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Motivational Interviewing / 3rd edition
Helping People Change
2012 || Hardcover || William R. Miller e.a. || Guilford Publications
*A to Z revision of a bestseller (250,000 in print); the bible of a proven, highly effective therapeutic technique. *Enjoys worldwide popularity; off-the-shelf and text sales are bolstered by author workshops and frequent MI training events. *Reorganized around the co-creators' evolving framework for teaching and implementing MI.
*Strong demand for MI titles: originally developed for treating addictions, the approach is now widely used throughout mental health and health care. *Value-added on...
Analyzing the European Union Policy Process
210 || Hardcover || Esther Versluis e.a. || Macmillan
Readers are provided with a practical insight into how to analyze policies and policy-making in the EU. Using case studies to deepen readers' understanding, this book examines the various stages of the policy process - from the moment the issue reaches the agenda through to drafting, implementation and evaluation.
Emotional Intelligence 2.0
2009 || Hardcover || Travis Bradberry e.a. || TalentSmart
FOREWORD BY PATRICK LENCIONI, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE FIVE DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book with a single purpose--increasing your EQ. Here's what people are saying about it: "Emotional Intelligence 2.0 succinctly explains how to deal with emotions creatively and employ our intelligence in a beneficial way." --THE DALAI LAMA "A fast read with compelling anecdotes and good context in which to understand and improve." --NEWSWEEK "Gives abundant, practical findings ...
European Family Law
2016 || Hardcover || Jens M. Scherpe || Edward Elgar Publishing
This definitive work, published in four-volumes, maps the emerging European family law.The chapters draw on a wide range of topics, such as: marriage, divorce, cohabitation, same-sex relationships, the financial consequence of divorce, adoption, parentage and surrogacy, parental responsibility, the child's welfare, and law concerning older people. Through its stimulating comparative analysis and comprehensive coverage of the topic, this set of books is intended to serve as a major resource fo...
Risk Management for Security Professionals
2017 || Hardcover || C. A. Roper || Butterworth-Heinemann
This book describes the risk management methodology as a specific process, a theory, or a procedure for determining your assets, vulnerabilities, and threats and how security professionals can protect them. Risk Management for Security Professionals is a practical handbook for security managers who need to learn risk management skills. It goes beyond the physical security realm to encompass all risks to which a company may be exposed.
Risk Management as presented in this book has several goal...
Introduction to Optics / 3th edition
2017 || Hardcover || Frank L. Pedrotti e.a. || Cambridge University Press
A re-issued edition of this well-known optics textbook. Designed for intermediate and upper level undergraduates in physics and engineering, the third edition covers the traditional areas of optics whilst including modern applications.
The Art and Craft of Policy Advising / 1st edition
A Practical Guide
2022 || Hardcover || David Bromell || Springer
This book offers a practical guide for policy advisors and their managers, grounded in the author's extensive experience as a senior policy practitioner in New Zealand's Westminster-style system of government. A key message is that effective policy advising is less about cycles, stages and steps, and more about relationships, integrity and communication. Policy making is incremental social problem solving.
Policy advising is mostly learned on the job, like an apprenticeship. It starts with ca...
European Union Politics
2020 || Hardcover || John Mccormick || Bloomsbury Publishing
Cutting through the jargon of EU politics, the third edition of this engaging and informative textbook examines the history, institutions, processes and politics of the European Union with unprecedented clarity. The EU is a fascinating political experiment in regional integration and it has changed our understanding of Europe, how Europeans relate to one another, the role Europe plays in global politics and has even shifted our understanding of politics itself. Helping to make sense of it all...
Change by Design / Revised, Updated Edition
How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation
2019 || Hardcover || Tim Brown || HarperCollins || ook als eBook
The subject of "design thinking" is the rage at business schools, throughout corporations, and increasingly in the popular press--due in large part to work of IDEO, a leading design firm, and its celebrated CEO, Tim Brown, who uses this book to show how the techniques and strategies of design belong at every level of business.
five Studies in World Strategy
2022 || Hardcover || Henry Kissinger || Allen Lane
Kissinger's six leaders are Konrad Adenauer, Charles de Gaulle, Richard Nixon, Anwar Sadat, Lee Kuan Yew, and Margaret Thatcher. All of them were formed in a period when established institutions collapsed all over Europe, colonial structures gave way to independent states in Asia and Africa, and a new international order had to be created from the vestiges of the old. Kissinger penetratingly analyses each of these leaders' careers through the highly individual strategies of statecraft which h...