
American Psychiatric A... (6)
Sarina van Vlimmeren (6)
Tom van Vlimmeren (6)
» Toon alle opties (121)
John Langran (5)
Michael Parkin (5)
Tim Gorter (5)
Antoon Van Aken (4)
Delphine Ripaud (4)
Jos Baars (4)
Marie-Noelle Cocton (4)
Redactie (4)
Ronald Leenes (4)
André Heezen (3)
Annet de Lange (3)
Beatrice van der Heijd... (3)
C. Phillips (3)
Gwen Vuurberg (3)
Henk Fuchs (3)
Henk van der Molen (3)
Josien Boetje (3)
Karen Knispel (3)
Koen Westen (3)
Marc Melitz (3)
Marie Rabin (3)
Mariska Keizer Verbeek (3)
Maurice Obstfeld (3)
Paul Krugman (3)
Peter Kassenaar (3)
René Ter Beke (3)
Rini van Solingen (3)
Ronald Smit (3)
Y.M. Visscher (3)
A.E.M.A. Vrolijk (2)
A.G.M. van den Bosch (2)
A.J. van Aken (2)
Afshin Ellian (2)
Andrea A. Lunsford (2)
Annette Markusse (2)
Anoeska Nas (2)
Arie Taal (2)
Astrid Groenewegen (2)
B.S. Mol (2)
Barbara Wallraff (2)
Bas Wouters (2)
Bob de Wit (2)
Brian Roach (2)
Bronis Verhage (2)
C.H. Vinkers (2)
Caroline Fisser (2)
Cay Horstmann (2)
Christa Nieuwboer (2)
Christopher Nobes (2)
Colleen Hoover (2)
Cor van Duinhoven (2)
Daniel Pink (2)
David Levine (2)
Douglas C. Giancoli (2)
Eddie McLaney (2)
Egbert Post (2)
Elaine Marieb (2)
Else Kooijman-Thomson (2)
Erasmus Education (2)
Eric de Haan (2)
Erik de Haan (2)
Estella van der Wal (2)
Eveline Osseweijer (2)
Eveline van Zeeland (2)
Frans van Galen (2)
Gert Alblas (2)
Gert Biesta (2)
Guido van den Brink (2)
Heleen Bos (2)
Henk Schmidt (2)
Ido Weijers (2)
Isabel Coimbra (2)
J. Clermonts (2)
J.B. Vuyk-Bosdriesz (2)
Jacomijn Hofstra (2)
Jan Simek (2)
Jan de Leeuw (2)
Jan-Carel Bast (2)
John Strachan (2)
Jolie Derkx (2)
Jonas Rubrech (2)
Jonathan Berk (2)
Jonathan M. Harris (2)
Joop Ouwehand (2)
Karen van Barschot (2)
Katja Hoehn (2)
Koen van Dijk (2)
L. Braam (2)
Leroy Wade (2)
Lies Korevaar (2)
Liza Meuldijk (2)
Marc Bakker (2)
Marc Brysbaert (2)
Margriet Ackermann (2)
Marike Polak (2)
Marjolein Visser (2)
Michael Vlerick (2)
Michel van Ast (2)
Mike Markel (2)
Mike Palmquist (2)
Nel Verhoeven (2)
Nigel Slack (2)
Parviz Samim (2)
Peter Atrill (2)
Peter DeMarzo (2)
Peter Starreveld (2)
Peter Stehouwer (2)
Philip Kotler (2)
Richard Brealey (2)
Robert Cialdini (2)
Rogier van 't Rood (2)
Romée Snijders (2)
Ruud Boer (2)
Sandra Duenk (2)
Simon Oostra (2)
Stewart Myers (2)
Suzanne van Norden (2)
Trynke Papa (2)
VU-NT2 (2)
Veerle Smit (2)
Wouter Staal (2)
Management algemeen (81)
Economie en bedrijf al... (69)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (48)
» Toon alle opties (110)
Psychologie algemeen (46)
Recht algemeen (41)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (40)
Ondernemingsrecht (38)
Geneeskunde algemeen (33)
Personeel en organisat... (26)
Mens en maatschappij a... (25)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (25)
Marketing (24)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (22)
Mens en maatschappij H... (19)
Fiscaal recht (18)
Algemene economie (17)
Algemene sociale weten... (16)
Economie, recht en bed... (16)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (16)
Politicologie (15)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (15)
Taalkunde (15)
Didactiek (14)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (14)
Talen algemeen (14)
Technische wetenschapp... (14)
Accountancy en adminis... (13)
Exacte vakken en infor... (13)
Filosofie algemeen (13)
Strafrecht en procesre... (13)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (12)
Programmeertalen (11)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (11)
Arbeids- en sociale ze... (10)
Leidinggeven, coachen (10)
Non-fictie informatief... (10)
Psychiatrie (10)
Wiskunde algemeen (10)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (9)
Literaire fictie algem... (9)
Literaire non-fictie a... (9)
Woordenboeken (9)
