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Industries of the Future

|| Paperback || Alec Ross || Simon & Schuster

Leading innovation expert, Alec Ross, answers the question: 'What's next?' mapping out the advances and quandaries that will emerge in the next ten years, examining the specific fields that will most shape our economic future, including robotics, artificial intelligence, the commercialization of genomics, cybercrime and the impact of digital technology.

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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance / 5th Global Edition

2022 || Paperback || Jonathan Berk e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For undergraduate courses in corporate finance or financial management. Help students practice and connect to real-world financial decisionsFundamentals of Corporate Finance offers a practical introduction to modern-day core principles, arming students with a problem-solving methodology, real-life financial management practices, and an overarching valuation framework that they can apply in their future careers. Updated with new data, examples, and exercises, the 5th Edition gives students the...

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Meta profesional (eentalig) 1 libro de ejercicios + Intertaal Augmented

2015 || Hardcover || J.J. Patron || Intertaal

Met het libro de ejercicios kunnen de cursisten het geleerde zelfstandig thuis of in de les oefenen. Ook wordt er in elke unidad aandacht besteed aan de uitspraak van het Spaans.

Het libro de ejercicios van deel 1 bevat ook vijf Etapas, Etapa 2 en 5 zijn voorbeelden van examens op niveau A1 en niveau A2.

Achter in het libro de ejercicios staan de transcripties van de luisterteksten, de oplossingen bij de oefeningen en een Tabla de recursos met idioom voor zakelijke gesprekken.

Over deze serie


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Business Model Generation

A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers

2010 || Paperback || Alexander Osterwalder e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd || ook als eBook

Business Model Generation is a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers striving to defy outmoded business models and design tomorrow's enterprises. If your organization needs to adapt to harsh new realities, but you don't yet have a strategy that will get you out in front of your competitors, you need Business Model Generation.Co-created by 470 "Business Model Canvas" practitioners from 45 countries, the book features a beautiful, highly visual, 4-color design that takes powe...

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Statistics for Business & Economics / 14th Global Edition

2021 || Paperback || James McClave e.a. || Pearson

Statistics for Business and Economics introduces statistics in the context of contemporary business. Emphasising statistical literacy in thinking, the text applies its concepts with real data and uses technology to develop a deeper conceptual understanding. Examples, activities, and case studies foster active learning in the classroom while emphasising intuitive concepts of probability and teaching students to make informed business decisions.

The 14th Edition continues to highlight the impor...

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International Business Law / 6th edition

2012 || Paperback || Ray August e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For upper-level undergraduate and MBA students enrolled in an international business law course. August emphasizes the diversity and similarity of how firms are currently regulated and governed around the world.

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The Culture Map / 1st edition

Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures

2016 || Paperback || Erin Meyer || PublicAffairs

Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to your own. Renowned expert Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain where people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together.When you have Americans who precede anything negative with three nice comments French, Dutch, Israelis, ...

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The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

30th Anniversary Edition

2020 || Paperback || Stephen R. Covey e.a. || Simon & Schuster

New York Times bestseller - over 25 million copies soldThe No. 1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century "[Thirty] years after it first appeared, the wisdom of The 7 Habits is more relevant than ever. On an individual level people are burning out, and on a collective level we are burning up the planet.

So Dr. Covey's emphasis on self-renewal and his understanding that leadership and creativity require us to tap into our own physical, mental, and spiritual resources are exactly...

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Introduction to Materials Management / 8th edition

2016 || Paperback || Steve Chapman e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

For all courses in Materials Management, Production, Inventory Control, and Logistics taught in business and industrial technology departments of community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. Understand all elements of production planning and control, and how they fit together with Introduction to Materials Management. Clearly written and exceptionally user-friendly, this text covers all the essentials of modern supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control systems, ...

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Doughnut Economics

Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist

2023 || Paperback || Kate Raworth || Random House

Remorseless financial crises. Extreme inequalities in wealth. Relentless pressure on the environment. Anyone can see that our economic system is broken. But can it be fixed?In Doughnut Economics, Oxford academic Kate Raworth identifies the seven critical ways in which mainstream economics has led us astray - from selling us the myth of 'rational economic man' to obsessing over growth at all costs - and offers instead an alternative roadmap for bringing humanity into a sweet spot that meets th...