Studieboeken (10)
vandaag verzonden
Chemical Reaction Engineering
A First Course
1997 || Paperback || Ian S. Metcalfe || Oxford University Press
This book covers the material required for a basic understanding of chemical reaction engineering. Such material would normally be taught in a first chemical reaction engineering course in a university chemical engineering department. The principles of reaction engineering are simply and clearly presented; simple illustrative problems are used to demonstrate how these principles are practically applied.
Further problems, with solutions, based on exam questions, are supplied. The book is writt...
Twentieth Century Design
1997 || Paperback || Jonathan M. Woodham || OUPQ
The most famous designs of the twentieth century are not those in museums, but in the marketplace. the Coca-Cola bottle and the McDonalds logo are known all over the world, and designs like the modernistic Frankfurt Kitchen of 1926, or the 1954 streamlined and tail-finned Oldsmobile, or Blow, the inflatable chair ubiquitous in the late sixties, tell us more about our culture than a narrowly-defined canon of classics. Drawing on the most up-to-date scholarship (not only in design history but a...
A Guide To The Bodhisattva Way Of Life
1997 || Paperback || Santideva e.a. || Shambhala Publications Inc
New Age Religion and Western Culture
Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought
1997 || Paperback || Wouter J. Hanegraaff || State Univ of New York Pr
Recent years have seen a spectacular rise of the New Age movement and an ever-increasing interest in its beliefs and manifestations. This fascinating work presents the first comprehensive analysis of New Age Religion and its historical backgrounds, thus providing a means of orientation in the bewildering variety of the movement. Making extensive use of primary sources, the author thematically analyses New Age beliefs from the perspective of the study of religions. While looking at the histori...
Language Planning
From Practice to Theory
1997 || Paperback || Robert B. Kaplan e.a. || Multilingual Matters
Reviewing the field of language policy and planning, this text sets out current practice and ways of thinking about language policy and planning, looking at methodology and the key areas of education, literacy and economics. Case studies of key language planning and policy issues are included.
World of art Art of Tibet
1997 || Paperback || Robert E. Fisher || Thames & Hudson Ltd
With the spread of Buddhism among Westerners and the controversy over its status, interest in Tibet has never been greater. This mysterious land, now a province of the People's Republic of China, has produced some of the most fascinating and creative art in the world. From silk embroidery and textiles to painting, sculpture, and manuscripts, Tibetan art has striking qualities that set it apart from other Buddhist and Asian art. Robert Fisher takes the reader through the history of Tibetan art...
Mark Dion
1997 || Paperback || John Berger e.a. || Phaidon Press
Mark Dion (b.1961) is an American artist who, in making his art, metamorphoses into explorer, biochemist, detective and archaeologist. In his gallery installations around Europe and America since the 1980s, Dion has constructed the laboratories, experiments and museum caches of the great historical naturalists - following in their footsteps in his own adventurous, eco-inspired journeys to the tropics. His research and magical collections are presented in installational still lifes that combin...
Attachment - Volume One of the Attachment and Loss Trilogy
1997 || Paperback || John Bowlby || Vintage
In this classic work of psychology John Bowlby examines the processes that take place in attachment and separation and shows how experimental studies of children provide us with a recognizable behaviour pattern which is confirmed by discoveries in the biological sciences.
1997 || Paperback || Toni Morrison || Vintage Publishing
Discover Toni Morrison's most iconic work in this Pulitzer-prize winning novel that exemplifies her powerful and important place in contemporary American literature. 'An American masterpiece' AS ByattIt is the mid-1800s and as slavery looks to be coming to an end, Sethe is haunted by the violent trauma it wrought on her former enslaved life at Sweet Home, Kentucky. Her dead baby daughter, whose tombstone bears the single word, Beloved, returns as a spectre to punish her mother, but also to el...
Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents
1997 || Paperback || James Reason || Taylor & Francis
Major accidents are rare events due to the many barriers, safeguards and defences developed by modern technologies. But they continue to happen with saddening regularity and their human and financial consequences are all too often unacceptably catastrophic. One of the greatest challenges we face is to develop more effective ways of both understanding and limiting their occurrence.
This lucid book presents a set of common principles to further our knowledge of the causes of major accidents in ...