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Studieboeken (47)
maandag verzonden
Industrial Production / 6th Edition
The manufacture of mechanical products
2019 || Paperback || Huub Kals || Boom
Industrial Production offers a broad and thorough introduction to the multidisciplinary field of production engineering, with a focus on the production of mechanical products. The book covers design and machining processes, as well as topics such as materials behaviour, manufacturing, assembly and manufacturing machines. It also looks at quality, costs, important aspects of product and production development (including design for production) as well as technical and organisational management.
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The Vitality of Intermodal Transport
2018 || Paperback || Hendrik Rodemann e.a. || InterRoJo Publications
„I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. It is exceedingly informative and reads extremely well, it has a logical structure throughout and also for me a lovely rhythm and pace.“
Dr Simon Templar, Visiting Fellow, Cranfield Centre for Logistics and
Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management,
Cranfield University, United Kingdom.
“During more than 40 years of engaging with European and global intermodal transport I have seen its development with all the ups and downs that belo...
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Sketching the Basics
Drawing Techniques for Product Designers
2019 || Paperback || Koos Eissen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
This book explains the basic sketching techniques and decisions more in depth and provides much more step-by-step example drawings, which makes it even more suitable for students and professionals who want to become better sketchers.
Sketching the Basics can be seen as the prequel to Sketching as it is more targeted at the novice designer. The Basics explains the essential techniques and effects more in detail, taking the reader by the hand and guiding him step by step through all the various...
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Visual Language / Druk 1
perspectives for both makers and users
2016 || Paperback || Jos van den Broek e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The power of a visual image is determined by a complex array of elements. Anyone who creates a page for a magazine, makes a PowerPoint presentation, designs a brochure, prepares a poster or dreams up an idea for an infographic is faced with some important questions:
* Why is it better to put this photo here rather than there?
* What background color should I use for my presentation?
* What do I need to bear in mind when creating an internet page?
* Is it better to use a table, a graph or an i...
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Wicked Arts Assignments
Practicing Creativity in Art, Music, Design, Dance
2022 || Paperback || Emiel Heijnen e.a. || Valiz
Wicked Arts Assignments zijn gewaagde, ongebruikelijke, dwarse, grappige, poëtische, inspirerende, sociaal betrokken of anderszins uitdagende kunstopdrachten. Iedereen die kunstlessen geeft, kent ze: zo'n opdracht die ogenschijnlijk simpel is, maar die deelnemers, studenten en leerlingen maximaal uitdaagt. Veel kunstenaars, musici, theatermakers, dansers en kunstdocenten hebben die ene favoriete, vaak gebruikte opdracht waarin alles samenkomt: artistieke visie, pedagogische aanpak en liefde ...
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Electronic Devices / 10th edition
Conventional Current Edition
2018 || Paperback || Thomas Floyd || Pearson || ook als eBook
For courses in basic electronics and electronic devices and circuits A user-friendly, hands-on introduction to electronic devices filled with practical applications and software simulationElectronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), 10/e, provides a solid foundation in basic analog electronics and a thorough introduction to analog integrated circuits and programmable devices. The text identifies the circuits and components within a system, helping students see how the circuit relates to...
dinsdag verzonden
Computer Networks and Internets / 6th edition
Global Edition
2015 || Paperback || Douglas Comer || Pearson
Appropriate for all introductory-to-intermediate courses in computer networking, the Internet, or Internet applications; students need no background in networking, operating systems, or advanced mathematics. Leading networking authority Douglas Comer presents a wide-ranging, self-contained tour of the concepts, principles, and technologies that enable today's Internet to support applications ranging from web browsing to telephony and multimedia. Comer begins by illuminating the applications a...
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Elements of Journalism / 4th edition
What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect
2021 || Paperback || Bill Kovach e.a. || Crown
A timely new edition of the classic journalism text, now featuring updated material on the importance of reporting in the age of media mistrust and fake news and how journalists can use technology to navigate its challenges
More than two decades ago, the Committee of Concerned Journalists gathered some of America's most influential newspeople and asked them, "What is journalism for?" Through exhaustive research, surveys, interviews, and public forums, the committee identified the essential el...
dinsdag verzonden
Core Java / 12th edition
Fundamentals, Volume 1
2022 || Paperback || Cay Horstmann || Pearson
The #1 Java Guide for Serious Programmers: Fully Updated through Java 17
"This is the definitive reference and instructional work for Java and the Java ecosystem."
---Andrew Binstock, Java Magazine
Core Java, Volume I: Fundamentals, Twelfth Edition,
is the definitive guide to writing robust, maintainable code. Whatever version of Java you are using---up to and including Java 17---this book will help you achieve a deep and practical understanding of the language and APIs. With ...
dinsdag verzonden
Core Java / 12th edition
Advanced Features, Volume 2
2022 || Paperback || Cay Horstmann || Pearson
The Classic Guide to Advanced Java Programming: Fully Updated for Java 17 "This is the definitive reference and instructional work for Java and the Java ecosystem."--Andrew Binstock, Java Magazine Core Java is the leading no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java, Volume II: Advanced Features, Twelfth Edition, has been revised to cover the new features and enhancements in the Java 17 long-term ...