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met 5% korting 58,85

Core grammar for higher education / Druk 4

2017 || Paperback || Piet van der Voort || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar

Core Grammar for higher education is bestemd voor studenten in het hoger onderwijs die op een professioneel niveau kennis van het Engels nodig hebben voor de uitoefening van het latere beroep. De onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn gebaseerd op de vraag in hoeverre deze voor Nederlandstaligen problemen kunnen opleveren. Studenten leren grammatica toe te passen via de 'exercises', met gevarieerde Engelstalige oefeningen, een aantal vertaalzinnen, een 'error analysis' en tot slot opdrachten bij ...

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met 5% korting 38,71

Stepping Stones Vmbo-kgt 1 FLEX book + online

2022 || Paperback || D.Derkse || Noordhoff

Stepping Stones opent de deuren naar de wereld! Alle leerlingen, van vmbo-b tot vwo+, ervaren dat ze zich in verschillende situaties kunnen redden in de nummer-1-wereldtaal. Daarbij staat het plezier in het leren altijd voorop: leerlingen worden verrast door de bronnen, onderwerpen, filmpjes en werkvormen. Met Stepping Stones 7e editie onderbouw belanden jouw leerlingen vanaf dag 1 volledig in de Engelstalige wereld. English as a world language staat centraal: de veelzijdigheid spat van de pa...

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met 5% korting 30,35

Handboek leren leren voor het voortgezet onderwijs / Druk 3

5 krachtige leerprincipes vertaald naar de praktijk

2016 || Paperback || Inge Verstraete e.a. || Uitgeverij Pica

Het Handboek leren leren bevat actuele theorieën, praktische inspiratiebladen en direct inzetbare formats die door alle leraren in alle vakgebieden kunnen worden gebruikt. De auteurs onderstrepen het belang van vijf krachtige leerprincipes die ze uitvoerig behandelen, te weten:

• Zelfregulatie

• Metacognitie

• Leerstrategieën

• Leermeesters

• Rijke leeromgeving

De praktische handvatten in dit boek kunnen leraren helpen om leerlingen optimaal te laten leren. Hiermee kan tevens het ...

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Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

2008 || Paperback || George Orwell || Penguin Books

Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, chief city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Despite the police helicopters that hover and circle overhead, Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent ...

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Even Spieken - Grammatica Engels voor de onderbouw

Grammatica, spelling, woordenschat

2021 || Paperback || Intertaal || Intertaal

Even Spieken - Grammatica Engels voor de onderbouw

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Hate U Give

2017 || Paperback || Angie Thomas || Walker Books

Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy her community. It could also get her killed.Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping YA novel about one girl's struggle for justice.#1...

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Exit West

2018 || Paperback || Mohsin Hamid || Penguin Books

An extraordinary story of love and hope from the bestselling, Man Booker-shortlisted author of The Reluctant FundamentalistThis is Nadia. She is fiercely independent with an excellent sense of humour and a love of smoking alone on her balcony late at night.This is Saeed. He is sweet and shy and kind to strangers. He also has a balcony but he uses his for star-gazing.This is their story: a love story, but also a story about how we live now and how we might live tomorrow. Saeed and Nadia are fa...

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Aspects of the USA

American history, culture, and society for learners of English

2020 || Paperback || David Marler e.a. || Hogeschool Rotterdam

No single country has had a larger impact on the past century than America; and most experts agree that the role of English as a world language is due in part to the world's largest economy and third largest country, the United States. But the America of today is also a coutnry of contradictions. It is a country born out of peace and progress, but also out of violence and revolt. Aspects of the USA offers students of English and EFL teachers a broad introduction to the United States, includin...

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Aspects of the United Kingdom

British History, Culture and Society for Learners of English

2023 || Paperback || Francis O'Brien || Hogeschool Rotterdam

Aspects of the United Kingdom offers students of English and EFL teachers essential information about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Readers will learn about the history and cultures of the nations of the British Isles and see how they have helped shaped the country today. There is also a focus on contemporary Britain, offering the student an understanding of hot-topic issues in the UK.

Topics covered are:

- Cultures and Identities of the nations of the United Kingdom

- Peoples of the ...

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The Handmaid's Tale

The iconic Sunday Times bestseller that inspired the hit TV series

2018 || Paperback || Magaret Atwood || Random House

The Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire - neither Offred's nor that of the two men on which her future hangs.

Brilliantly conceived and executed, this powerful evocation of twenty-first century America gives full rein to Margaret Atwood's devastating irony, wit and astute perception.