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met 5% korting 32,78

ENG A2 HOM / Druk 2

Engels A2 voor Ondernemer Horeca

2018 || Paperback || L. Braam || Educatieve Uitgeversgroep

Bij aanschaf van dit artikel ontvang je een leerwerkboek. Je ontvangt een papieren exemplaar met op de achterkant een unieke licentiecode voor het gebruik van het E-boek op Digiplein.

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The Design Thinking Playbook / 1st edition

Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams, Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems

2018 || Paperback || Michael Lewrick e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd || met inkijkexemplaar

A radical shift in perspective to transform your organization to become more innovative The Design Thinking Playbook is an actionable guide to the future of business. By stepping back and questioning the current mindset, the faults of the status quo stand out in stark relief--and this guide gives you the tools and frameworks you need to kick off a digital transformation. Design Thinking is about approaching things differently with a strong user orientation and fast iterations with multidiscip...

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Statistics, Global Edition / 13th edition

2018 || Paperback || James T. McClave || Pearson

For courses in introductory statistics.

Classic, yet contemporary; theoretical, yet applied—McClave & Sincich’s Statistics gives you the best of both worlds. This text offers a trusted, comprehensive introduction to statistics that emphasises inference and integrates real data throughout. The authors stress the development of statistical thinking, the assessment of credibility, and value of the inferences made from data. This edition is extensively revised with an eye on clearer, more con...

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Weg ermee!

Over de schoonheid van minimalisme

2018 || Paperback || Dennis Storm || Spectrum || met inkijkexemplaar

Thuis leven alsof je op reis bent, dat is de kunst van het minimalisme.

Dennis Storm heeft in al die jaren van reizen in totaal zo'n drie jaar uit een koffer geleefd en in al die hotels zijn liefde voor afgemeten interieurs, functioneel design en minimalisme ontdekt. 'Leven alsof je op reis bent', zonder onnodige ballast. In Weg ermee deelt hij zijn visie op minimalisme:

'Simpel gezegd is minimalisme, of het nu over architectuur, interieur of een levenswijze gaat, te beschrijven middels een ...

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Shock / 14e druk

Een praktische handleiding

2018 || Paperback || Christiaan Boerma || Venticare

Stoornissen in de bloedsomloop komen in de Acute Zorg zeer regelmatig voor. Om permanent orgaanfalen te voorkomen is het van groot belang dat deze stoornissen in een vroeg stadium worden opgespoord. Aan de hand van herkenbare praktijk voorbeelden en duidelijke figuren en tabellen gaat Shock in op de diagnostiek en de behandeling van het falen van de bloedsomloop. Met deze praktische handleiding kunnen de meest voorkomende vormen van shock adequaat worden behandeld.

Deze geheel herziene prakti...

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The Unfinished History of European Integration

2018 || Paperback || Wim van Meurs e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

When the Treaty of Lisbon went into effect in December 2009, the event seemed to mark the beginning of a longer phase of institutional consolidation for the EU. Since 2010, however, the EU has faced multiple crises, which have rocked its foundations and deeply challenged the narrative of 'the end of the history of integration'. The military crisis in eastern Ukraine and the refugee crisis call for a joint approach, but in practice reveal the difficulty of maintaining even the appearance of Eu...

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Voyage planning with ECDIS

2018 || Paperback || Ralph Becker Heins || STC Publishing

Every year a considerable number of vessels is detained by Port State Control because of deficiency code 10127: Insuffience voyage or passage plan! Hence issues with voyage plans are counted among the top 5 claims. Just to have 'some' voyage plan turns out to be insufficient - the demand is to have a proper plan, compliant to rules. To compose a comprehensive voyage plan, however, a wide range of aspects has to be taken into account. Not only for a young graduate this might become a challenge...

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Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW / 4th edition

for Scientists and Engineers

2018 || Paperback || John Essick || Oxford University Press

Hands-On Introduction to LaVIEW for Scientists and Engineers provides a learn-by-doing approach to acquiring the computer-based skills used daily in experimental work. The book is not the typical manual-like presentation of LabVIEW. Rather, Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW guides students through using this powerful laboratory tool to carry out interesting and relevant projects.

Readers, who are assumed to have no prior computer programming orLabVIEW experience, begin writing meaningful progr...

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Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry / 7th edition

2018 || Paperback || James Miller e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry 7th edition provides a clear, accessible introduction to main statistical methods used in modern analytical laboratories. It continues to be the ideal companion for students in Chemistry and related fields keen to build their understanding of how to conduct high quality analyses in areas such as the safety of food, water and medicines, environmental monitoring, and chemical manufacturing. With a focus on the underlying statistical ideas, th...

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Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications / 7th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || Allan Hambley || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Electrical Engineering. Accessible and applicable learning in electrical engineering for introductory and non-major courses The #1 title in its market, Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications helps students learn electrical-engineering fundamentals with minimal frustration. Its goals are to present basic concepts in a general setting, to show students how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to enhance the over...