Studieboeken (17)
vandaag verzonden
Marketing 3.0 / 1st edition
From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit
2010 || Hardcover || Philip Kotler e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Understand the next level of marketing. The new model for marketing-Marketing 3.0-treats customers not as mere consumers but as the complex, multi-dimensional human beings that they are. Customers, in turn, are choosing companies and products that satisfy deeper needs for participation, creativity, community, and idealism. In Marketing 3.0, world-leading marketing guru Philip Kotler explains why the future of marketing lies in creating products, services, and company cultures that inspire, in...
Systems Analysis for Sustainable Engineering: Theory and Applications
Theory and Applications
2010 || Hardcover || Ni-Bin Chang || McGraw-Hill
Helps you implement system analysis tools in sustainable engineering. This title provides a proven framework for applying systems analysis tools to account for environmental impacts, energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, socioeconomic implications, and ecosystem health in engineering solutions.
Power Electronics
2010 || Hardcover || Daniel Hart || McGraw Hill
Power Electronics is intended to be an introductory text in power electronics, primarily for the undergraduate electrical engineering student. The text is written for some flexibility in the order of the topics. Much of the text includes computer simulation using PSpice as a supplement to analytical circuit solution techniques.
Earth Structure / 2nd Editon
An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics
2010 || Hardcover || Stephen Marshak e.a. || WW Norton & Co
The Second Edition also benefits from new artwork that clearly illustrates complex concepts. New to the Second Edition: New Chapter: 15, "Geophysical Imaging," by Frederick Cook Within Chapters 21 and 22, four new essays on "Regional Perspectives" discuss the European Alps, the Altaids, the Appalachians, and the Cascadia Wedge. New and updated art for more informative illustration of concepts.
The Second Edition now has 570 black & white figures
The Oxford Handbook of Religious Diversity
2010 || Hardcover || Oxford University Press
Studies in religion are flourishing internationally, and one of the central topics discussed in the field today-perhaps the most discussed topic-is religious diversity. With the influx of religious traditions in the West and the growing diversity of religious adherents and practitioners worldwide, people across the globe are currently nterested in exploring issues in religious diversity. The present work is a response to this ubiquitous interest.
It is a substantial volume of thirty-three ori...
An Introduction to Islamic Archaeology
2010 || Hardcover || Marcus Milwright || Edinburgh University Press
This book offers an introduction to the archaeology of the Islamic world. It traces the history of the discipline from its earliest manifestations through to the present and evaluates the contribution made by archaeology to the understanding of key aspects of Islamic culture. The author argues that it is essential for the results of archaeological research to be more fully integrated into the wider historical study of the Islamic world.
Organising the book into broad themes allows a focus on ...
Winning in Emerging Markets
2010 || Hardcover || Krishna G. Palepu e.a. || Harvard Business Review Press
Already cited by the Financial Times, Forbes.com, The Economic Times, WSJ/Mint and several other prominent global business publications, Winning in Emerging Markets is quickly becoming the go-to book for mapping a strategy for entering new markets--and then quickly gaining a competitive edge in those high growth regions. Advancing the discussion about emerging markets themselves and how organizations can best leverage the potential of these regions, Tarun Khanna and Krishna Palepu -- both wel...
How Brands Grow
What Marketers Don't Know
2010 || Hardcover || Byron Sharp || Oxford University Press
This book provides evidence-based answers to the key questions asked by marketers every day. Tackling issues such as how brands grow, how advertising really works, what price promotions really do and how loyalty programs really affect loyalty, How Brands Grow presents decades of research in a style that is written for marketing professionals to grow their brands. It is the first book to present these laws in context and to explore their meaning and application.
Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations / 7th edition
2010 || Hardcover || Thomas M. Devlin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This book presents a clear and precise discussion of the biochemistry of eukaryotic cells, particularly those of mammalian tissues, relates biochemical events at a cellular level to the subsequent physiological processes in the whole animal, and cites examples of abnormal biochemical processes in human disease.
Distributions Theory & Applications
Theory and Applications
2010 || Hardcover || J.J. Duistermaat e.a. || Birkhauser Boston Inc
I am sure that something must be found. There must exist a notion of generalized functions which are to functions what the real numbers are to the rationals (G. Peano, 1912) Not that much effort is needed, for it is such a smooth and simple theory (F.
Tre`ves, 1975) In undergraduate physics a lecturer will be tempted to say on certain occasions: “Let ?. x/ be a function on the line that equals 0 away from 0 and is in?nite at 0 in such a way that its total integral is 1. The most important p...