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morgen verzonden
Taiwan Strait
Conscious City Incubator
2024 || Hardcover || Raoul Bunschoten || Jap Sam Books
The Taiwan Strait is a liminal space, and a natural incubator. These two conditions create a unique opportunity for implementing a future city-making process.
The Conscious City concept brings together all the challenges facing contemporary city-making. It is a concept for the urban curation processes required for future cities; for adapting to the impacts of climate change, emerging intelligences, a growing population, affordable housing, the need for a new pact with nature, as well as navi...
morgen verzonden
Mapping Landscapes in Transformation
multidisciplinary Methods for Historical Analysis
2019 || Paperback || Thomas Coomans e.a. || Leuven University Press
The development of historical geographical information systems (HGIS) and other methods from the digital humanities have revolutionised historical research on cultural landscapes. One of today’s major challenges, however, concerns the concepts and tools to be deployed for mapping processes of transformation—that is, interpreting and imagining the relational complexity of urban and rural landscapes, both in space and in time, at micro- and macro-scale. The opening up of increasingly divers...
morgen verzonden
Situating more-than-human Ecologies of Extended Urbanisation
Footprint #33
2024 || Paperback || Nikos Katsikis e.a. || Jap Sam Books / TU Delft OPEN
morgen verzonden
Brokers of Modernity
east Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950
2019 || Paperback || Martin Kohlrausch || Leuven University Press
The first half of the twentieth century witnessed the rise of modernist architects. Brokers of Modernity reveals how East Central Europe turned into one of the pre-eminent testing grounds of the new belief system of modernism. By combining the internationalism of the CIAM organization and the modernising aspirations of the new states built after 1918, the reach of modernist architects extended far beyond their established fields. Yet, these architects paid a price when Europe’s age of extre...
morgen verzonden
Footprint 31 / Druk 31
Open Architecture. Tradition, Possibilities and Shortcomings
2023 || Paperback || Jorge Meija Hernández e.a. || Jap Sam Books / TU Delft
morgen verzonden
Conditional Design
an introduction to elemental architecture
2014 || Paperback || Anthony di Mari || BIS Publishers BV
Conditional Design is the sequel to Operative Design. This book will further explore the operative in design in a more detailed, intentional, and functional manner. Spatially, the conditional is the result of the operative. Both terms work together to satisfy a formal manipulation through a set of opportunities for elements such as connections and apertures. The conditional starts with investigating not only ideas of circulation and light but also how volumes relate to the ground. These manip...
Basics Urban Building Blocks
2021 || Hardcover || Thorsten Burklin e.a. || Birkhauser Verlag AG
CMF Design
The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design
2016 || Paperback || Liliana Becerra || Frame Publishers BV
In this first book about the rather young discipline, the author consolidated its key principles, so that they can be consulted, referenced and utilised by both design students and professionals.
Only when the perfect balance between visual beauty and functional performance is achieved, can a product provide a consistent and successful user experience. The discipline of CMF design focuses on designing and specifying colours, materials and finishes to support both functional and emotional attr...
Architecture: A Very Short Introduction
A Very Short Introduction
2002 || Paperback || Andrew Ballantyne || Oxford University Press
This highly original and sophisticated look at architecture helps us to understand the cultural significance of the buildings that surround us. It avoids the traditional style-spotting approach in favour of giving an idea of what it is about buildings that moves us, and what it is that makes them important artistically and culturally. The book begins by looking at how architecture acquires meaning through tradition, and concludes with the exoticism of the recentavant garde.
Illustrations of p...
Moorish Spain
2022 || Paperback || Richard Fletcher || Orion Publishing Co
A clear, intelligently-written guide to a crucial period of Spanish history