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Pedagogisch Educatief ... (4)
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International Business... (3)
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Bedrijfsmanagement MKB... (2)
Communication and Mult... (2)
Creative Business (2)
Electrical and Electro... (2)
Finance, Tax and Advic... (2)
Geschiedenis (2)
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Haptotherapeut (2)
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Leraar Omgangskunde (2)
Logistics Engineering (2)
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Mechatronica (2)
Medische Hulpverlening (2)
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Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeli... (2)
Safety and Security Ma... (2)
Sociaal Financieel Die... (2)
Sociaal Werk in de Zor... (2)
Teacher Education in G... (2)
Technische Natuurkunde (2)
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De Arbeiderspers (2)
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Management algemeen (58)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (36)
Economie en bedrijf al... (29)
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Privaatrecht en mediat... (12)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (12)
Taalkunde (11)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (10)
Filosofie algemeen (9)
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Biologie algemeen (5)
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Exacte vakken en infor... (5)
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Onderwijskunde (5)
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Welzijnswerk (5)
(Instrumentele) vaardi... (4)
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Didactiek (4)
Farmacie;farmacotherap... (4)
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Logopedie (3)
Medische handboeken (p... (3)
Mens en maatschappij H... (3)
Naslagwerken algemeen (3)
Non-fictie informatief... (3)
Orthopedagogiek (3)
Psychiatrie (3)
Strafrecht en procesre... (3)
Taalonderwijskunde (3)
Theologie algemeen (3)
Wiskunde algemeen (3)
Aardwetenschappen alge... (2)
Accountancy en adminis... (2)
Basisschool (2)
Bedrijfseconomie (2)
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Bouwkunst, architectuu... (2)
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Economie, recht en bed... (2)
Franse taal, letterkun... (2)
Gezondheid algemeen (2)
Grammatica, lexicograf... (2)
Internationaal (publie... (2)
Kunst algemeen (2)
Management algemeen|Ma... (2)
Natuurkunde algemeen (2)
Ontwikkelingspsycholog... (2)
Paramedisch algemeen (2)
Programmeertalen (2)
Rouwverwerking (2)
Sociaal ruimtelijke we... (2)
Spiritualiteit (2)

Studieboeken (809)

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

How to Implement Evidence-Based Healthcare

2023 || Paperback || Trisha Greenhalgh || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

From the author of the bestselling introduction to evidence-based medicine, this brand new title makes sense of the complex and confusing landscape of implementation science, the role of research impact, and how to avoid research waste.

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Elements of Robotics / Druk 1

2017 || Paperback || Mordechai Ben-Ari e.a.

This open access book bridges the gap between playing with robots in school and studying robotics at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels to prepare for careers in industry and research. Robotic algorithms are presented formally, but using only mathematics known by high-school and first-year college students, such as calculus, matrices and probability. Concepts and algorithms are explained through detailed diagrams and calculations.

Elements of Robotics presents an overview of differen...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

The History of Economic Ideas : Economic Thought in Contemporary Context

Economic Thought in Contemporary Context

2024 || Paperback || USA) Brandon (Western Washington University Dupont || Taylor & Francis

The global financial crisis has drawn attention to the importance of understanding historical ideas and learning lessons from the past. However, it can sometimes be difficult to trace the connections between old ideas and modern day issues. This textbook traces the evolution of economic ideas from the ancient to the modern world by examining the contributions of the most important scholars to some of the most important ideas in economics.

The History of Economic Ideas surveys topics that are ...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Introduction to Statistics with SPSS

A guide to the processing, analysing and reporting of (research) data

2017 || Hardcover || Ben Baarda e.a.

Introduction to Statistics with SPSS offers an introduction to statistics that can be used before, during or after a course on statistics. Covering a wide range of terms and techniques, including simple and multiple regressions, this book guides the student to enter data from a simple research project into a computer, provide an adequate analysis of the data and present a report on the findings.

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Policy Analysis / 6th edition

Concepts and Practice

2017 || Paperback || David Weimer e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Often described as a public policy “bible,” Weimer and Vining remains the essential primer it ever was. Now in its sixth edition, Policy Analysis provides a strong conceptual foundation of the rationales for and the limitations to public policy. It offers practical advice about how to do policy analysis, but goes a bit deeper to demonstrate the application of advanced analytical techniques through the use of case studies.

Updates to this edition include:A chapter dedicated to distinguishi...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Duden - Das Stilwörterbuch

2017 || Duden

Mit diesem Duden-Wörterbuch formulieren Sie stilsicher und ausdrucksstark. Zu jedem Stichwort werden insgesamt mehr als 100.000 richtige Verknüpfungen, Redensarten, feste Wortverbindungen und typische Beispiele gegeben, die Ihnen helfen, sprachlich immer ins Schwarze zu treffen.

Sind Sie nicht mehr sicher, ob man nur "einen Zeitrahmen" oder auch den "verfügbaren Platz" "sprengen" kann? Ob man "in" oder "im Einklang" mit der Natur lebt? Oder ob etwas "identisch zu" oder auch "mit" etwas and...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Urban Geography / 5th edition

2017 || Paperback || Tim Hall e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This revised fifth edition not only examines the new geographical patterns forming within and between cities, but also investigates the way geographers have sought to make sense of this urban transformation. It is structured into three sections: 'contexts', 'themes' and 'issues' that move students from a foundation in urban geography through its major themes to contemporary and pressing issues. The text critically synthesizes key literatures in the following areas:

- the urban world

- changin...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Duden - Die deutsche Rechtschreibung 1 / 29. Auflage

2017 || 2024 || Dudenredaktion || Duden

Der neue Duden 2024! Erfahren Sie alles über die rechtschreiblichen Änderungen und entdecken Sie den Wortschatz der deutschen Sprache!

- Rund 151.000 Stichwörter, davon 3000 Neuaufnahmen

- Auf der Basis des überarbeiteten Amtlichen Regelwerks von 2024

- Informationen zu Grammatik, Aussprache, Bedeutung der Stichwörter

- Mit der Dudenempfehlung, wenn mehrere Schreibvarianten möglich sind

- Hilfe beim Lösen von Zweifelsfällen

- Hinweise zum geschlechtergerechten Sprachgebrauch


Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Édito niveau B2 livrede l'élève

2017 || Paperback || Mabilat || Groupe Hatier International

-Une grande liberté et une souplesse d’utilisation

-Un entraînement spécifique à la grammaire du discours et aux champs lexicaux

-Un fort ancrage interculturel

-Une grande variété de documents authentiques issus des médias

-Une perspective actionnelle qui favorise l’autonomie et développe les capacités de communication

+ Le CD mp3 : des documents authentiques à fort contenu culturel

+ Le DVD : des vidéos d’une grande variété de genres et de sources (reportages, films, docu...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

An Introduction to Statistical Learning

with Application in R

2017 || Hardcover || Gareth James e.a. || Springer-Verlag

An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged in fields ranging from biology to finance to marketing to astrophysics in the past twenty years. This book presents some of the most important modeling and prediction techniques, along with relevant applications. Topics include linear regression, classification, resampling methods, shrinkage appr...