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Studieboeken (53)
Vehicle Dynamics : Theory and Application / 3rd edition
2017 || Hardcover || Reza N. Jazar || Springer || ook als eBook
This intermediate textbook is appropriate for students in vehicle dynamics courses, in their last year of undergraduate study or their first year of graduate study. It is also appropriate for mechanical engineers, automotive engineers, and researchers in the area of vehicle dynamics for continuing education or as a reference. It addresses fundamental and advanced topics, and a basic knowledge of kinematics and dynamics, as well as numerical methods, is expected.The contents are kept at a theo...
Integrated Business Planning
How to Integrate Planning Processes, Organizational Structures and Capabilities, and Leverage SAP IBP Technology
2018 || Hardcover || Robert Kepczynski e.a. || Springer
This book presents a comprehensive introduction to Integrated Business Planning (IBP), building on practitioner's experience and showcasing the value gains when moving from disconnected planning to IBP. It also proposes a road map for the transformation of planning, including technological initiatives, business priorities and organizational processes, and demonstrates how to motivate different IBP stakeholders to work together, when and how to connect strategic (to be understood as long term ...
Thinking Art
2014 || Softback || Antoon van den Braembussche || Springer || ook als eBook
In the twentieth century, avant-garde movements have pushed the concept of art far beyond its traditional boundaries. In this dynamical process of constant renewal the prestige of thinking about art as a legitimizing practice has come to the fore. So it is hardly surprising that the past decades have been characterized by a revival or even breakthrough of philosophy of art as a discipline.
However, the majority of books on aesthetics fail to combine a systematical philosophical discourse with...
Practical Pharmaceutics / 2nd edition
An International Guideline for the Preparation, Care and Use of Medicinal Products
2023 || Hardcover || Paul Le Brun e.a. || Springer
Practical Pharmaceutics contains essential knowledge on the preparation, quality control, logistics, dispensing and use of medicines. It features chapters written by experienced pharmacists and scientists working in hospitals, academia and industry throughout Europe, including practical examples as well as information on current GMP and GMP-based guidelines and EU-legislation. In this second edition all chapters have been updated with numerous new as well as didactically revised illustrations...
The Python Workbook
A Brief Introduction with Exercises and Solutions
2019 || Hardcover || Ben Stephenson || Springer
This student-friendly textbook encourages the development of programming skills through active practice by focusing on exercises that support hands-on learning. The Python Workbook provides a compendium of 186 exercises, spanning a variety of academic disciplines and everyday situations. Solutions to selected exercises are also provided, supported by brief annotations that explain the technique used to solve the problem, or highlight a specific point of Python syntax.
This enhanced new editio...
Principles of Food Sanitation
2018 || Hardcover || Norman G. Marriott e.a. || Springer
Now in its 6th Edition, this highly acclaimed textbook provides sanitation information needed to ensure hygienic practices and safe food for food industry personnel as well as students. It addresses the principles related to contamination, cleaning compounds, sanitizers, cleaning equipment. It also presents specific directions for applying these concepts to attain hygienic conditions in food processing or food preparation operations.
New in this edition:
Updated chapters on the fundamentals o...
Introduction to Law / 2nd edition
2017 || Hardcover || Jaap Hage || Springer
This book is exceptional in the sense that it provides an introduction to law in general rather than the law of one specific jurisdiction, and it presents a unique way of looking at legal education.
This book is exceptional in the sense that it provides an introduction to law in general rather than the law of one specific jurisdiction, and it presents a unique way of looking at legal education. It is crucial for lawyers to be aware of the different ways in which societal problems can be solve...
Numerical Methods with Worked Examples
|| C. Woodford e.a. || Springer
This book is for students following an introductory course in numerical methods, numerical techniques or numerical analysis. It introduces MATLAB as a computing environment for experimenting with numerical methods. It approaches the subject from a pragmatic viewpoint; theory is kept at a minimum commensurate with comprehensive coverage of the subject and it contains abundant worked examples which provide easy understanding through a clear and concise theoretical treatment. This edition places...
Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology / 5th edition
2015 || Hardcover || Russell K. Hobbie e.a. || Springer
This classic text has been used in over 20 countries by advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in biophysics, physiology, medical physics, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering. It bridges the gap between an introductory physics course and the application of physics to the life and biomedical sciences. Extensively revised and updated, the fifth edition incorporates new developments at the interface between physics and biomedicine.
New coverage includes cyclotrons, photodyna...
Handbook of Modern Sensors / 5th Edition
Physics, Designs, and Applications
2019 || Paperback || Jacob Fraden || Springer || ook als eBook
This book presents a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the theory (physical principles), design, and practical implementations of various sensors for scientific, industrial, and consumer applications.