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Studieboeken (100)
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Basislessen bewegingsonderwijs in de speelzaal / Druk 4
2015 || Hardcover || Wim van Gelder e.a. || Van Gelder in beweging
Basislessen waarvan 2 bewegen op muziek, standaard in 4 groepen en met aanvullingen voor 3 en 5 groepen, elke les heeft een plattegrond en een overzichtsfoto voor een standaard zaal, kleine zaal, kleine smalle zaal, vierkante zaal, grote zaal. Elke les (een andere) bobbelbaan! Ideeën voor grote groepen in kleine zalen. Activiteiten voor in de kleine ruimte. Nieuwe spelen. Vele differentiatiemogelijkheden. Elk kind actief!
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Meta profesional (eentalig) 1 libro de ejercicios + Intertaal Augmented
2015 || Hardcover || J.J. Patron || Intertaal
Met het libro de ejercicios kunnen de cursisten het geleerde zelfstandig thuis of in de les oefenen. Ook wordt er in elke unidad aandacht besteed aan de uitspraak van het Spaans.
Het libro de ejercicios van deel 1 bevat ook vijf Etapas, Etapa 2 en 5 zijn voorbeelden van examens op niveau A1 en niveau A2.
Achter in het libro de ejercicios staan de transcripties van de luisterteksten, de oplossingen bij de oefeningen en een Tabla de recursos met idioom voor zakelijke gesprekken.
Over deze serie
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The Sales Acceleration Formula
Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from GBP0 to GBP100 Million
2015 || Hardcover || Roberge || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Use data, technology, and inbound selling to build a remarkable team and accelerate sales The Sales Acceleration Formula provides a scalable, predictable approach to growing revenue and building a winning sales team. Everyone wants to build the next $100 million business and author Mark Roberge has actually done it using a unique methodology that he shares with his readers. As an MIT alum with an engineering background, Roberge challenged the conventional methods of scaling sales utilizing th...
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Programmable Logic Controllers / 1st edition
A Practical Approach to IEC 61131-3 Using Codesys
2015 || Hardcover || DH Hanssen || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Widely used across industrial and manufacturing automation, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) perform a broad range of electromechanical tasks with multiple input and output arrangements, designed specifically to cope in severe environmental conditions such as automotive and chemical plants. Programmable Logic Controllers: A Practical Approach using CoDeSys is a hands-on guide to rapidly gain proficiency in the development and operation of PLCs based on the IEC 61131-3 standard. Using the...
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Großer Ozean
Gedichte für alle
2015 || Hardcover || Hans-Joachim Gelberg || Julius Beltz GmbH & Co. KG
Ein Buch der besonderen Art - man kann darin blättern oder nach dem Prinzip der Flaschenpost verfahren: lesen, was man zufällig findet. Letzten Endes ist es ein Buch für alle Lebensalter und somit für jede Zeit.
Natürlich brauchen Kinder, bevor sie sich mit Gedichten befassen, die Vorliebe der Erwachsenen. Dafür sind Sammlungen, Anthologien jeder Art gut. Je größer der Überblick, umso besser. Hans-Joachim Gelberg hat mit seinen bekannten Sammlungen immer wieder neue Vorschläge gemac...
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Werkboek Online Marketing voor het MBO
2015 || Hardcover || René ter Beke e.a. || Edufocus
Dit werkboek bij 'Online Marketing voor het MBO' bevat alle opdrachten voor de student. Er is ook een docentenversie beschikbaar.
Introductieles - Inleiding tot Online Marketing
De missie van Google en de kern van SEO
Hoe optimaliseer je je website?
De resultatenpagina
De webpagina
Zoekwoorden (keywords)
Black hat - Grey hat - White hat
Local search
Domeinnaam en Url
Internationale sites: Geo targetting
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Physics: Principles with Applications / 7th edition
Principles with Applications with MasteringPhysics
2015 || Hardcover || Douglas Giancoli || Pearson
Elegant, engaging, exacting, and concise, Giancoli's Physics: Principles with Applications, Seventh Edition, helps students view the world through eyes that know physics. Giancoli's text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of content. Using concrete observations and experiences students can relate to, the text features an approach that reflects how science is actually practiced: it starts with the specifics, then moves to the great generalizati...
Sensors and Actuators
Engineering System Instrumentation
2015 || Hardcover || Clarence W. de Silva || Taylor & Francis
An engineering system contains multiple components that interconnect to perform a specific task. Starting from basic fundamentals through to advanced applications, Sensors and Actuators: Engineering System Instrumentation, Second Edition thoroughly explains the inner workings of an engineering system. The text first provides introductory material-practical procedures and applications in the beginning-and then methodically integrates more advanced techniques, theory, and concepts throughout th...
Encountering the Old Testament - A Christian Survey / 3rd Edition
2015 || Hardcover || Bill T. Arnold e.a. || Baker Publishing Group
This new edition of a bestselling evangelical survey of the Old Testament (over 180,000 copies sold) has been thoroughly updated and features a beautiful new interior design. It is lavishly illustrated with four-color images, maps, and charts and retains the pedagogical features that have made the book so popular:* chapter outlines, objectives, and summaries* study questions* sidebars featuring primary source material, ethical and theological issues, and contemporary applications* lists of ke...
Global Information Warfare / 2nd edition
The New Digital Battlefield
2015 || Hardcover || Andrew Jones e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Since the turn of the century much has happened in politics, governments, spying, technology, global business, mobile communications, and global competition on national and corporate levels. These sweeping changes have nearly annihilated privacy anywhere in the world and have also affected how global information warfare is waged and what must be done to counter its attacks.
In light of increased attacks since 2002, Global Information Warfare: The New Digital Battlefield, Second Edition provid...