
Management algemeen (22)
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Studieboeken (344)

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Redefining the Role of the Community Interpreter

The Concept of Role-space

2014 || Paperback || Robert G. Lee || SLI Press

'Redefining the Role of the Community Interpreter' questions the traditional notion of 'role' that is so often taught on interpreter education and training courses and, more often than not, prescribed by the Codes of Ethics/Practice/Conduct published by institutional users and providers of interpreting services. By examining the nature of face-to-face interactions and drawing on the most recent research into community and public service interpreting, the authors propose and describe a wholly ...

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met 5% korting 39,85

Basisboek biologie / Druk 1

2014 || Paperback || Anja Ridder e.a. || Pearson Benelux B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Basisboek biologie is hét boek waarmee je je basiskennis van de biologie kunt opfrissen en verdiepen. Stap voor stap komen in een heldere structuur alle belangrijke thema's uit de examenstof van het voortgezet onderwijs aan bod. Aan het begin van ieder hoofdstuk geven leerdoelen aan wat je na

bestudering van de stof moet weten. De onderwerpen worden beknopt

besproken en inzichtelijk gemaakt aan de hand van voorbeelden en

kleurenillustraties. Ieder hoofdstuk sluit af met een serie kennisvragen


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Human Diseases

2014 || Paperback || Mark Ph.D. Zelman e.a. || Pearson

Today's most accessible, accurate, current, and engaging introduction to basic pathophysiology Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach, Eighth Edition is today's most comprehensive visual survey of the common diseases affecting each body system. This edition has been extensively updated and reorganized to present the field's latest knowledge more efficiently and intuitively than ever. Organized by organ system, it contains completely rewritten chapters on cancer, the nervous system, mental illnes...

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7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teenagers

2014 || Paperback || Sean Covey || Simon & Schuster

Ground-breaking and universal, Stephen Covey's THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE has been one of the most popular motivational books of all time. Stephen's son, Sean Covey, then transformed this bestselling message into a life-changing book for young people and their parents. Being a teenager is fun but it's also challenging and stressful.

Everything from planning what to wear to a party to dealing with an alcoholic friend can seem overwhelming and complex during the teenage years, ...

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Brave New World

Special 3D Edition

2022 || Paperback || Aldous Huxley || Vintage Publishing

WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAWFar in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone harbouring an ill-defined longing to break free.

A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress... Huxley's ingenious fantasy of t...

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met 5% korting 60,33

Rekendidactiek Hele getallen / Druk 2

2014 || Paperback || Petra van den Brom-Snijders e.a. || ThiemeMeulenhoff bv

De driedelige serie Reken-wiskundedidactiek vormt een belangrijke bron voor aanstaande leraren basisonderwijs voor het vak Rekenen-wiskunde. De uitgangpunten:

Opgezet vanuit de domeinen van de Kennisbasis: hoe komen ze voor in de realiteit, om welke wiskunde(taal) gaat het en hoe kun je eraan werken in de basisschool.

Aandacht in elk deel voor de globale theorie van het leren en onderwijzen van rekenen-wiskunde.

Speelt in op de hogere eisen die de Kennisbasistoets stelt aan de professionele g...

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An Introduction to Community Development / 2nd Edition

2014 || Paperback || Rhonda Phillips e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Beginning with the foundations of community development, An Introduction to Community Development offers a comprehensive and practical approach to planning for communities. Road-tested in the authors' own teaching, and through the training they provide for practicing planners, it enables students to begin making connections between academic study and practical know-how from both private and public sector contexts. An Introduction to Community Development shows how planners can utilize local e...

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Teaching Today: A Practical Guide / 5th Revised Edition

2014 || Paperback || Geoff Petty || Oxford University Press

Now in its fifth edition, Teaching Today is a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching. Focusing on practical methods, techniques and strategies, Teaching Today has been one of the best-selling teacher training textbooks for the past 20 years. Retaining its practical and user-friendly approach, the fifth edition includes chapters on differentiation, equality, inclusion and working with stake-holders.

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ABC TCF test de connaissance du français - 200 exercices -

2014 || Paperback || Bruno Mègre || CLE International

ABC TCF est une préparation complète et efficace aux épreuves du TCF. Le TCF est un test de français langue étrangère composé d'épreuves obligatoires et facultatives. Elles se présentent sous la forme d'un questionnement à choix multiple comportant 80 items présentés dans un ordre de difficulté progressive allant du niveau A1 au niveau C2 du Cadre européen commun de référence. ABC TCF propose un parcours permettant d'aborder les épreuves avec les meilleures chances de réussi...

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Basisvaardigheden Grammatica / Druk 3

voor de pabo

2014 || Paperback || M. Bout e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Basisvaardigheden Grammatica vormt samen met Basisvaardigheden Formuleren en Basisvaardigheden Spelling en Interpunctie de ideale voorbereiding op de officiële Cito entreetoets taal. Samen met de bijbehorende website maakt de pabo-student zich de basisvaardigheden stap voor stap eigen.