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Macroeconomics / 8th edition

A European text

2022 || Paperback || Michael Burda e.a. || Oxford University Press

Responding to the most recent global challenges by analysing data from new events, and developing new policy examples, the eighth edition of Macroeconomics: A European Text continues to provide a comprehensive and modern analysis of macroeconomic theories. While retaining their focus on those features that characterise the European economy, the authors explore matters surrounding the global financial crisis, the European debt crisis, and the most recent effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on bot...

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Strategic Marketing / 4th edition

Creating Competitive Advantage

2022 || Paperback || Douglas West e.a. || Oxford University Press || ook als eBook

Highly practical and exceptionally clear, Strategic Marketing discusses the essential concepts and tools necessary to understand and implement effective marketing strategies. The fourth edition is packed with new case studies and examples including the rise of Disney +, the use of artificial intelligence in marketing, and small-scale innovators in India. Step into the professional world via the brand-new Practitioner Insights feature through which marketers operating across Africa, Europe, an...

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Model Business Letters, Emails / 7th edition

and Other Business Documents

2022 || Paperback || Shirley Taylor || Pearson || ook als eBook

For anyone who wants to communicate effectively in business,this is your complete reference guide for any form of written communication. Packed with over 500 sample documents, over 100 tips for better business writing and useful templates you can apply to your writing immediately, Model Business Letters will help you put the key rules of good business writing into action.

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met 5% korting 67,40

Ondernemen met informatie / Druk 10


2022 || Paperback || Jan Snijders e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- Is afgestemd op beroepscompetenties, na elk hoofdstuk beheerst de student nieuwe (informatiekundige) vaardigheden;

- bevat aansprekende actuele praktijkvoorbeelden, nieuwsitems en focusartikelen;

- de digitale samenleving is door het hele boek heen gevlochten.

Ondernemen met informatie laat studenten in drie samenhangende delen kennismaken met de informatievoorziening in een onderneming. Het eerste deel van het boek bespreekt de essentie van de informatievoorziening en de bedrijfsprocessen ...

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Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation / 2nd edition

A Practical Guide to Disruptive Technologies and New Business Models

2022 || Paperback || John Manners-Bell e.a. || Kogan Page Ltd

Global disruption, new technologies and changing consumer habits are causing turmoil in the supply chain industry. This book shows businesses how to remain resilient in this dynamic new environment. The supply chain crisis of 2021 exposed the necessity of a sustainable supply chain.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has transformed our society and economy. The logistics and supply chain industry continues to be innovated by automation, blockchain and sustainability. Amid all this volatility, i...

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Food and Beverage Management / 6th edition

For the hospitality, tourism and event industries

2022 || Paperback || John Cousins e.a. || Goodfellow Publishers Limited || ook als eBook

Sixth edition updated and revised to take account of changes in approaches to the management of F&B operations brought about by issues such as COVID, Brexit, staff shortages, technology and sustainability ethics; * Content based on the application of systems operations management theory to traditional and current industry practice in food and beverage operations * Specially designed to support learning being divided into ten chapters, ideal for semester teaching, thorough pedagogic features, ...

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Digital Marketing / 8th edition

Strategy, implementation and practice

2022 || Paperback || Dave Chaffey e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

"I have used this book in all its editions since first publication with my undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is a core text for all the students, because it provides the detail they require at an academic level. Importantly it is a book for the practitioner to use too - which is why we use it on our postgraduate practitioner programmes.

We make a copy available to every student in the University. No other text comes close and literally thousands of our graduates have benefitted from...

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Introduction to Management Accounting / 17th Global Edition

2022 || Paperback || Charles Horngren e.a. || Pearson

Thistitle is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has workedclosely with educators around the world to include content which is especiallyrelevant to students outside the United States. For MBA-level managerial accounting courses. An essential tool for understanding how to make effective economicdecisions. In todayGÇÖs troubled economy, itGÇÖs important to show students howmanagerial decisions can affect business costs. Introduction toManagement Accounting helps to en...

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management / 6th edition

2022 || Paperback || Martin Christopher || Pearson || ook als eBook

Supply chains and the logistics activities that drive them are critical to business success. Logistics and Supply Chain Management has the most up-to-date practical tools to manage the people and processes that allow businesses to gain and maintain competitive advantage through their supply chains. You'll discover how effective development and management of supply chain networks will help businesses cut costs and enhance customer value.

The sixth edition of this bestselling book has been comp...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Business Communication Essentials / 8th Global Edition

2022 || Paperback || Courtland Bovee e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content, which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. Help your students launch their careers with modern communication skillsFor the past two decades, business communication has been in a constant flux, with email, web content, social media, and mobile devices changing the rules of the game.

Business Communication Essentials: Fundamental S...