Onderwijskunde (8)
Technische en nautisch... (8)
(Instrumentele) vaardi... (7)
Biologie algemeen (7)
Geld- bank- krediet- e... (7)
Geschiedenis algemeen (7)
Psychotherapie en ande... (7)
Scheikunde algemeen (7)
Specialistische genees... (7)
Buitenlandse talen, le... (6)
Informatica algemeen (6)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (6)
Gezondheid algemeen (5)
Klinische psychologie (5)
Pedagogiek (5)
Assisterende beroepen ... (4)
Bedrijfseconomie (4)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (4)
Economie, recht en bed... (4)
Economie, recht en bed... (4)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (4)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (4)
Populaire fiction alge... (4)
Sociologie algemeen (4)
Sport en spel algemeen (4)
Taal HAVO VWO (4)
Theologie algemeen (4)
Vormgeving en design (4)
Welzijnswerk (4)
Basisschool (3)
Bedrijfsinformatietech... (3)
Bouwkunde (3)
Communicatiekunde alge... (3)
Economie, recht en bed... (3)
Fictie kinder- en jeug... (3)
Fysiotherapie (3)
Kunstzinnige vorming a... (3)
Mens en maatschappij a... (3)
Naslagwerken algemeen (3)
Onderwijsvormen en sch... (3)
Psychologie algemeen|M... (3)
Taal BVE-sector (MBO +... (3)
Taalonderwijskunde (3)
Theatertheorie en -tec... (3)
Vertaalde literaire ro... (3)
Anatomie en fysiologie (2)
Beleggen (2)
Besturingsprogramma's (2)
Databases (2)
Dieet- en voedingsleer (2)
Duitse taal, letterkun... (2)
Econometrie (2)
Engelse taal, letterku... (2)
Gezondheidswetenschapp... (2)
Informatica & manageme... (2)
Internationale financi... (2)
Laboratoriumtechniek (2)
Landbouw en natuurlijk... (2)
Landinrichting (2)
Literaire non-fictie a... (2)
Literaire roman, novel... (2)
Logopedie (2)
Medische handboeken (p... (2)
Mens en maatschappij B... (2)
Natuurkunde algemeen (2)
Nederlandse taal- en l... (2)
Non-boeken algemeen (2)
Orthopedagogiek (2)
Sociale geografie alge... (2)
Sportorganisatie, - be... (2)
Statistiek en methodol... (2)
Social Work (32)
Verpleegkunde (25)
PABO (22)
» Toon alle opties (166)
International Business (20)
Technische Bedrijfskun... (20)
Bedrijfskunde (16)
Communicatie (16)
Commerciële Economie (15)
Finance & Control (12)
Human Resource Managem... (11)
Ad Pedagogisch Educati... (10)
Business IT & Manageme... (10)
Management in de Zorg (10)
Sociaal-Juridische Die... (10)
European Studies (9)
HBO-rechten (9)
Journalistiek (9)
Medische Hulpverlening (9)
Ergotherapie (8)
Finance, Tax and Advic... (8)
International Hotel & ... (8)
Leraar Gezondheidszorg... (8)
Pedagogiek (8)
Ad Sociaal Werk in de ... (7)
Engels (7)
Facility Management (7)
HBO - Rechten (7)
Hotel Management (7)
Informatica (7)
Integrale Veiligheidsk... (7)
International Business... (7)
International Event Ma... (7)
Ondernemerschap & Reta... (7)
Toegepaste Psychologie (7)
Werktuigbouwkunde (7)
Ad Ondernemerschap & R... (6)
Biologie en Medisch La... (6)
Built Environment (6)
Geneeskunde (6)
HBO-rechten Kandidaat-... (6)
Leraar Duits (6)
Leraar Natuurkunde (6)
Leraar Nederlands (6)
Leraar Nederlandse Geb... (6)
Leraar Omgangskunde (6)
Leraar Scheikunde (6)
Leraar Techniek (6)
Logistics Management (6)
Theologie (6)
Accountancy (5)
Ad Eventmanager (5)
Bachelor Vertalen Fran... (5)
Bestuurskunde/Overheid... (5)
Chemie (5)
E-commerce & Entrepren... (5)
Huidtherapie (5)
International Business... (5)
International Public P... (5)
Leraar Spaans (5)
Leraar Wiskunde (5)
Logopedie (5)
Mens en Techniek (5)
Technische Natuurkunde (5)
Voeding en Dietetiek (5)
Ad Crossmediale commun... (4)
Ad Engineering (4)
Ad Ondernemen (4)
Ad Pastoraal Werk (4)
Ad Sales & Accountmana... (4)
Biologie, voeding & ge... (4)
Chemische Technologie (4)
Geschiedenis (4)
Godsdienst & Levensbes... (4)
International Tourism ... (4)
Leraar Basisonderwijs (4)
