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Studieboeken (117)
En contact. Méthode de français. Livre de l'eleve B1
Per le Scuole superiori
2023 || Paperback || Jean-Luc Penfornis || CLE International
Livre de l'élève dans la collection En contact, méthode de français langue étrangère (FLE), pour grands adolescents et adultes, niveau B1.
Se préparer à une communication immédiate
En contact est une méthode de français pour adultes et grands adolescents sur 2 niveaux
En contact niveau débutant A1/A2
En contact niveau intermédiaire B1
Son parcours clair et balisé permet d'acquérir rapidement et concrétement les outils d'une communication simple et authentique.
Elle permet aux ...
Documenting Sources in MLA Style: 2021 Update
A Bedford/St. Martin's Supplement
2023 || Paperback || Bedford/St. Martin's || Macmillan
In less than fifty pages students gain the latest guidance on documenting sources in MLA style following the guidelines set forth in the MLA Handbook (April 2021).
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language
2014 || Paperback || David Kemmerer || Taylor & Francis
Language is one of our most precious and uniquely human capacities, so it is not surprising that research on its neural substrates has been advancing quite rapidly in recent years. Until now, however, there has not been a single introductory textbook that focuses specifically on this topic. Cognitive Neuroscience of Language fills that gap by providing an up-to-date, wide-ranging, and pedagogically practical survey of the most important developments in the field.
It guides students through al...
In Other Words / 3rd edition
A Coursebook on Translation
2018 || Paperback || Mona Baker || Taylor & Francis
In Other Words has been the definitive coursebook for students studying translation for nearly three decades. Assuming no knowledge of foreign languages, it offers a practical guide based on extensive research in areas as varied as lexis, grammar, pragmatics, semiotics and ethics. It thus provides a solid basis for training a new generation of well-informed, critical students of translation.
Drawing on linguistic theory and social semiotics, the third edition of this best-selling text guides ...
Introduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition / 2nd edition
2020 || Paperback || Shawn Loewen || Taylor & Francis
Now in its second edition, Introduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition continues to present a cohesive view of the different theoretical and pedagogical perspectives that comprise instructed second language acquisition (ISLA). Loewen provides comprehensive discussions of the theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical aspects of a range of key issues in ISLA, and has added to this edition a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between ISLA research and second language pedagogy...
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch B1+
2023 || Paperback || Anne Buscha e.a. || Schubert-Verlag
BEGEGNUNGEN DEUTSCH ALS FREMDSPRACHE A1+ bis B1+ ist ein modernes und kommunikatives Lehrwerk in mehreren Teilen, das sich an erwachsene Lerner richtet, die auf schnelle und effektive Weise Deutsch lernen möchten. Es ist übersichtlich strukturiert und ermöglicht den Lernenden einen selbstständigen und einfachen Umgang mit dem Lernstoff. Das Lehrwerk ist bereits vom Sprachniveau A1 an auf die sprachlichen, inhaltlichen und intellektuellen Anforderungen erwachsener Lerner ausgerichtet.
Al-Kitaab fii Tacallum al-cArabiyya with Multimedia / 2nd edition
A Textbook for Beginning ArabicPart One
2004 || Paperback || Kristen Brustad e.a. || Georgetown University Press
Develops skills in standard Arabic while providing additional material in both colloquial and classical Arabic. Providing approximately 150 contact hours of college-level instruction, this edition includes audio tracks for vocabulary sections, and, a DVD containing substantially more material that exposes the learner to Egyptian Arabic.