Studieboeken (30)
The Psychology of Selling
Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
2006 || Paperback || Brian Tracy || HarperCollins
Brian Tracy, one of the top professional speakers and sales trainers in the world today, found that his most important breakthrough in selling was the discovery that it is the "Psychology of Selling" that is more important than the techniques and methods of selling.
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Omringd door energievreters
Versla de mensen die alle vreugde, tijd en levenslust uit je trekken
2023 || Paperback || Thomas Erikson || HarperCollins || met inkijkexemplaar
Na Omringd door idioten de nieuwe bestseller van het Zweedse fenomeen Thomas Erikson.
Iedereen kent ze wel: energievreters. Twintig minuten in dezelfde ruimte met deze mensen en je bent uitgeput. Ze eisen alles op – je tijd, aandacht, emoties: je wordt leeggezogen. Zie je ertegenop om met dit soort mensen om te gaan, maar weet je niet hoe je de dynamiek moet veranderen? Dit boek gaat je helpen!
Thomas Erikson biedt simpele en praktische tools om energievreters te identificeren en uit te s...
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De zeven geheimen van het overtuigen
2021 || Paperback || Robert Cialdini || HarperCollins || met inkijkexemplaar
Nieuwe, geactualiseerde editie van dé gids waarmee je anderen echt kunt overtuigen.
Hét fundamentele en razend populaire boek over invloed en overtuiging van de gerenommeerde internationale bestsellerauteur dr. Robert B. Cialdini is nu compleet herzien en uitgebreid, in een nieuwe vertaling.
In de nieuwe editie van deze veelgeprezen bestseller legt Cialdini uit waarom mensen ‘ja’ zeggen en hoe je deze inzichten in zowel werk- als privésituaties kunt toepassen.
Aan d...
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Nooit genoeg
Een nieuwe kijk op onze prestatiecultuur
2024 || Paperback || Jennifer Breheny Wallace || HarperCollins
In Nooit genoeg vertelt journalist en maatschappijcriticus Jennifer Brehemy Wallace over de huidige prestatiecultuur en geeft ze tips en adviezen over wat we anders zouden kunnen doen.
Op basis van bijna zesduizend gesprekken – met gezinnen, psychologen en leerkrachten – laat Wallace zien dat de druk om te presteren vaak niet alleen vanuit ouders komt. Het zit diepgeworteld in onze samenleving en wordt aangewakkerd door de toenemende inkomens- en kansenongelijkheid. Hierdoor hebben...
7-Day Juice Challenge
The Juice Master Diet
2016 || Paperback || Jason Vale || HarperCollins
Lose up to 7lbs in 7 days with The Juice Master Jason Vale's ultra-fast 1-week super juice cleanse. The man who helped Jordan to get her post-baby body back has designed a healthy and effective diet and exercise programme to reshape your body in just one week, but with lasting results. The one-week super juice diet with fast, body-transforming results from the UK's leading health coach and seminar leader Jason Vale - aka The Juice Master.
This highly motivational and hard-hitting programme fo...
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Stephen Fry In America
2009 || Paperback || Stephen Fry || HarperCollins
Britain's best-loved comic genius Stephen Fry turns his celebrated wit and insight to unearthing the real America as he travels across the continent in his black taxicab. Stephen's account of his adventures is filled with his unique humour, insight and warmth in the fascinating book that orginally accompanied his journey for the BBC1 series. 'Stephen Fry is a treasure of the British Empire.' - The Guardian Stephen Fry has always loved America, in fact he came very close to being born there.
On Writing Well
The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
2016 || Paperback || William Zinsser || HarperCollins
"On Writing Well is a bible for a generation of writers looking for clues to clean, compelling prose." New York Times
A beloved classic, this definitive volume on the art of writing nonfiction celebrates its thirtieth anniversary.
On Writing Well, which grew out of a course that William Zinsser taught at Yale, has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity, and for the warmth of its style. It is a book for anybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get thro...
Robinson Crusoe
|| Paperback || Daniel Defoe || HarperCollins
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'It happen'd one Day about Noon going towards my Boat, I was exceedingly surpriz'd with the Print of a Man's naked Foot on the Shore.' Shipwrecked in a storm at sea, Robinson Crusoe is washed up on a remote and desolate island. As he struggles to piece together a life for himself, Crusoe's physical, moral and spiritual values are tested to the limit.
For 24 years he remains in solitude and learns to tame and ma...
Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging
On Homecoming and Belonging
2017 || Paperback || Sebastian Junger || HarperCollins
From the author of THE PERFECT STORM and WAR comes a book about why men miss war, why Londoners missed the Blitz, and what we can all learn from American Indian captives who refused to go home. Tribe is a look at post-traumatic stress disorder and the challenges veterans face returning to society. Using his background in anthropology, Sebastian Junger argues that the problem lies not with vets or with the trauma they've suffered, but with the society to which they are trying to return.
One of...
Purple Hibiscus
2023 || Paperback || Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie || HarperCollins
A haunting tale of an Africa and an adolescence undergoing tremendous changes from the talented bestseller and award-winning author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Fifteen-year-old Kambili's world is circumscribed by the high walls of her family compound and the frangipani trees she can see from her bedroom window. Her wealthy Catholic father, although generous and well-respected in the community, is repressive and fanatically religious at home.
Her life is lived under his shadow and regulated by s...