Leraar Biologie (4)
Leraar Engels (4)
Logistiek Management (4)
Managing New Retail (4)
Master Consultancy and... (4)
Nederlands (4)
Pedagogisch Educatief ... (4)
Sportmarketing (4)
Teacher Education in S... (4)
Tourism Management (4)
Vaktherapie (4)
Wiskunde (4)
Aardrijkskunde (3)
Ad Commerciële Econom... (3)
Ad Health & Social Wor... (3)
Ad Management (3)
Ad Management in de Zo... (3)
Automotive (3)
Bachelor Vertalen Spaa... (3)
Biomedisch Onderzoek (3)
Bouwkunde (3)
Crossmediale communica... (3)
Duits (3)
Elektrotechniek (3)
Elektrotechniek en Tec... (3)
Engineering (3)
Forensisch Laboratoriu... (3)
Fysiotherapie (3)
Gezondheidszorg Techno... (3)
Global Marketing en Sa... (3)
Haptonomisch Counselor (3)
Haptotherapeut (3)
Integraal Bouwmanageme... (3)
International & Europe... (3)
International Business... (3)
International Business... (3)
KOP-opleiding (3)
Leraar Aardrijkskunde (3)
Leraar Frans (3)
Leraar Geschiedenis (3)
Level Up (3)
Logistics Engineering (3)
Maatschappijleer (3)
Management (3)
Marketing of Social Bu... (3)
Mechatronica (3)
Mondzorgkunde (3)
Natuurkunde (3)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (3)
Sociaal Werk in de Zor... (3)
Teacher Education in G... (3)
Toegepaste Biologie (3)
Tolk Nederlandse Gebar... (3)
Watermanagement (3)
Ad Diermanagement (2)
Ad Integraal BouwManag... (2)
Ad Logistiek Managemen... (2)
Ad Maintenance & Mecha... (2)
Ad Smart technology (2)
Ad Sociaal Financiële... (2)
Algemene Economie (2)
Algemene- en Bedrijfse... (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Duit... (2)
Bachelor Vertalen Enge... (2)
Biobased Chemie (2)
Biobased Chemische Tec... (2)
Biologie (2)
Bos- en Natuurbeheer (2)
Chemische Productinnov... (2)
Commercieel Management (2)
Creative Business (2)
Evenementen & Hotelman... (2)
Farmakunde (2)
Food en Pharma (2)
Forensisch Chemisch On... (2)
Frans (2)
Learning and Developme... (2)
Maintenance & Mechanic... (2)
Maritiem Officier (2)
Master Begeleidingskun... (2)
Master Human-centered ... (2)
Master Leren en Innove... (2)
Master in Internationa... (2)
Mens en Techniek - Gez... (2)
Milieukunde (2)
Podotherapie (2)
Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (2)
Sales & Accountmanagem... (2)
Smart technology (2)
Tandprothetiek (2)
Teacher Education in E... (2)
Vastgoed en Makelaardi... (2)
Verloskunde (2)
Paperback (1135)
Hardcover (212)
Spiral bound (4)
Nederlands (898)
Engels (434)
Frans (14)
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Wolters Kluwer Nederla... (136)
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Business Contact (34)
Elsevier (34)
Coutinho (33)
Boom uitgevers Den Haa... (31)
Pearson Benelux B.V. (29)
Macmillan (26)
Vakmedianet (26)
Boom Beroepsonderwijs (25)
SAGE (23)
Bohn Stafleu van Loghu... (22)
Oxford University Pres... (22)
Van Duuren Media (21)
Wiley (18)
McGraw-Hill (17)
Open Press Tilburg Uni... (16)
Koninklijke Van Gorcum (15)
SWP (13)
Van Dale (13)
Mediawerf (9)
Acco (8)
Springer Nature B.V. (8)
ThiemeMeulenhoff bv (8)
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Didier (7)
Lannoo (7)
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Difusion (6)
O'Reilly (6)
Penguin (6)
Uitgeverij Educatief (6)
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Edufocus (5)
Expertboek (5)
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Bloomsbury Publishing (4)
Brave New Books (4)
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Primavera (2)
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Querido (2)
Rowman & Littlefield (2)
STC Publishing (2)
Ten Brink Uitgevers (2)
Tricht, Uitgeverij Van (2)
Uitgeverij Mens! (2)
Uitgeverij Paris B.V. (2)
VU University Press (2)
Van Haren Publishing (2)
Vrijdag, Uitgeverij (2)
WW Norton & Co (2)
Wolters Kluwer Health (2)
Z&K (2)

