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Studieboeken (527)

Levertijd: 10 werkdagen

Engineering Mechanics / 15th edition

Dynamics, SI Units

2023 || Paperback || Russell Hibbeler || Pearson

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics. It empowers you to succeed by drawing upon Professor Hibbeler's decades of everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn. The text is shaped by the comments and suggestions of hundreds of reviewers in the teaching profession, as well as many of the author's students.

The 15th Edition in SI units features a large variety of proble...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders / 5th edition

Text Revision (DSM-5-TR®)

2023 || Hardcover || American Psychiatric Association || American Psychiatric Association Publishing

DSM-5-TR is the most comprehensive, current, and critical resource for clinical practice available to today's mental health clinicians and researchers. With contributions from over 200 subject matter experts, this must-have updated volume boasts the most current text updates based on the current literature.

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management / 14th Global Edition

2023 || Paperback || Jay Heizer e.a. || Pearson

Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a practical and application-oriented manner. Through detailed behind-the-scenes perspectives on the production of goods and services-from music concerts to e-commerce package delivery, manufacturing an aircraft to 3D printed stakes-this text offers an inside view that helps students gain a true understanding of how operations work within an organization. This 14th Edit...

Levertijd: 12 werkdagen

Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach

2023 || Paperback || White || SAGE

Covering the essential aspects of critical care nursing, students are asked to consider the biopsychosocial triggers of critical illness, and are walked through a number of different patient scenarios.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 10,40

Examenwoorden Engels Mbo-4, niveau B1

2023 || Postcard book or pack || Piet van der Voort || Walvaboek

De woorden die belangrijk zijn in het examen Engels vmbo staan nu met vertaling op een overzichtelijke kaart. Wanneer de leerling die ca. 1500 examenwoorden beheerst, kan het examen Engels vmbo met vertrouwen tegemoet worden gezien. De kaart is bedoeld om er ca. een jaar voor het examen mee aan de slag te gaan. Door hem bij Engelse lessen en huiswerk te gebruiken, worden in de aanloop naar het examen al heel veel woorden één of meerdere keren gezien. Zo raakt de leerling spelenderwijs vertr...

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

Basic Pharmacokinetics / 3rd edition

2023 || Paperback || Mohsen A. Hedaya || Taylor & Francis

This book introduces pharmacokinetic concepts to beginners to help them understand the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs. After a basic introduction to pharmacokinetics and its related fields, the book introduces readers to quantitative pharmacokinetic relations and the interplay between pharmacokinetic parameters.

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals, SI Units / 15th edition

2023 || Paperback || Joel Hass e.a. || Pearson

Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals goes beyond memorizing formulas and routine procedures to help you develop deeper understanding. It guides you to a level of mathematical proficiency, with additional support if needed through its clear and intuitive explanations, current applications and generalized concepts. Technology exercises in every section use the calculator or computer for solving problems, and Computer Explorations offer exercises requiring a computer algebra system like Maple...

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Public Administration / 1st edition (rev.)

Concepts and Cases

2023 || Paperback || Murat Onder e.a. || Springer

This handbook discusses different countries' bureaucratic, institutional, constitutional, reforms and governance system. It analyses the legislative and policy making processes and applications, local structures and functions of public administration in a given country. It presents the comparative aspects of public administration across the globe with recent developments in the field.

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video

2023 || Paperback || David K. Irving e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

Moral Boundaries

A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care

2023 || Paperback || Joan Tronto || Taylor & Francis

Contests the association of care with women as empirically and historically inaccurate, as well as politically unwise. Tronto presents care as one of the central activites of human life and illustrates the ways in which society degrades the importance of caring in order to maintain the power of those who are privileged.