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Studieboeken (64)
Principles of Forensic Toxicology / 5th edition
2020 || Hardcover || Barry S. Levine e.a. || Springer
Adopted for courses in many of the top universities for forensic science and used by respected medical examiner's offices and crime laboratories worldwide, Principles of Forensic Toxicology prepares the next generation of forensic toxicologists and continues to be an important reference in professional practice.
Groups and Symmetry / 1st Edition
1997 || Hardcover || Mark A. Armstrong || Springer
Groups are important because they measure symmetry. This text, designed for undergraduate mathematics students, provides a gentle introduction to the highlights of elementary group theory. Written in an informal style, the material is divided into short sections each of which deals with an important result or a new idea.
Throughout the book, the emphasis is placed on concrete examples, many of them geometrical in nature, so that finite rotation groups and the seventeen wallpaper groups are tr...
The Aero- and Hydromechanics of Keel Yachts
2015 || Hardcover || J. W. Slooff || Springer
How and why does sail boat performance depend on the configuration and trim of boat and sails? This book provides the yachtsman with answers in a relatively straightforward account of the physical mechanisms of sailing. It presents an accessible overview of the fluid dynamic aspects of sailing and sailing technology, addressing both aeromechanics and hydromechanics. Readers are provided with the basic principles of physics and general mechanics that will assist their understanding of the flui...
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology / 5th edition
Fundamentals and Applications
2019 || Hardcover || Daan J. A. Crommelin e.a. || Springer
This introductory text explains both the basic science and the applications of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals, with special emphasis on their clinical use. It serves as a complete one-stop source for undergraduate/graduate pharmacists, pharmaceutical science students, and for those in the pharmaceutical industry. The Fifth Edition completely updates the previous edition, and also includes additional coverage on the newer approaches such as oligonucleotides, siRNA, gene therapy and nano...
Numerical Optimization / 2nd edition
2009 || Paperback || Jorge Nocedal e.a. || Springer
Optimization is an important tool used in decision science and for the analysis of physical systems used in engineering. It begins with very simple ideas progressing through more complicated concepts, concentrating on methods for both unconstrained and constrained optimization.
Sensory Evaluation of Food
Principles and Practices
2010 || Hardcover || Harry T. Lawless e.a. || Springer
The ?eld of sensory science has grown exponentially since the publication of the p- vious version of this work. Fifteen years ago the journal Food Quality and Preference was fairly new. Now it holds an eminent position as a venue for research on sensory test methods (among many other topics).
Hundreds of articles relevant to sensory testing have appeared in that and in other journals such as the Journal of Sensory Studies. Knowledge of the intricate cellular processes in chemoreception, as we...
Enterprise Governance of Information Technology / 3rd edition
Achieving Alignment and Value in Digital Organizations
2020 || Paperback || Steven De Haes e.a. || Springer
This book integrates theoretical advances and empirical data on Enterprise Governance in Information Technology (EGIT) with practical applications based on numerous case examples. The third revised edition of Enterprise Governance of Information Technology provides professionals and students with the most recent research advancements as well as an in-depth discussion of the recently-introduced Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) 2019 framework which can be used...
Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe
Views from the Capitals
2020 || Paperback || Michael Kaeding e.a. || Springer
"The European Parliament elections in May 2019 did not bring about the rise of populism in Europe that had been feared by many. Instead, while populism was contained, a broad pro-European majority emerged that today carries the new European Commission with its ambitious green, digital and geopolitical agenda. However, Euroscepticism remains a significant force to be reckoned with in national and EU-policy making. The present book offers a better understanding of the different types of Eurosc...
Vehicle Dynamics : Theory and Application / 3rd edition
2017 || Hardcover || Reza N. Jazar || Springer || ook als eBook
This intermediate textbook is appropriate for students in vehicle dynamics courses, in their last year of undergraduate study or their first year of graduate study. It is also appropriate for mechanical engineers, automotive engineers, and researchers in the area of vehicle dynamics for continuing education or as a reference. It addresses fundamental and advanced topics, and a basic knowledge of kinematics and dynamics, as well as numerical methods, is expected.The contents are kept at a theo...
Integrated Business Planning
How to Integrate Planning Processes, Organizational Structures and Capabilities, and Leverage SAP IBP Technology
2018 || Hardcover || Robert Kepczynski e.a. || Springer
This book presents a comprehensive introduction to Integrated Business Planning (IBP), building on practitioner's experience and showcasing the value gains when moving from disconnected planning to IBP. It also proposes a road map for the transformation of planning, including technological initiatives, business priorities and organizational processes, and demonstrates how to motivate different IBP stakeholders to work together, when and how to connect strategic (to be understood as long term ...