Studieboeken (84)
maandag verzonden
Strategisch management in het MKB / Druk 7
2015 || Paperback || H.J. Dekker e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Strategisch management focust zich expliciet op het strategisch ondernemerschap in het MKB in vergelijking met het groot bedrijf. Hiervoor zijn buitenlandse wetenschappelijke modellen vertaald naar de Nederlandse situatie.
Basisboek duurzame economie / Druk 2
2025 || Paperback || Margreet Boersma-de Jong || Boom
Basisboek duurzame economie legt de verbinding tussen duurzaamheid en economie. Het leert hoe je jezelf vanuit een duurzaam perspectief kunt ontwikkelen tot een professional binnen het economisch domein.
Je krijgt inzicht in de uitwassen van de vrije markt en de onderliggende problematiek en leert wat leidende principes zijn om te komen tot een duurzame markt. Principes die je moet kennen als je zelf een onderneming wilt verduurzamen of op wilt starten.
Het begint met een uitleg van de werk...
International Economics
Theory, Application, and Policy
2012 || Paperback || Charles van Marrewijk || Oxford University Press
Covering both trade and international finance, this innovative text provides a thoroughly up-do-date and comprehensive treatment of each area. Throughout, the theory is illustrated with empirical evidence and an abundance of relevant case studies. It includes an online study guide.
Fundamentals of Multinational Finance / 7th Global Edition
2023 || Paperback || Michael Moffett e.a. || Pearson
For undergraduate courses in International Financial Management, International Business Finance, or International Finance. Real-world examples introduce readers to global financial management strategy Fundamentals of Multinational Finance helps prepare tomorrow's business leaders to comprehend global markets and lead organizations through a constantly changing global environment. Via illuminating case studies and real-world examples, readers are introduced to the fundamental concepts and tool...
Economics of Monetary Union / 14th Edition
2022 || Paperback || Paul de Grauwe || Oxford University Press
Reflecting the most update-to-date coverage of institutional changes within the European Monetary Union, the fourteenth edition of De Grauwe's established textbook continues to encourage students to think critically about the sustainability of the Eurozone. The author uses an authoritative, concise and exciting approach to analyse theories and policies relating to monetary union, allowing students to develop a balanced understanding of different arguments andperspectives. Part One examines th...
Macroeconomics / 8th Edition Global Edition
2020 || Paperback || Olivier Blanchard || Pearson || ook als eBook
A unified view of the latest macroeconomic events
In Macroeconomics, Blanchard presents an integrated, global view of macroeconomics, enabling students to see the connections between goods markets, financial markets, and labor markets worldwide. Organized into two parts, the text contains a core section that focuses on short-, medium-, and long-run markets and two major extensions that offer more in-depth coverage of the issues at hand. From the major economic crisis that engulfed the world i...
Macroeconomics / 14th edition
2022 || Paperback || Michael Parkin || Pearson
Macroeconomics gets you to think like an economist by incorporating the latest policy, data and discussions on important global issues.
The 14th Edition emphasizes real-world applications, the development of critical-thinking skills, diagrams renowned for their pedagogy and clarity, and path-breaking technology. Hallmark features in the chapter openings and endings encourage you to think critically about a news article relating to the issue, demonstrating how thinking like an economist can br...
Games and Information / 4th edition
An Introduction to Game Theory
2006 || Hardcover || Eric Rasmusen || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Written in a crisp and approachable style, Games and Information uses simple modeling techniques and straightforward explanations to provide students with an understanding of game theory and information economics. * Written for introductory courses seeking a little rigor.
Social and Economic Networks / 1st edition
2010 || Paperback || Matthew O. Jackson || Princeton University Press
Networks of relationships help determine the careers that people choose, the jobs they obtain, the products they buy, and how they vote. The many aspects of our lives that are governed by social networks make it critical to understand how they impact behavior, which network structures are likely to emerge in a society, and why we organize ourselves as we do. In Social and Economic Networks, Matthew Jackson offers a comprehensive introduction to social and economic networks, drawing on the lat...
Making Globalization Work
The Next Steps to Global Justice
2007 || Paperback || Joseph Stiglitz || Penguin
Offers real, concrete ways to deal with third world debt, make trade fair and tackle global warming. In this title, the author changed the views of the public and world leaders alike by showing why globalization doesn't work for the world's poor.