Studieboeken (86)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Carbon Almanac

2022 || Paperback || The Carbon Almanac Network || Penguin

When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action. The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen


Texte von Menschen und Maschinen

2021 || Paperback || Fabian Navarro || Surmann, Volker

Künstliche Intelligenz ist heute überall. Sie steckt im Smartphone, in medizinischen Geräten oder im Kühlschrank. Sie säubert unseren Haushalt und überwacht Aktienkurse. Auch künstlerische Prozesse werden immer häufiger automatisiert: Maschinen erschaffen Skulpturen, komponieren Musikstücke oder malen Bilder, die für viel Geld versteigert werden. Und natürlich schreiben sie auch Texte. Aber was heißt es, wenn wir sagen, dass eine Maschine kreativ ist? Dadurch, dass in poesie.exe ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Routledge Concise History of World Literature

2011 || Paperback || Theo D'haen || Taylor & Francis

This remarkably broad and informative book offers an introduction to and overview of World Literature. Tracing the term from its earliest roots and situating it within a number of relevant contexts from postcolonialism to postmodernism, Theo Dhaen examines: the return of the term "world literature" and its changing meaning Goethes concept of Weltliteratur and how this relates to current debatestheories and theorists who have had an impact on world literaturenon-canonical and less-known litera...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Literary Theory: The Basics

The Basics

2013 || Paperback || Hans Bertens || Taylor & Francis

This third edition of Hans Bertens bestselling book is an essential guide to the often confusing and complicated world of literary theory. Exploring a broad range of topics from Marxist and feminist criticism to postmodernism and new historicism Literary Theory: The Basics covers contemporary topics including:reception theory and reader response theorythe new criticism of postmodernismthe after theory debatepost-humanism, biopolitics and animal studiesaestheticsLiterary Theory: The Basics hel...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

A Midsummer Night's Dream (No Fear Shakespeare)

2003 || Paperback || SparkNotes || Spark

No Fear Shakespeare gives you the complete text of A Midsummer Night's Dream on the left-hand page, side-by-side with an easy-to-understand translation on the right.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory / 6th edition

2023 || Paperback || Andrew Bennett e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Lively, original and highly readable, An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory is the essential guide to literary studies. Starting at The Beginning and concluding with The End, chapters range from the familiar, such as Character, Narrative and The Author, to the more unusual, such as Secrets, Pleasure and Ghosts. Now in its sixth edition, Bennett and Royles classic textbook successfully illuminates complex ideas by engaging directly with literary works, so that a reading of Jane E...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

On Dialogue

2004 || Paperback || David Bohm e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Never before has there been a greater need for deeper listening and more open communication to cope with the complex problems facing our organizations, businesses and societies. Renowned scientist David Bohm believed there was a better way for humanity to discover meaning and to achieve harmony. He identified creative dialogue, a sharing of assumptions and understanding, as a means by which the individual, and society as a whole, can learn more about themselves and others, and achieve a renew...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose

Learning About Language

1996 || Paperback || Mick Short || Taylor & Francis

Examines how readers interact with literary works, how they understand and are moved by them. Mick Short considers how meanings and effects are generated in the three major literary genres, carrying out stylistic analysis of poetry, drama and prose fiction in turn. He analyses a wide range of extracts from English literature.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Orality and Literacy

30th Anniversary Edition

2012 || Paperback || Walter J. Ong e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Walter J. Ongs classic work provides a fascinating insight into the social effects of oral, written, printed and electronic technologies, and their impact on philosophical, theological, scientific and literary thought. This thirtieth anniversary edition coinciding with Ongs centenary year reproduces his best-known and most influential book in full and brings it up to date with two new exploratory essays by cultural writer and critic John Hartley.

Hartley provides: A scene-setting chapter that...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Critical Theory Today / 4th edition

A User-Friendly Guide

2023 || Paperback || Lois Tyson || Taylor & Francis

This thoroughly updated fourth edition of Critical Theory Today offers an accessible introduction to contemporary critical theory, providing in-depth coverage of the most common approaches to literary analysis today, including: feminism; psychoanalysis; Marxism; reader-response theory; New Criticism; structuralism and semiotics; deconstruction; new historicism and cultural criticism; lesbian, gay, and queer theory; African American criticism; and postcolonial criticism and ecocriticism. This ...