Studieboeken (1367)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards / 6th edition

2022 || Cards || John T. Hansen || Elsevier

Learn, review, and self-test with these bestselling flash cards! Fun, fast, and in full color, Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards are a portable study tool for a solid foundation in the anatomy you need to know for coursework and exams. Each card presents art by Dr. Frank H. Netter (with several paintings by Dr.Carlos Machado), numbered labels with hidden answers for self-quizzing, and concise comments and clinical notes.

Cards provide a quick, focused review of anatomy terms and high-yield synops...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance / 11th ISE-edition

2022 || Paperback || Richard Brealey e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Brealey, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 11e, is an introduction to corporate finance focusing on how companies invest in real assets, how they raise the money to pay for the investments, and how those assets ultimately affect the firm's value. It also provides a broad overview of the financial landscape. The book offers a framework for systematically thinking about most of the important financial problems that both firms and individuals are likely to confront: financial management is impo...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Social Work Law / 5th edition

2022 || Paperback || Alison Brammer || Pearson || ook als eBook

'This detailed and informative textbook's articulate, precise and accessible style allows students to grasp the basics of social work law. As such, it should be required reading for all student social workers.'Dr Kenneth McLaughlin, Manchester Metropolitan University "This is an excellent social work law text, which ... has been my core text for my teaching for 14 years.

It is an excellent resource in terms of identifying case law ...and [for] exercises/case studies that can be used to suppor...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

International Finance / 12th Global Edition

Theory and Policy

2022 || Paperback || Paul Krugman e.a. || Pearson

Thistitle is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has workedclosely with educators around the world to include content which is especiallyrelevant to students outside the United States. For courses in international economics, international finance, andinternational trade. A balanced, global approach to economic theory and policyapplications

International Economics: Theory and Policy providesengaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications oftheory...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

International Management / 10th Global Edition

Managing Across Borders and Cultures,Text and Cases

2022 || Paperback || Helen Deresky || Pearson

For courses in international business, international management, and general management. Management around the world: business strategies and interpersonal skills. Companies that operate overseas conduct business across a multitude of different cultures, languages, traditions, and a range of economic, political, and technological landscapes.

With this in mind, International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, 10th Edition explores the challenges managers may face along with how ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Microeconomics, GE / 14th Edition

2022 || Paperback || Michael Parkin || Pearson

Microeconomics gets you to think like an economist by incorporating the latest policy, data and discussions on important global issues. The 14th Edition emphasizes real-world applications, the development of critical-thinking skills, diagrams renowned for their pedagogy and clarity, and path-breaking technology. Hallmark features in the chapter openings and endings encourage you to think critically about a news article relating to the issue, demonstrating how thinking like an economist can br...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

C How to Program / 9th Global Edition

With case studies introducing Applications Programming and Systems Programming

2022 || Paperback || Paul Deitel e.a. || Pearson

This print textbook is available for you to rent for your classes. The Pearson print rental program provides you with affordable access to learning materials, so you go to class ready to succeed. C How to Program is a user-friendly, code-intensive introduction to C programming with case studies introducing applications and system programming.

Like other texts of the Deitels' How to Program series, the book's modular presentation serves as a detailed beginner source of information for college ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Public Finance and Public Policy (International Edition)

2022 || Paperback || Jonathan Gruber || Macmillan

Think clearly about problem, policy and politics

This textbook is guided by the author’s contagious belief that at no other time has it been so important to know the facts, to distinguish facts from falsehoods, and to be thinking clearly about problem, policy, and politics. Gruber covers the fundamentals of public finance with an emphasis on responses to Covid-19, highlighting the variety of decisions that the government had to make and the controversies they engendered. Based on rigorous t...

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HBR Guide to Better Business Writing (HBR Guide Series)

Engage Readers, Tighten and Brighten, Make Your Case

2022 || Paperback || Bryan A. Garner || Harvard Business Review Press

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

How Mediation Works

Theory, Research, and Practice

2022 || Paperback || Stephen B. Goldberg || Emerald Publishing Limited || ook als eBook

How Mediation Works will introduce management and law students as well as businesses to this art of conflict resolution from the behavioral perspective, while also providing a valuable resource to continuing education programs, mediation training, and lawyers to familiarize clients with the mediation process.