Studieboeken (27)
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The Pragmatic Programmer
your journey to mastery
2019 || Hardcover || Andrew Hunt e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
"One of the most significant books in my life." -Obie Fernandez, Author, The Rails Way "Twenty years ago, the first edition of The Pragmatic Programmer completely changed the trajectory of my career. This new edition could do the same for yours." -Mike Cohn, Author of Succeeding with Agile , Agile Estimating and Planning , and User Stories Applied ". .
. filled with practical advice, both technical and professional, that will serve you and your projects well for years to come." -Andrea Goulet...
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Physics: Principles with Applications / 7th edition
Principles with Applications with MasteringPhysics
2015 || Hardcover || Douglas Giancoli || Pearson
Elegant, engaging, exacting, and concise, Giancoli's Physics: Principles with Applications, Seventh Edition, helps students view the world through eyes that know physics. Giancoli's text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of content. Using concrete observations and experiences students can relate to, the text features an approach that reflects how science is actually practiced: it starts with the specifics, then moves to the great generalizati...
Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles / 5th edition
2018 || Hardcover || Christie Geankoplis e.a. || Pearson
Today, chemical engineering students need a thorough understanding of momentum, heat, mass transfer, and separation processes. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, Fifth Edition offers a unified and up-to-date treatment of all these topics. Thoroughly updated to reflect the field's latest methods and software technologies, it covers both fundamental principles and practical applications.
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics / 15th edition
|| Hardcover || Russell Hibbeler || Pearson
This print textbook is available for students to rent for your classes. The Pearson print rental program provides you with affordable access to learning materials, so you go to class ready to succeed. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics.
It empowers you to succeed by drawing upon Professor Hibbeler's decades of everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn. The text...
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Introductory Mathematical Analysis / 14th edition
for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences
2018 || Hardcover || Ernest Haeussler e.a. || Pearson
NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide.
Haeussler, Paul, and Wood establish a strong algebraic foundation that sets this text apart from other applied mathematics texts, paving the way for students ...
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Brand Design / 7th edition
The standard guide in brand building
2022 || Hardcover || Ruud Boer || Pearson || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Following the publication of the Dutch edition of this book in 2002, Brand Design has become a household name in many boardrooms and educational courses. Ruud Boer's model of Brand Design has guided over 30,000 marketers in shaping and designing brands. With the introduction of this new edition, marketing students and professionals can also benefit from a conceptual map of Brand Design in English!
This well-illustrated book is comprehensive, encompassing a diversity of practical examples of p...
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Calculus / 10th edition
A Complete Course
2021 || Hardcover || Robert Adams e.a. || Pearson
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Proven in North America and abroad, this classic text has earned a reputation for excellent accuracy and mathematical rigour. Previous editions have been praised for providing complete and precise...
The Science of Nutrition / 5th edition
2019 || Hardcover || Janice Thompson e.a. || Pearson
For introductory Nutrition courses for Majors. Move students beyond memorization with a functional approach to nutrition The Science of Nutrition helps students master tough nutrition concepts while providing rich support to save instructors time. This best-selling, thoroughly current, research-based nutrition text is uniquely organized around the highly regarded functional approach, which organizes vitamins and minerals based on their functions within the body and is easily seen in the organ...
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Security in Computing
2020 || Hardcover || Charles Pfleeger e.a. || Pearson
The New State of the Art in Information Security: Now Covers Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and Cyberwarfare Students and IT and security professionals have long relied on Security in Computing as the definitive guide to computer security attacks and countermeasures. Now, the authors have thoroughly updated this classic to reflect today's newest technologies, attacks, standards, and trends. Security in Computing, Fifth Edition, offers complete, timely coverage of all aspects of comp...
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Applying UML and Patterns / Druk 3
2004 || Hardcover || Craig Larman || Pearson
"This edition contains Larman's usual accurate and thoughtful writing. It is a very good book made even better."-Alistair Cockburn, author, Writing Effective Use Cases and Surviving OO Projects"Too few people have a knack for explaining things. Fewer still have a handle on software analysis and design.
Craig Larman has both."-John Vlissides, author, Design Patterns and Pattern Hatching"People often ask me which is the best book to introduce them to the world of OO design. Ever since I came ac...