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Studieboeken (218)
Eye Movement Disorders
2020 || Paperback || Agnes Wong || Oxford University Press
Eye Movement Disorders, by Dr. Agnes Wong, fills a great void in the Ophthalmology and Neurology literature by presenting eye movement disorders in a full-colour, highly illustrative format. This text explains eye movement disorders in a concise yet comprehensive manner, which makes it an excellent reference book and an outstanding learning text for anyone trying to master the intricate relationship between eye movement disorders, and their underlyingneuroanatomy and pathophysiology.
Its easy...
Organizational Behaviour / 4th edition
2022 || Paperback || Daniel King e.a. || Oxford University Press
Have you ever wondered: * what motivates some people to work for free?* what the future of work will look like in a post-pandemic world? * why organizational values and culture are so critical to success?The authors explore the answers to these questions and more in this bestselling introduction to organizational behaviour. Featuring the flagship Junction Hotel running case study, this text is the most practical, critical, and complete guide to the subject. The authors have extensively revise...
Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine / 5th edition
2022 || Paperback || Robert Davidson e.a. || Oxford University Press
The new edition of this unique handbook continues to provide an accessible and comprehensive, signs-and-symptoms based source of information on medical problems commonly seen in the tropics. A practical guide to diagnosis and management for medical practitioners and students, it provides vital information at the reader's fingertips.
Politics in China / 3rd edition
An Introduction
2019 || Paperback || William A. Joseph || Oxford University Press
On October 1, 2009, the People's Republic of China (PRC) celebrated the 60th anniversary of its founding. And what an eventful and tumultuous six decades it had been. During that time, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), China was transformed from one of the world's poorest countries into the world's fastest growing major economy, and from a weak state barely able to govern or protect its own territory to a rising power that is challenging theUnited States for global in...
European Union Law / 4th edition
2023 || Paperback || Steve Peers e.a. || Oxford University Press
Edited by Catherine Barnard and Steve Peers, European Union Law draws together a range of perspectives from experienced academics, teachers and practitioners to provide a comprehensive introduction. Each chapter has been written and updated by an expert in the field to provide students with access to a broad range of ideas while offering a solid foundation in the institutional and substantive law of the EU. Written by experts, designed for students; every chapter ensures a balance of accessib...
Jane Eyre / 3rd revised edition
Oxford World's Classics
2019 || Charlotte Bronte e.a. || Oxford University Press
"Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt!"Throughout the hardships of her childhood - spent with a severe aunt and abusive cousin, and later at the austere Lowood charity school - Jane Eyre clings to a sense of self-worth, despite of her treatment from those close to her. At the age of eighteen, sick of her narrow existence, she seeks work as a governess. The monotony of Jane's new life at Thornfield Hall is broken up by the arrival of her peculiar and changeful employer, Mr Roches...
The Bible: Authorized King James Version
King James Version, with Apocrypha
2008 || Paperback || Robert Carroll e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Bible is the most important book in the history of Western civilization, and also the most difficult to interpret. It has been the vehicle of continual conflict, with every interpretation reflecting passionately-held views that have affected not merely religion, but politics, art, and even science. This unique edition offers an exciting new approach to the most influential of all English biblical texts - the Authorized King James Version, complete with the Apocrypha.
The Riverside Chaucer / 3rd edition
Reissued with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon
2008 || Paperback || Geoffrey Chaucer e.a. || Oxford University Press
The third edition of the definitive collection of Chaucer's Complete Works, reissued with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon. Since F. N.
Robinson's second edition of the The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer was published in 1957, there has been a dramatic increase in Chaucer scholarship. This has not only enriched our understanding of Chaucer's art, but has also enabled scholars, working for the first time with all the source-material, to recreate Chaucer's authentic texts. For the third edition,...
Artificial Intelligence
A Very Short Introduction
2018 || Paperback || Margaret A. Boden || Oxford University Press
This concise guide explains the history, theory, potential, application, and limitations of Artificial Intelligence. Boden shows how research into AI has shed light on the working of human and animal minds, and she considers the philosophical challenges AI raises: could programs ever be really intelligent, creative or even conscious?
A Very Short Introduction
2013 || Paperback || John Hendry || Oxford University Press
John Hendry, a leading management scholar, looks at the nature and practice of Management in this Very Short Introduction. Tracing the development of management over the last century, he looks not only at what managers do, but also provides an insight to modern management theory. He considers the influences of national and organizational culture, the relationship between power and domination, managing in different cultures, approaches to management, and at the accountability of managers and m...