Studieboeken (12)
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy / 3rd edition
2023 || Paperback || Gary Nichols || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Umfassendes Lehrwerk über sämtliche Aspekte der Sedimentologie und der grundlegenden Stratigraphie
Das Buch Sedimentology and Stratigraphy führt in die Thematik ein und gibt den Leserinnen und Lesern Werkzeuge zur Interpretation von Sedimenten und Sedimentgesteinen an die Hand. Dabei werden die Prozesse der Bildung, des Transports und der Ablagerung von Sedimenten behandelt und auf die Entwicklung konzeptioneller Modelle für sämtliche Sedimentumgebungen ? von Wüsten über die Tiefsee un...
Classical Sociological Theory
2022 || Paperback || Craig Calhoun e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A world-class introduction to the historical and continuing impact of classical theory on sociological debate
The latest edition of Classical Sociological Theory offers students a definitive guide to the theoretical foundations of sociology and the continuing impact of the ideas explored by early theorists, including Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, Simmel, Freud, Du Bois, Adorno, Marcuse, Parsons, and Merton. The prestigious editors have integrated several readings on the most influential theori...
Fossils at a Glance / 2nd Edition
2009 || Paperback || Clare Milsom e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Fossils provide a powerful tool for the study of the nearly 4-billion-year history of life, and its role in the evolution of Earth systems. They also provide important data for evolutionary studies, and contribute to our understanding of the extinction of organisms and the origins of modern biodiversity.
Fossils At A Glance is written for students taking an introductory level course in paleontology. Short chapters introduce the main topics in the modern study of fossils. The most important fo...
Fossils at a Glance / 3rd Edition
2025 || Paperback || Clare Milsom e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Fossils At A Glance is written for students taking an introductory level course in paleontology. Short chapters introduce the main topics in the modern study of fossils. The most important fossil groups are discussed, from microfossils through invertebrates to vertebrates and plants, followed by a brief narrative of life on Earth.
Diagrams are central to the book and allow the reader to see most of the important data "at a glance". Each topic covers two pages and provides a self-contained sui...
Introduction to Geospatial Technology (International Edition)
2023 || Paperback || Bradley A. Shellito || Macmillan
A foundational introduction to the field with the latest in geographic technologies.
Introduction to Geospatial Technologies demonstrates the wide range of geographic technologies available to and used by geographers today. Each chapter contains an introduction to the key concepts and a lab activity, so that in addition to gaining a basic foundation of knowledge, students also obtain hands-on experience with the relevant software.
Lecture Tutorials in Earth Science
2019 || Paperback || Karen M. Kortz e.a. || Macmillan
An easy-to-implement resource for any introductory earth science course.
Kortz and Smay bring their highly successful tutorial approach to this easy-to-implement resource for introductory earth science courses. The brief activities here get students actively involved in the practical application of earth science concepts, while helping them navigate common pitfalls and misconceptions. Activities are built around answering crucial questions and increase in conceptual difficulty as students pro...
ISE Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
2018 || Paperback || Kang-tsung Chang || McGraw-Hill
Introduction toGeographic Information Systems, 9th edition is designed to provide students in a first orsecond GIS course with a solid foundation in both GIS concepts and the use ofGIS. Introduction to GIS strikes a careful balance between GIS concepts andhands-on applications. The main portion of the chapter presents GIS terms andconcepts and helps students learn how each one fits into a complete GIS system.At the end of each chapter, an application section with 2-7 tasks presentsstudents wi...
Living Physical Geography
2019 || Paperback || Bruce Gervais || Macmillan
Living Physical Geography focuses on interactions between people and physical geography, using pedagogical features (in the textbook and online) to create a modern synthesis of the science of physical geography.
The new edition of Living Physical Geography is now supported in Achieve, Macmillan’s new online learning platform. Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for Geography students. It houses all of our renown...
Earth System History
2017 || Paperback || Steven M. Stanley || Macmillan
Historical geology from a widely trusted author team.
Steven Stanley's classic textbook, now co-authored with John Luczaj, remains a trusted textbook for any historical geology course written from a truly integrated earth systems perspective. This edition includes important new coverage on mass extinctions, climate change, and Proterozoic history, plus a range of interactive studying and teaching tools.
Spatial Planning Systems and Practices in Europe
A Comparative Perspective on Continuity and Changes
2014 || Paperback || Mario Reimer e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Ideal for students and practitioners working in spatial planning, the Europeanization of planning agendas and regional policy in general Spatial Planning Systems and Practices in Europe develops a systematic methodological framework to analyze changes in planning systems throughout Europe. The main aim of the book is to delineate the coexistence of continuity and change and of convergence and divergence with regard to planning practices across Europe. Based on the work of experts on spatial p...