Studieboeken (12)
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Goed nieuws in kwade tijden
crisiscommunicatie in de praktijk
2002 || Hardcover || P. Stamsnijder || Boom
Bedrijven kennen niet alleen goede, maar ook kwade tijden. De besmettingszaak
van Coca-Cola, de moordbandencrisis van Ford en Firestone, de kinderarbeidkwestie van IKEA en de geflopte beursgang van World Online: ondernemingen komen negatief in het nieuws, al dan niet terecht. Crises zijn aan de orde van de dag.
In dit boek betoogt Paul Stamsnijder dat een nieuwe periode is aangebroken:
het transparantietijdperk. Wat zich binnen bedrijven afspeelt, wordt steeds
zichtbaarder voor het grote publiek....
PCB Design for Real-World EMI Control
2002 || Hardcover || Bruce R. Archambeault || Springer US
Proper design of printed circuit boards can make the difference between a product passing emissions requirements during the first cycle or not. Traditional EMC design practices have been simply rule-based, that is, a list of rules-of-thumb are presented to the board designers to implement. When a particular rule-of-thumb is difficult to implement, it is often ignored. After the product is built, it will often fail emission requirements and various time consuming and costly add-ons are then re...
Database Management Systems / 3rd edition
2002 || Hardcover || Raghu Ramakrishnan e.a. || McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Database Management Systems provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of database systems. Coherent explanations and practical examples have made this one of the leading texts in the field. The third edition continues in this tradition, enhancing it with more practical material.
The new edition has been reorganized to allow more flexibility in the way the course is taught. Now, instructors can easily choose whether they would like to teach a course which emphasizes da...
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Hoe word ik een rat ?
de kunst van het konkelen en samenzweren
2002 || Hardcover || Joep P.M. Schrijvers || Scriptum
Konkelen, streken uithalen, samenzweren zijn in een organisatie een alledaagse bezigheid. Wie spant met wie samen? Wie zijn er 'twee handen' op een buik? Wie manipuleert wie, waartoe en hoe? Mensen die vertrouwen op de formele verhoudingen, op het 'nette' spel, komen bedrogen uit. Beslissingen komen niet alleen tot stand door rationele afwegingen van voor- en tegenargumenten. Nee, het andere spel, het ondergrondse politieke machtsspel, is minstens even belangrijk.
In dit boek geeft Joep Schri...
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Handboek supervisiekunde
2002 || Hardcover || F. Siegers e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Handboek supervisiekunde geeft een verdere uitwerking van het supervisieconcept zoals dat in Nederland ontwikkeld is. Hierin wordt uitgegaan van de supervisant die op basis van zelfsturing leert, waardoor de focus van de supervisor in zijn begeleiding van de supervisant verschuift van het leren in de supervisiebijeenkomst naar het leren van de supervisant buiten de supervisiebijeenkomst.Het handboek maakt een onderscheid tussen supervisie en andere werkvormen, zoals lesgeven, training, coachi...
Psychological Management of Individual Performance
2010 || Hardcover || Sabine Sonnentag || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Psychological Management of Individual Performance is a unique combination of contributions from an academic and a practitioner for each topic. Leading international authors come together in this integrative and comprehensive handbook, to combine academic research findings and to provide detailed practice-relevant information, on subjects such as performance concepts, work design, cognitive ability and personality as predictors of performance, performance appraisal and potential analysis, goa...
The Palestinian Refugees:
Old Problems--New Solutions
2002 || Hardcover || Edward J. Perkins || University of Oklahoma Press
As violence escalates in the Middle East, a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine seems more elusive than ever. Yet one thing remains clear: without constructive dialogue such an agreement cannot occur. This timely volume presents just such a dialogue.
It brings together opinions, perspectives, and research focused on one of the region's most complex and volatile problems: the Palestinian refugee situation.Based on a 1999 conference at the University of Oklahoma International Program C...
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
A Leadership Fable
2002 || Hardcover || Patrick M. (Emeryville Lencioni || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni once again offers a leadership fable that is as enthralling and instructive as his first two best-selling books, The Five Temptations of a CEO and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. This time, he turns his keen intellect and storytelling power to the fascinating, complex world of teams. Kathryn Petersen, Decision Tech's CEO, faces the ultimate leadership crisis: Uniting a team in such disarray that it threatens to bring down ...
Performing the Nation
Swahili Music and Cultural Politics in Tanzania
2002 || Hardcover || Kelly Askew || The University of Chicago Press
Since its founding in 1964, the United Republic of Tanzania has used music, dance, and other cultural productions as ways of imagining and legitimizing the new nation. Focusing on the politics surrounding Swahili musical performance, Kelly Askew demonstrates the crucial role of popular culture in Tanzania's colonial and postcolonial history. As Askew shows, the genres of ngoma (traditional dance), dansi (urban jazz), and taarab (sung Swahili poetry) have played prominent parts in official art...
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java / 2nd Edition
2002 || Hardcover || Robert Lafore || Pearson
Appropriate for all courses in data structures and algorithms, and for many intermediate-to-advanced level courses in Java programming.
Many students view data structures and algorithms as difficult to understand, but this book thoroughly demystifies them. Working in Java, Robert Lafore presents each essential data structure and algorithm, using clear and simple example programs accessible through a Web browser-based “Workshop Applets.” These programs demonstrate graphically exactly what ...