
Voor de HBO-docent (2)
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Studieboeken (344)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Gender in Management / 6th edition

2024 || Paperback || Gary N. Powell || SAGE

Gender in Management by Gary N. Powell provides a comprehensive survey and review of the literature on sex, gender, and organizations, including research-based strategies for promoting an organizational culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.Â

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Critical Thinking Skills / 4th edition

Effective Analysis, Argument and Reflection

2023 || Paperback || Stella Cottrell || Bloomsbury Publishing

The ability to demonstrate critical thinking is essential for students who seek to achieve good grades at university but it typically creates a lot of confusion and anxiety. Critical Thinking Skills provides an easy to follow, step by step guide to developing analytical reasoning skills and applying them to tasks such as reading, note-making and writing. A complex subject is broken down into easy to understand blocks, with clear explanations, good examples, and plenty of activities to develop...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Dynamics and Energy / KU Leuven custom edition

2021 || Paperback || Pearson || Pearson Benelux B.V.

This custom product has been designed to help you succeed. It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. Our team works hard with your school and professors to aid your studies. Get ahead now and give your education a boost!

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 32,78

Spaans A2-niveau voor Horeca / Druk 2

Spaans A2-niveau voor Horeca

2022 || Paperback || L. Braam || Educatieve Uitgeversgroep

Bij aanschaf van dit artikel ontvang je een leerwerkboek. Je ontvangt een papieren exemplaar met op de achterkant een unieke licentiecode voor het gebruik van het E-boek op Digiplein.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Politics of Development

2024 || Paperback || Claire Mcloughlin || SAGE

A pathbreaking introduction to the controversial, contested and deeply political topic of development. Written in an engaging and eminently readable style, leading authors invite readers to examine the political dynamics behind some of today’s most complex global issues, from rising inequality and social exclusion to the climate crisis. By confronting false assumptions and dispelling myths, the book challenges readers to see politics as not only the obstacle to development, but also the mea...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Fysiologie 3e custom editie

van molecule tot gedrag

2024 || Paperback || Wim Derave || Pearson Benelux B.V.

This custom product has been designed to help you succeed. It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. Our team works hard with your school and professors to aid your studies. Get ahead now and give your education a boost!

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 32,78

SPA A1 - Spaans niveau A1 / Druk 3

Spaans A1-niveau

2024 || Paperback || L. Braam || Educatieve Uitgeversgroep

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Succeeding with your Literature Review: A Handbook for Students

A Handbook for Students

2020 || Paperback || Paul Oliver || Open University Press

"An excellent and accessible text that will help all students and scholars to develop a strong review and enable them to outline and analyse the key ideas for their study. The structure of the book is really well thought out and the chapters are written in a way which readers will find helpful and easy to understand. I would highly recommend this book to research students."Professor Mark Brundrett, Liverpool John Moores University, UKThis step-by-step handbook provides comprehensive and pract...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Managing Hospitality Organizations / 3rd edition

Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience

2024 || Paperback || Robert C. Ford || SAGE

Introduction to Hospitality Management: Creating Excellent Guest Experiences, Third Edition takes students on a journey through the evolving service industry. Each chapter focuses on a core principle of hospitality management and is packed with practical advice, examples, and cases from some of the best companies in the service sector.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Understanding Comparative Politics / International Student Edition

Institutions, economics, and intersectionality in the 21st century

2024 || Paperback || Lisa A. Baglione || SAGE

It’s time for a new approach to help students engage more fully with comparative politics. By elevating all of the components of identity as core elements of any political system, Lisa Baglione's Understanding Comparative Politics helps students better appreciate the lived realities of people around the world. The book puts issues of race, gender, ethnicity, and religion in context, encouraging students to think critically about world regions and individual countries through the lens of cur...