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Studieboeken (238)
morgen verzonden
Wetenschapsfilosofie in de context van de sociale wetenschappen
2017 || Paperback || Jesper Tijmstra e.a. || Boom
Centraal in dit boek staat de vraag wat wetenschap wetenschappelijk maakt. Het omschrijven van wetenschap lijkt op het eerste gezicht een makkelijke opgave: iedereen heeft wel een grof idee over hoe wetenschappelijke kennis verkregen wordt en hoe wetenschappelijk onderzoek in zijn werk gaat. Toch is het geven van een goede beschrijving behoorlijk lastig omdat er veel diversiteit bestaat: onderzoekers verschillen van inzicht over de vraag wanneer een onderzoek wetenschappelijk is, ze gebruiken...
morgen verzonden
Accounting & Finance
a basic introduction
2011 || Paperback || Ewoud Jansen || Boom
This book is about finance and accounting, subjects widely discussed in many other books. What sets this book apart from most others is that it discusses all the basic aspects of finance and accounting in one single textbook. Three areas of interest are discussed:
• Financial Management;
• Management Accounting;
• Financial Accounting.
Typically, these three subjects are treated separately as individual topics. They are closely related, however, since they all deal with the many financial issu...
morgen verzonden
Visual Teams
Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innova tion, and High Performance
2011 || Paperback || D Sibbet || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Graphic tools and visual solutions for team building and development Visual Teams uses visual tools and methods to help teams both face-to-face and virtual reach high performance in today's work environment. As teams become more and more global and distributed, visualization provides an important channel of communication one that opens up the group's mind to improving work systems and processes by understanding relationships, interconnections, and big picture contexts. Visual Teams shares bes...
Business History
Complexities and Comparisons
2011 || Paperback || Franco Amatori e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This major new textbook on business history brings together the expertise of two internationally renowned authors to provide a thorough overview of the developments in business – from just before the industrial revolution right up to the present day. Business History is global in scope and looks at the major players – Europe, the US and Japan – as well as emerging economies, such as China and India. Focusing mainly on ‘big business‘, Amatori and Colli critically analyze ‘the firmâ...
Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat / 2nd edition
2011 || Paperback || Michael Day || Taylor & Francis
This second edition of a bestseller details the manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of immune-related disease in the dog and cat. It is illustrated throughout in full color, to show and explain to the reader as clearly as possible the complicated principles of disease and immunodiagnostic tests, supported by clinical cases, gross and histopathology, cytology, hematology, immunohistochemistry and other immunological tests.
Interpretive Research Design
Concepts and Processes
2011 || Paperback || Peregrine Schwartz-Shea e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Research design is fundamental to all scientific endeavors, at all levels and in all institutional settings. In many social science disciplines, however, scholars working in an interpretive-qualitative tradition get little guidance on this aspect of research from the positivist-centered training they receive. This book is an authoritative examination of the concepts and processes underlying the design of an interpretive research project.
Such an approach to design starts with the recognition ...
Critical Thinking
An Appeal to Reason
2011 || Paperback || Peg Tittle || Taylor & Francis
In Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason, Peg Tittle empowers students with a solid grounding in the lifelong skills of considered analysis and argumentation that should underpin every student’s education. Starting with the building blocks of a good argument, this comprehensive new textbook offers a full course in critical thinking. It includes chapters on the nature and structure of argument, the role of relevance, truth and generalizations, and the subtleties of verbal and visual language.
Special features include:• an emphasis on the constructive aspect of critical thinking—strengthening the arguments of others and constructing sound arguments of your own—rather than an exclusive focus on spotting faulty arguments• actual questions from standardized reasoning tests like the LSAT, GMAT, MCAT, and GRE• graduated end-of-chapter exercises, asking students to think critically about what they see, hear, read, write, and discuss• numerous sample arguments from books, magazines, television, and the Internet for students to analyze• many images for critical analysis• analyzed arguments that help students to read critically and actively• an extensive companion website for instructors and studentsA companion website features:• for instructors: an extensive instructor’s manual; a test bank; and PowerPoint slides• for students: extended answers, explanations, and analyses for the exercises and arguments in the book; supplementary chapters on logic and ethics; downloadable MP3 study guides; interactive flash cards; and thinking critically audio exercises. www.routledge.com/textbooks/titt...
Macmillan Books for Teachers: Learning Teaching
2011 || Paperback || Jim Scrivener || Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Learning Teaching wurde in der dritten Ausgabe komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Aktuelle methodisch-didaktische Entwicklungen und Trends im Bereich English as a Foreign Language wurden dabei berücksichtigt. Auch der Einsatz moderner technischer Hilfsmittel im Unterricht wie PCs, Interactive Whiteboards und virtuelles Lernen wird erläutert. Neu eingefügte Abschnitte behandeln die Themen CLIL, junge Lerner und die Vorbereitung auf die Cambridge ESOL-Prüfungen.
Ganz neu ist eine inte...
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership / 2nd edition
2011 || Paperback || James M. Kouzes e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership. Ideal for orienting readers to The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session or prior to administering the LPI® assessment, the article contains two case studies, a short descriptions of The Five Practices, a section on "Learning to Lead", and background information on ...
Les clandestins
2011 || Paperback || Youssouf Amine Elalamy || Au Diable Vauvert
Treize clandestins se noient en traversant le détroit de Gibraltar pour rejoindre l'Europe. Face à leurs corps rejetés par la mer se lève le chant des leurs, qui racontent à plusieurs voix leur trop court destin.
«Un texte sublime d'une modernité qui renouvelle les voix de la culture arabe.» L'Optimum
«Cette polyphonie résonne haut et fort, avec chaleur souvent, hargne parfois, lyrisme toujours.» Le Nouvel Observateur
«À la fin, les treize cadavres ne sont plus des anonymes. Ils ...