leverbaar vanaf 21 juni
met 5% korting 42,51

Target Rotterdam - De geallieerde bombardementen op Rotterdam en omgeving, 1940-1945

de geallieerde bombardementen op Rotterdam en omgeving, 1940-1945

2018 || Paperback || Jac. J. Baart e.a. || Boom

Geallieerde bommen maakten méér slachtoffers in Rotterdam dan de Duitse bommen op 14 mei 1940. Dit leed is extra moeilijk te bevatten, omdat het werd aangericht door onze latere bevrijders.

Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog werd de regio Rotterdam meer dan driehonderd keer gebombardeerd door de Britse en Amerikaanse luchtmachten. Dit boek werpt nieuw licht op het verwoestende bombardement van 31 maart 1943 op Rotterdam-West, en ook op de talrijke nachtelijke bomafworpen tussen 1940 en 1942, di...

Leverbaar vanaf 16 juni 2028

Introduction to World Religions / 3rd edition

2018 || Paperback || Christopher Partridge || Fortress Press,U.S.

This leading textbook for world religion is designed to help students in their study and research of the world's religious traditions. Known and valued for its balanced approach and its respected board of consulting editors, this text addresses ways to study religion, provides broad coverage of diverse religions, and offers an arresting layout with rich illustrations. Introductory sections on understanding religion and the religions of antiquity lay the foundation for the study of the numerou...

Levertijd: 24 werkdagen

Games User Research

2018 || Hardcover || Anders Drachen e.a. || Oxford University Press

Games live and die commercially on the player experience. Games User Research is collectively the way we optimise the quality of the user experience (UX) in games, working with all aspects of a game from the mechanics and interface, visuals and art, interaction and progression, making sure every element works in concert and supports the game UX. This means that Games User Research is essential and integral to the production of games and to shape the experience of players.

Today, Games User Re...

Levertijd: 25 werkdagen

Innovations in Deaf Studies / 7th Edition

The Role of Deaf Scholars

2018 || Hardcover || Annelies Kusters || Oxford University Press

Leading the reader from the fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry, right through to cutting-edge research at the forefront of the subject, Inorganic Chemistry, Seventh Edition is the ideal course companion for the duration of a student's degree. The authors have drawn upon their extensive teaching and research experience to update this text; the seventh edition retains the much-praised clarity of style and layout from previous editions, while offering an enhanced section on 'expanding...

Levertijd: 28 werkdagen

Integrated Chinese / 4th Edition

Workbook 2 (Traditional Characters)

2018 || Paperback || Yuehua Liu || Cheng & Tsui Company

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen


2018 || Paperback || Behdad Shambayati || Oxford University Press

Biomedical scientists are the foundation of modern healthcare, from cancer screening to diagnosing HIV, from blood transfusion for surgery to food poisoning and infection control. Without biomedical scientists the diagnosis of disease, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible. The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series has been written to reflect the challenges of practicing biomedical science today.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Marketing Research with SPSS

2018 || Paperback || Wim Janssens e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Suitable for undergraduate students studying Marketing Research. Marketing Research provides a step-by-step treatment of the major choices facing Marketing researchers when using SPSS. Although they may have an understanding of how SPSS works, they may not understand the statistics behind the method.

This book bridges the gap. A top author team offer a concise approach to analysing quantitative marketing research data in pracice.